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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bela Puspita Dalimi
Abstrak :
Dalam ilmu kedokteran, demi tercapai keselamatan pasien maka tindakan medis harus sesuai dengan evidence based medicine (EBM) berdasarkan uji klinik. Namun, kerap kali tenaga medis menerapkan tindakan medis tanpa uji klinik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai pengaturan dan penerapan uji klinik terhadap tindakan medis, serta pertanggungjawaban hukum tenaga medis yang melakukan tindakan medis tanpa uji klinik ditinjau dari hukum kesehatan Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunankan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif, dimana menitikberatkan pada studi kepustakaan sebagai data utamanya serta wawacara dan studi dokumen yang berfungsi untuk melengkapi serta menunjang data kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis. Dalam hukum positif Indonesia, belum ada pengaturan mengenai penerapan uji klinik terhadap tindakan medis secara khusus. Adapun pedoman penerapan uji klinik terhadap tindakan medis ialah International Conference on Harmonization-Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP) yang tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum. Tenaga medis yang melakukan tindakan medis tanpa uji klinik, maka ia telah melakukan pelanggaran disiplin karena tidak bertindak sesuai standar profesi kedokteran, pengetahuan, pengalaman, danĀ  kualifikasinya. Sehingga, diperlukan pengaturan secara khusus mengenai uji klinik terhadap tindakan medis serta diperlukan perubahan atas sifat Majelis Kehormatan Disiplin Kedokteran Indonesia yang sebelumnya bersifat pasif menjadi aktif agar dapat mengusut penerapan tindakan medis tanpa uji klinik sebagai pelanggaran disiplin, meskipun tidak ada pengaduan sebelumnya.
In medical science, in order to achieve patient safety, medical treatment must be in accordance with evidence based medicine (EBM) based on clinical trials. However, often medical personnel apply medical treatment without clinical trials. This study aims to discuss the regulation and application of clinical trials on medical treatment, as well as the legal responsibility of medical personnel who carry out medical treatment without clinical trials in terms of Indonesian health law. This study uses a juridical-normative research method, which focuses on the study of literature as the main data as well as interviews and document studies that serve to supplement and support library data. The results of this study are descriptive analytical. In Indonesian positive law, there are no regulations regarding the application of clinical trials to medical treatment specifically. The guidelines for the implementation of clinical trials on medical measures are the International Conference on Harmonization-Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP) which has no legal force. Medical personnel who carry out medical actions without clinical trials, they have committed disciplinary violations because they do not act according to medical professional standards, knowledge, experience, and qualifications. Thus, special regulation are needed regarding clinical trials of medical treatments and changes the trait of the Indonesian Medical Disciplinary Board (MKDKI) are needed from passive to active, in order to be able to investigate the application of medical treatment without clinical trials as disciplinary violations, even though there were no previous complaints.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jayapura: Propinsi Irian Jaya , 1992
362.1 IND m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Thoyib
Abstrak :
Dewasa ini keberhasilan rumah saldt diukur dalam memberikan pelayanan yang bermutu. Mum pelayanan pada alchimya dihubungkan dengan kepuasan kepada pasien_ Kepuasan pasien dilihat dari harapan dan kebutuhan terhadap pelayanan yang mereka terima. Penulisan tesis ini bertujuan untuk mendapakan informasi tentang mutu pelayanan, dengan indikator kepuasan pasien dalam hubungannya dengan aspek pelayanan dokter, pelayanan perawat, administrasi keuangan dan kenyamanan. selain itu ditinjau pengaruh karakteristik pasien yaitu usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, pekeijaan, pengetahuan, ternpat tinggal (iarak tempuh), penghasilan, pengalaman di RS lain dan penanggung biaya. Adanya berbagai keluhan maupun kritikan terhadap pelayanan yang mendasari penelitian ini, Penclitian ini bcrsifat deskriptifanalitik kuantitatif cross sectional. Data primer didapat dari melalui kuosioner kepada 206 responden melalui wawancara, selama 25 hari kerja pada minggu ke 2 bulan mei sampai minggu kc 2 bulan juni 2008. Dari hasil penelitian didapat responden yang menyatakan puas terhadap selumh aspek pelayanan yang diteliti sebanyak 59.7% Dari aspck pelayanan dan karakteristik pasien temyata aspek kebersihan - kenyamanan, jarak tempuh, penghasilan dan pengalaman di RS lain mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kepuasan pasien.
Nowadays the hospital success is measured in present ate quality service. The quality service is related to the patient satisfaction. The Patient satisfaction is seen on expectation and the need to service that they accept. The put-posed of this thesis to find out the information about the quality service, with patients satisfactory indicator in its relationship with nursing aspect as doctor, nurse service, financial administration and convenience. besides to measure influence on patient characteristic which is age, gender, education, occupation, knowledge, address (distance), welfare, experience at any other hospital and the insurer cost. The research performed basely by various complaint and also criticism to musing service. This research was analytic descriptive and cross sectional quantitative. Primary data collected through by questioner to 206 respondents through interviews, up to 25 working days on the second week on May until the second week on June 2008. The research result found the respondent declares for feeling pleasant to all service aspect which is analyzed as 59.7%. From service aspect and patient characteristic apparently hygiene - convenience aspect, distance, welfare and experience at any other hospital have influence to patient satisfaction. Experience aspect at any other hospital most dominant regard influence patient satisfaction (OR = 4,0l3).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Rahayu
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh kepuasan pasien terhadap kunjungan ulang secara analitik kuantitatif dengan desain prospective cohort dilengkapi pendekatan kualitatif. Pengambilan sampel dengan consecutive sampling. Informan terdiri dari Direktur, kepala instalasi, dokter spesialis paru, perawat, dan pasien, Tingkat kepuasan pasien sebesar 88,59% clan kunjungan ulang 75,5%. Dimensi Reliability, Responsiveness, dan kepuasan total berhubungan signifikan dengan kunjugan ulang. Pada analisis multivariat tidak ada variabel perancu hubungan kepuasan dengan kunjungan ulang. Disarankan melengkapi penunjuk arah, optimalisasi Poliklinik DOTS, penyusunan SOP informasi dan komunikasi, penyimpanan berkas rekam medik disatukan dengan foto rontgent, alat komunikasi supaya bisa langsung terhubung ke semua bagian tanpa melalui operator. ......This thesis discusses the influence of patient satisfaction to re-visit with the quantitative and qualitative analytical approach, prospective cohort design. Sampling with consecutive sampling. Informants consisted of Director, head of the installation, tuberculosis specialist doctors, nurses, and patients. Level of patient satisfaction of 88.59% and 75.5% re-visit. Dimensions of Reliability, Responsiveness, and total satisfaction have significant associated with re-visit. In the multivariate analysis does not have confounding variable relationship satisfaction with the re-visit. Recommended a complete way, optimaliz.ation Clinic DOTS, SOP preparation of information and communication, medical record storage file together with image rontgent, means of communication that can be directly connected to all parts without going through the operator.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silverman, Jonathan
Abstrak :
The Third Edition is one of two companion books on improving communication in medicine which together provide a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning communication skills throughout all levels of medical education in both specialist and family medicine. Since their publication, the first edition of this book and its companion, Teaching and Learning Communication Skills in Medicine, have become texts in communication skills teaching. This substantially expanded third edition has been fully updated in relation to the current literature and revised to reflect the explosion of research on healthcare communication since the second edition was published in 2004. It incorporates considerable evidence in support of the skills of the Calgary-Cambridge Guides, offering a comprehensive and now even more evidence-based delineation of the skills that make a difference when communicating with patients. It explores the specific skills of doctor-patient communication and provides wide-ranging evidence of the improvement that those skills can make to health outcome and everyday clinical practice. It is unique in providing a secure platform of core skills which represent the foundations of doctor-patient communication
London: CRC Press, 2013
610.696 SIL s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1975
362.104 25 HUM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johnson, Julie K.
Abstrak :
This compendium of case studies on patient safety - told from the perspective of the patient and family - illustrates 24 stories of preventable health care errors that led to irreparable patient harm. The reader is guided through a structured analysis of the events, eliciting lessons learned and strategies for preventing similar events in the future. Learning objectives for each case facilitate the reader's development of a set of core competencies related to improving safety and quality of health care. Contents
Burlington, MA : Jones and Bartlett Publishers , 2016
610.289 JON c
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library