"Proceedings from the only conference on medical devices that brings together scientists and product, research, design and development engineers from around the globe to present the latest developments in materials, processes, product performance and new technologies for medical/dental devices.
This volume includes contributions from the world?s foremost experts from academia, industry, and national laboratories involved in cardiac, vascular, neurological, and orthopaedic implants, dental devices, and surgical instrumentation/devices.
Materials addressed include biomedical alloys (stainless steels, titanium alloys, cobalt-chromium alloys, nickel-titanium alloys, noble and refractory metals) biopolymers, bioceramics, surface coatings, and nanomaterials.
Topics covered include: degradation, wear fracture, corrosion, processing, biomimetics, biocompatibility, bioelectric phenomena and electrode behavior, surface engineering, and cell-material interactions.