ABSTRAKPasangan suami isteri yang melakukan perkawinan campuran seringkali tidak
memperhatikan akibat hukum dari perkawinan campuran tersebut, khususnya terhadap
harta bersama. Untuk melindungi diri pribadi dan agar di kemudian hari konsekuensi
hukum atas suatu perbuatan hukum dapat dipertanggungjawabkan oleh masing-masing
pihak sehingga tidak melibatkan harta yang dimilikinya, hendaknya pasangan yang
melakukan perkawinan campuran membuat perjanjian kawin. Perjanjian kawin sebelum
adanya Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 69/PUU-XIII/2015, sesuai Pasal 29 ayat
(1) Undang-Undang Perkawinan hanya dapat dibuat pada saat atau sebelum perkawinan
dilangsungkan. Pada studi kasus Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Daerah Khusus Ibukota
Jakarta Nomor 613/PDT/2017/PT.DKI, pasangan suami isteri tersebut sempat membuat
perjanjian kawin yang dibuat pada Notaris di Indonesia, setelah perkawinan
dilangsungkan di Australia, namun kemudian perjanjian kawin tersebut batal demi
hukum. Penulis mengadakan penelitian atas kasus tersebut dengan jenis penelitian
yuridis normatif dan sifat penelitiannya deskriptif analitis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian,
Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa implikasi hukum atas pembatalan perjanjian kawin
menyebabkan seperti dari semula tidak pernah ada suatu perjanjian. Oleh karenanya
dalam perkawinan campuran tersebut terdapat harta bersama yang harus dibagi antara
suami isteri setelah perkawinan berakhir karena perceraian yakni masing-masing 50%
(lima puluh persen) atau setengah bagian dari harta bersama.
ABSTRACTMarried couples who do a mixed marriage often do not pay attention to the legal
consequences of the mixed marriage, especially for joint property. To protect oneself
and so that in the future the legal consequences of a legal action can be accounted for by
each party so that it does not involve the assets they own, couples who have to make a
mixed marriage make a marriage agreement. Marriage agreement before the
Constitutional Court Decision Number 69/PUU-XIII/2015, in accordance with Article
29 paragraph (1) of the Marriage Law can only be made during or before the marriage
takes place. In the case study of the Decision of the High Court of the Special Capital
Region of Jakarta Number 613/PDT/2017/PT.DKI, the couple made a marriage
agreement made to a notary in Indonesia, after the marriage took place in Australia, but
then the marriage agreement was null and void. . The author conducted research on
these cases with a type of normative juridical research and the nature of the research
was analytical descriptive. Based on the results of the study, the author concludes that
the legal implications of the cancellation of the marriage agreement cause that from the
beginning there was never an agreement. Therefore, in a mixed marriage there is a Joint
asset which must be divided between husband and wife after the marriage ends due to
divorce, each of which is 50% fifty percent or half of the joint property.