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Muhammad Marzuki
Abstrak :
Hutan mangrove merupalan ekosistem hutan yang khas terutama karena posisinya sebagai peralihan antara ekosistem darat dan ekosistem taut. Kondisi lingkungan fisiknya yang sangat khusus menyebabkan ekosistem mangrove memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang terbatas dan ekosistem ini sangat rentan terhadap adanya pengaruh luar terutama karena species biota pada hutan mangrove memiliki toleransi yang sempit terhadap adanya perubahan dari luar. Hutan mangrove di Indonesia saat ini tinggal 3,24 juta hektar (Yayasan Mangrove, 1993). Sulawesi Tengah salah satu propinsi yang memiliki luas hutan mangrove hanya 28.000 ha, namun ancaman untuk eksploitasi menjadi tambak dan kegiatan Iainnya cukup tinggi. Hutan mangrove di Banawa Selatan yang luasnya 1167 hektar pada tahun 1973 dan pada tahun 1998 tersisa 167 hektar. Penurunan jumlah tersebut disebabkan beberapa faktor yakni :
  1. Konversi hutan mangrove
    Kawasan pesisir Banawa Selatan yang ditumbuhi oleh hutan mangrove telah di dikonversi menjadi tambak udang dan ikan bandeng.
  2. Areal Permukiman
    Bertambahnya jumlah penduduk baik karena pertumbuhan alamiah maupun karena migrasi telah mendorong meningkatnya permintaan akan areal permukiman.
  3. Sistem Pertanian
    Sistem pertanian yang dikembangkan di Banawa Selatan sangat variatif mulai dari perladangan berpindah, pertanian menetap, maupun pertanian tambak telah mendorong meningkatnya tekanan terhadap hutan mangrove.
  4. Pengelolaan tataguna lahan
    Pengelolaan tataguna lahan yang tidak memperhitungkan daya dukung dan kesesuaiannya, telah menyebabkan zona lindung pun telah berubah fungsi menjadi areal permukiman dan pertanian.
  5. Perubahan struktur mata pencaharian
    Perubahan struktur mata pencaharian dialami oleh etnik Kaili Da'a dan Kaili Unde sebagai peladang dan nelayan tradisional menjadi petani tambak, menyebabkan degradasi hutan mangrove terus meningkat.
Kelima faktor tersebut menjadi dasar pertimbangan penulis melakukan penelitian dengan judul Perubahan Pofa Adaptasi Etnik Kaili Dalam Pengelolaan Mangrove, Studi kasus etnik Kalil Data dan Kaili Unde di Banawa Selatan, Kabupaten Donggala, Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Maksud dilaksanakannya penelitian ini untuk menyusun tesis sebagai salah satu syarat mendapatkan gelar Magister Sain (M.Si) Ilmu Lingkungan pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia. Tujuan utama yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah urrtuk memperoleh gambaran kaitan antara perubahan pola adaptasi dan degradasi hutan mangrove, serta menghasilkan suatu konsep pengelolaan hutan mangrove yang berkelanjutan di Banawa Selalan. Gambaran hubungan perubahan pola adaptasi etnik Kaili dalam pengelolaan hutan mangrove di Banawa Selatan dan pola pengelolaan hutan mangrove yang berkelanjutan sebagai berikut :
  1. Hubungan perubahan pola adaptasi dengan eksploitasi hutan mangrove. Eksploitasi hutan mangrove terjadi pada akhir tahun 1970-an dan mencapai puncaknya pada awal 1990-an, ini terjadi karena masuknya kaum migran Bugis, Toraja dan Mandar yang mulai memanfaatkan hutan mangrove sebagai kawasan pemukiman dan areal tambak. Sementara bagi etnik Kaili hutan mangrove adalah kawasan yang terlarang untuk kegiatan pertanian dan permukiman, sebab ada nilai magis yang dikandungnya. Namun akibat proses interaksi dengan kaum migrant, lambat laun etnik Kaili mulai terlibat memanfaatkan hutan mangrove untuk pemukiman dan kegiatan pertanian tambak.
  2. Penabahan pola adaptasi terhadap perubahan fungsi hutan menjadi lahan permukiman.
    Konsepsi etnik Kaili Da'a dan Kaili Uncle yang memagiskan kawasan hutan mangrove untuk kegiatan permukiman berubah, bersamaan dengan masuknya kaum migran Bugis, Toraja dan Mandar yang telah memanfaatkan hutan mangrove untuk perrnukiman tetapi tidak mengalami gangguan apa pun seperti wabah penyakit.
  3. Perubahan pola adaptasi terhadap sistem pertanian. Erik Kaili Da'a dan Kaili Linde adalah peladang dan nelayan tradisional yang cenderung menjauhi hutan mangrove sebagai csmber mata pencaharian.
    Perubahan terjadi saat ini peladang menjadi petani tambak, maka yang terjadi adalah sistem perladangan tebang-bakar ditransformasikan dalam kegiatan pertanian tambak.
  4. Perubahan pola adaptasi dengan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan.
    Berubahnya mata pencaharian dari peladang dan nelayan tradisional menyebabkan meningkatnya pendapatan dan kesejahteraan etnik Kalil Da'a dan Kaili Uncle pada sisi yang lain menjadi faktor penekan yang potensial terhadap eksploitasi hutan mangrove karena meningkatnya pendapatan akan meningkat pula akses modal terhadap hutan mangrove.
  5. Sistem Empang Parit sebagai bentuk pengelolaan hutan mangrove yang berkelanjutan.
    Berangkat dari empat fenomena yang tergambar di atas, maka penerapan sistem empang parit, yakni suatu model empang/tambak yang tetap mempertahankan ekosistem mangrove antara 30 -- 70 % peneliti yakin dapat mempertahankan ekosistem mangrove yang ada, serta dapat mempertahankan fungsi daya dukung dari hutan mangrove baik dari sudut fisik ekologis maupun dari fungsi sosial ekonominya.
Berdasarkan temuan tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
  1. Ekosistem hutan mangrove yang ada di lokasi penelitian telah mengalami penurunan luasan dari 1167 hektar pada tahun 1973, tersisa 167 hektar pada tahun 1998.
  2. Perubahan lingkungan hutan mangrove menjadi areal budidaya tambak udang dan bandeng oleh para migran merupakan salah satu faktor perubahan pola adaptasi etnik Kaili Da'a dan Kaili Unde. Perubahan pola adaptasi tersebut dalam hal memanfaatkan hutan tidak hanya sebagai sumber bahan ramuan rumah tinggal, namun diolah menjadi areal tambak.
  3. Cara pandang dan persepsi tentang kawasan hutan mangrove yang tidak lagi magis, salah satu faktor perubahan pola adaptasi etnik Kaili Da'a dan Kaili Unde dari menjauhi kawasan hutan mangrove menjadi memanfaatkan kawasan hutan mangrove untuk pemukiman.
  4. Perubahan pola adaptasi etnik Kaili Da'a dan Kalil Unde juga terjadi pada sistem budidaya perladangan yang berpindah-pindah menjadi petani menetap baik pada sistem budidaya teresterial maupun pada sistem budidaya aquatik.
  5. Peningkatan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan menjadi faktor daya tarik bagi etnik lokal untuk memanfaatkan hutan mangrove yang berasal dari pembagian hak ulayat seluas 2 (dua) hektar, sebagai sumber pendapatan dan ekonomi keluarga.
  6. Untuk mencegah berlanjutnya konversi hutan mangrove menjadi areal pertambakan yang tidak ramah lingkungan, maka penerapan sistem pengelolaan tambak yang ramah Iingkungan mendesak untuk dilaksanakan.
Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut disarankan untuk :
  1. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Donggala perlu segera mendata kembali luas kawasan yang tersisa, selanjutnya mengeluarkan peraturan daerah tentang penetapan kawasan lindung pada kawasan yang tersisa tersebut.
  2. Segera menerapkan sistern budidaya empang parit (silvofishery) pada kawasan yang telah berubah menjadi areal tambak.
  3. Meningkatkan peran lembaga adat bagi masyarakat lokal setempat.
  4. Perlu dilakukan suatu studi antropologis yang Iebih komprehensif, terutama menyangkut nilai dan tradisi masyarakat setempat.

Change in Adaptation Patterns in Mangrove Management.Mangrove forest is a special forest ecosystem due to, mainly, its position as a transition zone between terresterial ecosystem and a marine ecosystem. Its special physical environmental conditions have caused the mangrove ecosystem to possess limited biodiversity. This ecosystem is very susceptible to the presence of external influences, especially since the biota species in the mangrove forest have limited tolerant changes from outside. Mangrove forests in Indonesia currently cover 3,24 million hectares (Yayasan Mangove, 1993). Central Sulawesi is one of the provinces that has mangrove forests, about 28.000 hectares, but exploitation by conversion to fishponds and other activities is quite high. South Banawa had 1167 hectares of mangrove, but when this research was conducted only 167 hectares remained. This decrease is due to some factors as follows :
  1. Conversion.
    The coastal area of South Banawa planted to mangrove forest has been changed into areas of milk fish and shrimp ponds.
  2. Settlement Area.
    Increasing population both naturally and by migration has led to an expansion of settlement area.
  3. Agriculture System.
    The agriculture system in South Banawa including shifting cultivation, permanent cultivation and fish pond culture, has led to increased pressure on the mangrove forest.
  4. Land Use Management.
    Land use management without concern for its carrying capacity has caused the alteration of protected areas into settlement and agriculture areas.
  5. The alteration of livelihood source structure.
    The conversion of the Kaili Da'a and Kalil Unde peoples from field farmer and traditional fishers to fish pond farmers has degraded the mangrove forest significantly.
This research was aimed at descriptively obtaining the relationship between change of adaptation patterns and mangrove forest degradation and to produce a concept of sustainable mangrove forest management for South Banawa. Changes in the adaptation patterns of the Kaili people in mangrove management can be described as follows :
  1. The relationship between changes of adaptation pattern with mangrove forest exploitation :
    The exploitation of mangrove forests has occurred since the end of the 1970's and reached its peak in the early of 1990's. This Is caused by the coming of Bug is, Toraja and Mandar people to South Banawa where they converted mangrove Forest into settlements and fish pond. For the Kalil people the mangrove forest was considered forbidden for any activity including agriculture and settlement However, through the interaction process between them and the newcomer groups they slowly have become involved in converting mangrove forests into settlement and fishpond areas.
  2. Change of adaptation pattern in the change of forest function into settlement area :
    The concept of Kalil Da'a and Kalil Untie people, who originally considered the mangrove forest as a forbidden zone, has changed simultaneously with the coming of Bugis, Toraja and Mandar ethnic groups to South Banawa. These newcomer groups have converted mangrove forests into settlement areas without ever experiencing any problems such as disease epidemics.
  3. Change of adaptation pattern in agriculture systems :
    Kaili Da'a and Kalil Untie people were farmers and traditional fishermen who tended to avoid the mangrove forests as their livelihood source but since they have been influenced by other ethnic groups, from they have converted cut-andbum farming to fishpond culture.
  4. Change of adaptation patterns with income and prosperity.
    Change of livelihood source from farming and traditional fishing has increased their income and prosperity but on the other hand this is a potential pressure factor on the existing mangrove forest.
  5. The application of the ditch-embankment (sllvofishery) system as one type of sustainable mangrove forest management.
    The application of the ditch-embankment system (a model of embankment that maintains 30-70 % of the original mangrove ecosystem) can preserve the existing mangrove ecosystem and its carrying capacity both ecologically or economically.
Based on the research result, it can be concluded that :
  1. Mangrove forest in the research field has decreased its width from 1167 hectares in 1973 into 167 hectares in 1998.
  2. Change of physic environment has caused Kalil Da'a and Kaili Untie people after their adaptation pattern from exploiting mangrove forest as housing materials to becoming fish farmers that converting mangrove forest into open fishpond areas.
  3. The new perspective and perception of Kaili Da'a and Kaili Untie people about the mangrove forest zone, i.e. that the mangrove forest has no magic value, again hs pushed them to convert mangrove forest to settlement areas.
  4. Their relationship with Bugis, Toraja, Mandar and Javanese people since 20 years ago has stimulated the conversions of their cultivation system into fish pond farming in the mangrove forest.
  5. The increase of income and prosperity of Kaili Da'a and Kaili Untie people has raised pressure to exploit the existing natural resource including mangrove forests.
  6. To prevent the exploitation of mangrove forest continuously both by migrants and by local peoples, sustainable mangrove forest management with a ditch-embankment should be applied.
Therefore some suggestions are :
  1. The local government (Donggala Regency) must resurvey existing areas of mangrove forest and then make a regional regulation about protecting this area.
  2. The ditch-embankment system should be applied immediately within fish pond areas.
  3. Increase the role of custom any institutions in the area.
  4. Conduct a comprehensive anthropology study, focused on the culture system, a specially on local environmental knowledge and practices.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Study on mangrove forest in the coastal zone of Lampung bay,Province of lampung was carried out on March 12-30,2007 . The data was collected from 8 stationsm(Pidada bay,Limbungan,Puhawang Kecil Island,kalangan,Klagian Island,Kapuran,Ringgung and Hurun Bay) based on the transect method....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Mariam Osman
Abstrak :
Marine microalgae are among the flora that inhibits the mangrove area. They play an important role as the primary source of organic carbon in marine food web. However, very limited study on the mangrove-isolated microalgae, especially on the fatty acids. The objective of the current study was to determine the fatty acid composition in mangrove-isolated Chlorella strains. Seven mangrove-isolated Chlorella strains were cultured in F and F/2 media. Their growth and fatty acid composition were measured after the stationary growth phase. Results showed the growth varied among the strains. the cell density, cell biomass and fatty acid composition were influenced by the medium-strength. polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were detected in only four strains, the KS-MA1, KS- MA2, KS-MB2 and SE-MB1. the highest amount of PUFAs was obtained in the KS-MA2 (40.9 ± 0.8 % dry wt. in the F/2 medium and 35.4 ± 6.7 % dry wt. in the F medium) and in the KS-MB2 (37.6 ± 3.4 % dry wt. in the F/2 medium and 34.4 ± 4.8 % dry wt. in the F medium). the growth and productivity of Chlorella species were strains-dependent and regulated by the medium strength. thus, the production of fatty acids of interest from Chlorella might be manipulated by optimizing the culture conditions.
Trengganu: UMT, 2017
500 JSSM 12:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Senyawa lipid tak tersabunkan (non-saponifiable lipid/NSL) dari daun dan akar dua spesies mangrove sekresi, yaitu Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco dan Avicennia alba Bl, dua spesies mangrove non-sekresi, yaitu Acrostichum aureum L. dan Excoecaria agallocha L dianalisis dengan penekanan khusus pada triterpenoid dan fitosterol. Identifikasi triterpenoid dan fitosterol dikonfirmasi dengan perbandingan waktu retensi pada kolom GC dengan standar otentik dan interpretasi spectrum GC-MS. Triterpenoid dan fitosterol merupakan proporsi utama NSL. Triterpenoid dan fitosterol masing-masing terdiri dari 7 dan 4 senyawa. Triterpenoid merupakan konstituen terbesar dari spesies Ac. aureum dan Ae. corniculatum di jaringan daun dan akar, dan di akar spesies E. agallocha. Berbeda dengan spesies tersebut yang kaya kandungan triterpenoid, senyawa fitosterol relatif dominan dalam akar Av. alba. Spesies Av. alba dan E. agallocha di daun dibedakan dari spesies yang lain bahwa kedua spesies tersebut mengandung jumlah yang lebih besar dari senyawa fitol. Spesies Ae. corniculatum mengandung sejumlah besar konten betulin dan α-amyrin di akar, serta lupeol di akar spesies Av. alba. Keragaman dalam komposisi NSL tercatat dengan jenis mangrove untuk kedua jaringan daun dan akar, studi ini menyarankan bahwa komposisi NSL pada daun dan akar tumbuhan mangrove dapat digunakan sebagai karakter kemotaksonomi untuk membedakan spesies. ......Non-saponifiable lipid (NSL) of the fresh leaves and roots from two salt-secretor mangrove species, namely Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco and Avicennia alba Bl. and two non-secretor mangroves, i.e. Acrostichum aureum L. and Excoecaria agallocha L. was analyzed with special emphasize to triterpenoids and phytosterols. Identification of the triterpenoids and phytosterols was confirmed by comparison of their retention time on the GC column with those of authentic standards and on the interpretation of GC-MS spectra. Triterpenoids and phytosterols comprised the major proportion of NSL. The triterpenoids and phytosterols mainly consisted of 7 and 4 compounds. Triterpenoids were the largest constituent of Ac. aureum and Ae. corniculatum leaves and roots, and E. agallocha roots. In contrast to these triterpenoids-rich species, phytosterols were relatively dominant in the roots of Av. alba. The species of Av. alba and E.agallocha in the leaves were distinguished from the others in that both species contained a larger quantity of phytol. Ae. corniculatum contained a large amount of betulin and α-amyrin in the roots, as well as lupeol in the roots of Av. alba. The diversity in the NSL composition noted with mangrove species in both the leaves and roots suggested that NSL of mangrove leaves and roots can be used as chemot axonomical character to differentiate species.
Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Litter production is one of the major nutrient enrichments in a mangrove forest. Investigation on nutrient components in litter will lead to evaluation of nutrient accumulation. Therefore, this research aimed to 1) evaluate litter production in tropical mangrove forest at Klong Khone, Samut Songkhram province, Thailand; 2) investigate carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents in litter; and, 3) observe sediment quality and existing mangrove condition in the study area. Litter and sediment were collected at Klong Khone, Samut Songkhram province in September-October 2015. Litter samples were analyzed for biomass production, and composition of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Sediment samples were analyzed for pH, salinity, water content, grain size composition, organic carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Results showed that leaf, branch, and fruit litter production were 65.02, 47.94 and 19.03 g DW/m2/month, respectively. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus content in the litter were 20.36, 0.37 and 4.47 mg/g DW leaf litter, respectively. The value of pH, salinity and water content of sediment ranged from 6.66-7.50, 3.30-9.28 ppt and 52.24-69.65%, respectively. Sediment was composed of fine sand (0.125-1 mm) 7.68%, silt (0.06-0.125 mm) 6.13%, and clay (smaller than 0.06 mm) 86.19%. By using statistical analysis (t-test), results showed no difference of all parameters between months. However, during the research, it was found that organic carbon decreased 2.37 mg C/g DW sediment; meanwhile nitrogen and phosphorus increased 0.44 mg N and 0.12 mg P /g DW sediment, respectively. Finally, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation by litterfall were found to be 1877, 34 and 734 mg/m2/month, respectively. These results will help in clarifying nutrient dynamic pathway by mangrove trees which play an important role in coastal and estuarine ecosystem restoration.
[Place of publication not identified]: Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University. Faculty of Science and Technology, 2017
500 TIJST 22:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asti Citra Pertiwi
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai analisis kerapatan dan persebaran vegetasi mangrove menggunakan teknologi penginderaan jauh berlokasi di Pulau Tunda, Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten perlu dilakukan untuk memberikan informasi dan data ilmiah mengenai vegetasi mangrove di Pulau Tunda. Penelitian tersebut bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi spesies vegetasi mangrove, kerapatan vegetasi mangrove, dan zonasi vegetasi mangrove. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada 1--5 April 2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan antara lain purposive sampling, metode transek garis berpetak, dan pengolahan citra landsat 8 OLI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi mangrove sejati terdiri atas 9 spesies dari 7 famili, sedangkan mangrove asosiasi terdiri atas 9 spesies dari 8 famili. Kerapatan vegetasi mangrove berdasarkan transfomrasi NDVI (0,194) dan EVI (0,085) termasuk ke dalam kelas kerapatan mangrove jarang dan tingkat kesehatan mangrove rendah. Koefisien korelasi antara NDVI (0,147) dan EVI (0,007) dengan luas basal area berkolerasi positif tetapi tergolong rendah. Zonasi mangrove sejati yang paling dominan ialah 1) Rhizophora stylosa, 2) Excoecaria agallocha, dan 3) Sonneratia caseolaris, sedangkan zonasi mangrove asosiasi ialah 1) Pongamia pinnata, 2) Morinda citrifolia, dan 3) Pandanus odoratissima. Mangrove di Pulau Tunda memiliki kelas kerapatan jarang dan persebaran acak.
Research on analysis of the density and distribution of mangrove vegetation using remote sensing technology in Tunda Island, Serang Regency, Banten Province, was needed to give information and scientific data about mangrove vegetation in Tunda Island. The study aims to know species composition of mangrove vegetation, mangrove vegetation density, and mangrove vegetation zonation. The study was conducted on 1st -- April 5th, 2016. The method was used purposive sampling, partition line transect, and landsat satellite image 8 OLI processing. The results showed that true mangrove composition consist of 9 species from 7 families, while associate mangrove consist of 9 species from 8 families. Mangrove vegetation density based transformation of NDVI (0,194) and EVI (0,085) was considered as rare class of mangrove density and mangrove healthy as low grade. Correlation coefficient between NDVI (0,147) and EVI (0,007) with basal area was considered as positive correlation but low grade correlation. The most dominant zonation of true mangrove vegetation were 1) Rhizophora stylosa, 2) Excoecaria agallocaha, and 3) Sonneratia caseolaris, while zonation of associate mangrove were 1) Pongamia pinnata, 2) Morinda citrifolia, and 3) Pandanus odoratissima. Mangrove in Tunda Island has rare class of density and random distribution.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinda Mutha Selina
Abstrak :
Penelitian tentang struktur komunitas makrozoobentos dalam ekosistem mangrove telah dilakukan di Cilamaya Wetan, Karawang, Jawa Barat pada Mei 2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan struktur komunitas makrozoobentos seperti komposisi, kepadatan, keanekaragaman, kerataan, kerataan, dominansi, dan frekuensi kehadiran. . Tujuan lain adalah untuk menentukan hubungan antara kepadatan bakau dengan kepadatan dan keanekaragaman makrozoobentos di daerah tersebut. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling dan menggunakan metode transek kuadrat di tiga stasiun, yaitu Desa Muara Baru, Desa Tangkolak Barat, dan Desa Tangkolak Timur. Studi ini menemukan 16 jenis makrozoobentos dan 7 jenis bakau dengan kepadatan yang sangat padat (0,23-0,32 ind / m2). Kepadatan makrozoobentos tertinggi di Desa Tangkolak Barat (8 ind / m2) dan terendah di Desa Muara Baru (2 ind / m2). Keragaman makrozoobentos tergolong tinggi di Desa Tangkolak Barat dengan indeks 1,58 dan Desa Tangkolak Timur dengan indeks 2,05, sedangkan keragaman tergolong rendah di Desa Muara Baru dengan indeks 0,28. Distribusi makrozoobentos diklasifikasikan hampir terdistribusi secara merata di Desa Tangkolak Barat dan Desa Tangkolak Timur dengan indeks kegagangan masing-masing 0,88 dan 0,85, sementara itu didistribusikan secara merata di Desa Muara Baru dengan indeks kegagahan 0,59. Data menunjukkan tidak ada spesies yang mendominasi di Desa Tangkolak Barat dan Desa Tangkolak Timur, kecuali di Desa Muara Baru. Episesarma palawanense adalah macrozoobenthos yang memiliki frekuensi kehadiran tertinggi di Desa Muara Baru dengan frekuensi 27,7%. Parameter lingkungan termasuk suhu, pH, dan salinitas dianggap sebagai kategori normal untuk makrozoobentos dan kehidupan bakau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan bakau berhubungan dengan kepadatan dan keanekaragaman makrozoobentos.
Research on the structure of macrozoobenthos communities in mangrove ecosystems has been conducted in Cilamaya Wetan, Karawang, West Java in May 2019. This study aims to determine the structure of macrozoobenthos community such as composition, density, diversity, flatness, flatness, dominance, and frequency of attendance. . Another goal is to determine the relationship between mangrove density and the density and diversity of macrozoobenthos in the area. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling and using the quadratic transect method at three stations, namely Muara Baru Village, West Tangkolak Village, and East Tangkolak Village. This study found 16 types of macrozoobenthos and 7 types of mangrove with very dense density (0.23-0.32 ind / m2). The highest density of macrozoobenthos is in West Tangkolak Village (8 ind / m2) and the lowest in Muara Baru Village (2 ind / m2). The diversity of macrozoobenthos is relatively high in the village of West Tangkolak with an index of 1.58 and the village of East Tangkolak with an index of 2.05, while the diversity is relatively low in the village of Muara Baru with an index of 0.28. The distribution of macrozoobenthos is classified almost evenly in the Village of West Tangkolak and the Village of East Tangkolak with a trade index of 0.88 and 0.85 respectively, while it is distributed equally in the Muara Baru Village with a pride index of 0.59. Data shows that there are no species that dominate in the villages of West Tangkolak and East Tangkolak, except in Muara Baru Village. Palawanense Episesarma is macrozoobenthos which has the highest attendance frequency in Muara Baru Village with a frequency of 27.7%. Environmental parameters including temperature, pH, and salinity are considered normal categories for macrozoobenthos and mangrove life. The results showed that mangrove density was related to macrozoobenthos density and diversity.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Sumekar
Abstrak :
Hutan mangrove didefinisikan sebagai tipe hutan dengan kekhasannya, pada umumnya tumbuh di sepanjang pantai atau muara sungai dan hanya dapat tumbuh di daerah beriklim tropis dan/atau subtropis. Lingkungan tempat tumbuh vegetasi mangrove dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut, salinitas, topografi dan sifat fisika kimia tanah. Pada tahun 80 an kawasan mangrove di Kabupaten Bangkalan mengalami alihfungsi yang berlebihan. Kegiatan alih fungsi tersebut pada akhirnya mengakibatkan dampak yang cukup serius terhadap siklus kehidupan laut dan berpengaruh pula pada ekosistem darat. Dampak yang sangat terasa adalah terjadinya abrasi, hilangnya beberapa jenis biota pantai dan adanya intrusi air laut serta berkurangnya penghasilan nelayan tradisional. Untuk menanggulangi kerusakan dan punahnya kawasan mangrove di Kato. Bangkalan, khususnya di pantai Desa Tengket dan Kool, maka Pemerintah Daerah telah melakukan program reboisasi dan rehabilitasi. Pelaksanaan penghijauan yang di mulai sejak tahun 1987, dan dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun keberhasilan di Desa Tengket cukup tinggi, artinya vegetasi jenis R.mucronata dan A.marina dapat tumbuh dengan subur. Sebaliknya di Desa Kool untuk jenis R.mucronata tumbuh kerdil, sedangkan A.marina tidak tumbuh. Perbedaan keberhasilan ini di duga disebabkan oleh perbedaan kualitas substrat pendukung pertumbuhan vegetasi di kedua desa tersebut. Jika dugaan ini benar, maka hal ini merupakan masalah penelitian yang menarik untuk di teliti. Dengan mengacu pada hasil penelitian Hardjowigeno (1989) dan Aksornkoae (1993), yang disebut dengan substrat pendukung adalah (1) Kualitas sifat fisik kimia tanah, tekstur dan warna tanah, kandungan C organik tanah dan mineral-mineral lain yang diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan (N, Ca, P, K, Mg dan S); (2) Salinitas dan pH tanah; (3) Lama penggenangan yang dipengaruhi pasang surut air laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan vegetasi mangrove dengan sistem zonasi yang ada. Untuk selanjutnya penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai masukan bagi penentu kebijakan pada instansi terkait dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk kelancaran dan keberhasilan program penghijauan kawasan hutan mangrove, dengan menekan kegagalan serendah mungkin. Di kawasan penelitian Desa Tengket diperoteh hasil bahwa: tekstur tanahnya halus dengan warna tanah abu-abu kehitaman. Kandungan bahan C organik, Nitrogen dan bahan mineral Ca, K, P, Mg, dan S yang dibutuhkan vegetasi untuk pertumbuhan tergolong pada kategori sedang sampai tinggi (3 - 5%), sehingga mendukung pertumbuhan kedua jenis vegetasi yang ada. Salinitas tanah di bawah tegakan R.mucronata dan A.marina adalah 2,1 %o pada saat pasang surut dengan pH 5,1, dan 9,2%o pada saat pasang naik, pHnya mencapai 6,1. Salinitas dan pH yang ada, mendukung pertumbuhan kedua jenis vegetasi tersebut di atas. Sebaliknya kondisi kawasan penelitian Desa Kool dari hasil uji laboratorium menghasilkan bahwa: tekstur tanahnya adalah kasar dengan kandungan kalsium cukup tinggi, dan warna tanahnya adalah cokiat kemerahan. Kandungan bahan C organik, Nitrogen kurang dari 1%, dan bahan mineral K, P, Mg, dan S berkisar antara rendah sampai sangat rendah (0,2 - <0,1%). Salinitasnya mencapai 1- 1,1%o pada saat pasang surut, dan 7,2 °Ion pada saat pasang naik. Pada kawasan ini, baik tekstur, sifat fisik kimia tanah, salinitas dan pH tidak mendukung pertumbuhan vegetasi R.mucronata dan A.marina. Topografi tanah juga berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan vegetasi mangrove. Pada pantai Desa Kool yang mempunyai kemiringan sejajar permukaan taut terjadi kecenderungan pada saat pasang naik, airnya dapat jauh mencapai daratan, dengan kecepatan surutnya cukup tinggi. Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan lama penggenangan atau frekuensi genangannya juga berlangsung cepat. Kemiringan pantai Desa Tengket berkisar ? 1°, sehingga proses penggenangan air laut pada saat pasang naik terjadi cukup lama. Dengan kondisi substrat pendukung yang telah disebutkan di atas, maka kerapatan vegetasi yang tumbuh di kawasan pantai Desa Tengket mencapai 3228 tegakanJha. Sebaliknye vegetasi yang tumbuh di kawasan penelitian Desa Kool berkisar 911 tegakan/ha. E. Daftar Kepustakaan : 45 ( 1928 - 1999).
Influence of the Substrate Support to the Mangrove Vegetation Growth (A Case Study : Coastal Forest in Tengket and Kool Villages, Bangkalan District, Madura- East Java)Forest of the mangrove categorized as a typical forest with its uniqueness, generally grows at the coastal or at the estuary, and only able to grow in the tropical and or sub-tropical climate area. The place of the mangrove forest vegetation influenced by tidal, salinity, topography and physical and chemical properties of the soil it self. As it could be found at other places in Indonesia, mangrove area in Bangkalan district has been extreemly changed. At last, that activity leads to a serious impact to the ecosystem of marinaI and terrestrial. Abrasion, loss of several coastal biotic species, seawater intrusion and finally revenue decrease of the traditional fishermen are impact of the mangrove deforesting area. To avoid deterioration loss of that mangrove area, Regional Government organize Reboisation programme and Rehabilitation of the mangrove area surrounding northern coastal of Tengket and Kool villages. Rehabilitation programme has been performed for 10 years, starting in 1987, resulting difference yield from that two above villages. Vegetations of R mucronafa and A marina grows well in Tengket village, while in Kool village, vegetation of R mucronata grows bad even A marina can not be grew at all. This difference might be caused by the quality different of the substrate support of the vegetation on that two villages. Should this suggestion correct, it would be interesting resesarch to be realized. Rfer to the result of Hardjowigeno (1989) and Aksornkoeae (1993) research the meaning of the supporting substrate is (1) Quality of the soil, chemicaly and phisically, textures and the colour, C organic content, and other minerals required for vegetation, i,e, N, Ca, P, K, Mg and S; (2) Salinity and pH of the soil; (3) Duration time of inundation caused by tidal. The purpose of this research is to find such factors influencing the growth of mangrove vegetation with existing zonation. Furthermore this research result can be used as an input to the policy maker in the related institution to take a decision for the successfull of the reboisation programme of mangrove forest area by minimizing failness. Research are of Tengket village resulting that its soil textures was smooth ,colouring greys to blackish. C Organic contents, Nitrogen and other ninerals such as Ca, K, P, Mg and S required for vegetation categorized as enough up to high (3 - 5%), so supporting both vegetation. Soil salinity and its pH influence vegetation grow living on top off it. Rhizophora mucronata grows well at salinity between 2,1%o at pH 6,1 while salinity soil for Avicennia marina higher than 9,2 %o at pH 6,5 (inundation) and 5,5 (dry). Rhizophora mucronata grows well at high salinity, while Avicennia marina grows at fluctuated salinity. But research are of Kool village resulting that its soil textures was sandy with high calsium content, soil colouring is brown to radish. C Organic contents, Nitrogen for less than 1% and other ninerals such as K, P, Mg and S required for vegetation categorized as between low up to very low (0,2 - < 0,1%). Soil salinity in Kool village 1-1,1%o and pH 7,6 (dry condition) and salinity reach 7,2%o and pH 8,8 if inundation take place. Support substrate in Kool village not support R.mucronata and A.marlna to grow well. Based on the laboratory analysis, conclusion could be taken thar Rhizophora mucronata species used in the reboisation programme at Tengket village coastal are agreewith kind of soils and its textures and other conditionrequired for growing. Hence Rhizophora mucronata vegetation can be grow well, and become 15 - 20 meters high within 10 years. For the Kool village control area, reboisation with Rhizophora mucronata could not grow well, since texture and its kind of soil on that area were corally with thin layer mud. With the same reboisation duration, the vegetation only reach 1 - 1,5 meter high. Due to the kind of soil in Kool village only Rhizophora stylosa vegetation could be grew well. Based on condition of the supporting substrate as described above, density of the vegetation growth on the shore of Tengket village reaching 3228 vegetation / ha. On the contrary, vegetation growths on the shore of Kool village reach about 911 vegetation/ha. E. Bibliography: 45 (1928 - 1999)
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yani Silfariani
Abstrak :
Hutan Angke Kapuk merupakan kawasan hutan mangrove yang berlokasi di DKI Jakarta. Seiring dengan tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk, perkembangan industri yang semakin cepat menimbulkan dampak negatif pada Hutan Angke Kapuk yang merupakan kawasan hijau bagi kehidupan penduduk DKI Jakarta. Melihat kondisi tersebut maka penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada aspek sosial ekonomi masyarakat yang secara tidak langsung akan berpengaruh pada kondisi Hutan Angke Kapuk yang saat ini cukup memprihatinkan keberadaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranserta masyarakat sekitar hutan mangrove dalam menunjang keberadaan kawasan Hutan Angke Kapuk. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai masukan bagi penentu kebijakan dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk penkembangan pembangunan yang berwawasan lingkungan Selain itu juga dtharapkan dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah baik bagi Hutan Angke Kapuk itu sendiri maupun masyarakat sekitar. Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas, dapat disusun hipotesis sebagai berikut Ho : Tinggi rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dan pendapatan masyarakat tidak mempengaruhi tingkat peranserta masyarakat terhadap Hutan Angke Kapuk Ha,: Tinggi atau rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dan pendapatan masyarakat mempengaruhi tingkat peranserta masyarakat terhadap Hutan Angke Kapuk Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Untuk menguji hipotesis digunakan tes signifikansi Uji Kai Kuadrat dan Analisis Regresi dengan program Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) versi 10.00. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi literatur, observasi, dan wawancara dengan berpedoman pada kuesioner dengan masyarakat sekitar kawasan Hutan Angke Kapuk. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Pendidikan dan pendapatan ternyata tidak mempengaruhi tingkat peranserta dari masyarakat sekitar Hutan Angke Kapuk, jadi Ho tidak ditolak. Bagi warga sekitar Hutan Angke Kapuk baik yang tingkat pendidikannya tinggi maupun rendah dan tingkat pendapatannya tinggi maupun rendah tidak mempengaruhi mereka untuk melakukan peranserta dalam pengelolaan Hutan Angke Kapuk. Saran-saran dari penelitian ini adalah: Sebaiknya dilakukan penyuluhan yang intensif dengan melibatkan masyarakat sekitar, misalnya anggota Karang Taruna sehingga menimbulkan rasa tanggungjawab terhadap kelestarian lingkungan di sekitarnya yang kemudian menimbulkan keinginan untuk berperanserta. Tapi semua ini tidak dapat terlepas dari peran pemerintah dan LSM untuk ikut mendorong masyarakat sekitar kawasan Hutan Angke Kapuk dalam berpartisipasi. Daftar Kepustakaan : 31 (1978-2001)
Angke Kapuk Forest is a mangrove forest area which is located in Province of DKI Jakarta. The growth Ievel of population and industry which happen faster nowadays have caused negative impacts to Angke Kapuk Forest which is a green zone for people's live at DKI Jakarta. Because of this forest plays an important role for DKI Jakarta development then there is special emphasis in implementation of policy and regulation/laws between central and local government especially for regional development which balances between local mangrove forest conservation and coastal area developing activity. Based on the statement above, this research is focus on the aspect of social economy from the society surronding Angke Kapuk Forest which influences indirectly to the condition of Angke Kapuk Forest where for nowadays its existence has really been not good. This purpose of this research is to know people participation surrounding Angke Kapuk Forest in order to support the existence of area management of Angke Kapuk Forest. Also, this research can be used as an input for decision makers in deciding to expand sustainable development which has environment perception. Beside that, it is hoped that it can increase added value for this forest itself and people surrounding it. This hypotheses of this research are stated below: Ho : low or high education level and people income will not influence people participation level to Angke Kapuk Forest Ha: low or high education level and people income will influence people participation level to Angke Kapuk Forest Method of this research is descriptive with type of this research is case study. To test the hypotheses above, it is used chi quadrate test signification by using statistical product and service solutions (SPSS) version 10.00. Data are collected from literature study, observation, and deep interview with use questionnaires to people surrounding Angke Kapuk Forest. The results and conclusion of this research are education and income level actullay are not influencing people participation level at surrounding Angke Kapuk Forest, so Ho is accepted. People at surrounding Angke Kapuk Forest both low and high education and income level is not influencing them to participate in Angke Kapuk Forest management. The suggestions of this research are: It is better to do an intensive guidance which involves people at surrounding forest, such as Karang Tanzna so people has responsible feel for environmental preservation and then people desires to participate. But this whole things need government and non-government organization role to support people at surrounding Angke Kapuk Forest to be participated. Number References : 31 (1978-2001
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2002
T 8594
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kamakaula, Yohanes
Abstrak :
Salah satu kekayaan sumberdaya hayati Indonesia adalah hutan mangrove. Provinsi Papua memiliki 77,1% dari seluruh luasan hutan mangove di Indonesia. Kota Sorong dan Kabupaten Sorong adalah dua wilayah yang terdapat di provinsi tersebut, yang memiliki hutan mangrove seluas 10.354 km2. Kawasan hutan mangrove di wilayah ini semula dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat setempat secara subsistem. Selaras dengan perkembangan penduduk dan pembangunan serta perubahan corak ekonomi masyarakat, maka kawasan ini mendapat tekanan yang cenderung semakin meningkat, dengan meningkatnya permintaan terhadap hasil-hasil kawasan hutan mangrove baik berupa kayu maupun non kayu. Namun pengambilan hasil hutan mangrove tersebut menunjukkan tendensi lebih cepat daripada kemampuan regenerasinya. Kondisi ini dalam j angka waktu tertentu, akan menimbulkan dampak negatif yang semakin meluas bagi kawasan ekosistem hutan mangrove setempat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi masyarakat setempat dengan- kawasan hutan mangrove, ketergantungan ekonomi masyarakat setempat dan faktor sosial ekonomi masyarakat sebagai pemicu terhadap pemanfaatan kawasan hutan mangrove. Manfaat yang diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai informasi ilmiah dan sebagai bahan pertimbangan pemerintah daerah dalam membuat kebijakan perencanaan pengelolaan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara dengan responder sebanyak 60 KK. Penelitian dilaksanakan sejak bulan September-Desember 2003 di Kelurahan Remu Selatan, Kota Sorong dan tiga kampung di Kabupaten Sorong yakni; Kampung Konda, Wersar dan Seyolo. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah tabulasi, uji Chi Square dan koefisien kontingensi Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi masyarakat tentang kawasan hutan mangrove 43,33 % menyatakan agak rusak dimana kerusakan tersebut 65,% disebabkan oleh manusia. Hasil tangkapan masyarakat terutama ikan dan kepiting mengalami penurunan. Masyarakat setempat/lokal masih menghormati lingkungan alam karena kehidupannya tergantung pada alam sekitarnya/kawasan hutan mangrove. Interaksi masyarakat lokal dengan kawasan hutan mangrove 50,% tergolong dalam kategori sedang. Faktor sosial ekonomi seperti jumlah tenaga kerja keluarga, pendapatan keluarga, pendidikan formal, dan pasar memiliki nilai hitung lebih tinggi daripada nilai tabel X2. Sedang fait-tor jumlah anggota keluarga dan keari.fan tradisional nilai hitungnya lebih rendah daripada nilai tabel X2. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian adalah; (1) Interaksi masyarakat di Kota Sorong dan Kabupaten Sorong terhadap kawasan hutan mangrove tergolong sedang; (2) Perekonomian masyarakat lokal masih tergantung pada kawasan hutan mangrove yang ada di sekitar tempat tinggalnya; (3) Ketergantungan perekonomian masyarakat lokal yang hidup di sekitar kawasan hutan mangrove terbagi menjadi tiga yakni; (a) ketergantungan terbatas (Kota Sorong); (b) ketergantungan penuh (Kabupaten Sorong); dan (c) tidak mempunyai ketergantungan (Kepulauan Raja Ampat) dan (4) Jumlah tenaga kerja keluarga, pendapatan keluarga, pendidikan formal, dan pasar memiliki dependensi terhadap interaksi masyarakat dengan hutan mangrove. Sedang jumlah anggota keluarga dan kearifan tradisional tidak memiliki dependensi terhadap Interaksi masyarakat dengan kawasan hutan mangrove.
Interaction of People with Mangrove Forest Areas (Case Study in Sorong Town and Sorong Regency of Papua Province)One of the richness of Indonesia's biological resources are the mangrove forests. Papua Province has 77.1% of all mangrove forest in Indonesia. Sorong Town and Sorong Regency are two areas existing in the said province, having mangrove forests as large as 10,354 km2. Mangrove forests in this area initially were used by the local people for their subsistence. In line with the progress of population and development as well as changes on the economic pattern of the people, this area is incurred with pressure and then tend to increase caused , by the increased on demands for the mangrove forest products such as wood or non-wooden products. Nevertheless the taking of the said mangrove forest products showed a faster tendency beyond the regenerating capability of mangrove. This condition at certain periods of time, will result in the widening the negative impacts to the local mangrove forest ecosystem. This research aims at a study of the interaction of the local people with the mangrove the forest area. Studied the economic dependency of the local people on the mangrove forests and the social economic factors of the people, as triggerred by the use of mangrove forest areas. The benefits expected from this research is scientific information and as the substance of consideration for the local government in making policies for regional planning and environmental management. This research is descriptive and uses the case study approach. The data collecting techniques used questionnaires and interviews to 60 KK (head a families).respondents. This research was carried are since the month of September to December 2003 at kelurahan/sub-district of Remu Selatan, the town of Sorong and three villages in the Sorong Regency being: Konda, Wersar and Seyolo. The data analysis studied used tabulations, Chi- square test and contingency coeficient. The research results show that 44.33 percent of the respondents had perception on mangrove forests, being sufficiently damaged; where of 65.00 percent the said damage was said to be the result of human being using carelessly of the surroundings. The results of people's catch ( especially fish and prawns) is decrease. The local people still respect the natural environment because their lives depend on the natural surrounding mangrove forest area. The interaction of the local people with the mangrove forest area 50.00 percent is categories on medium. The social economic factor such as the number of family workforce, family income, formal education and market, have been calculated valued as higher than the value of table X2. As for the factor on the number of the family members and traditional wisdom, this study calculated the value give by the respondent is lower than the value in the table X2. The conclusions as a result of the study are; (1) Interaction of the people in town of Sorong and Sorong Regency towards the mangrove forest has to be categorized as medium; (2) Economic the local people depend on the mangrove forest area existing around their homes; (3) The economic dependency of the local people living around the mangrove forests is divided into three categories being; (a) limited dependency (town of Sorong); (b) full dependency (Sorong Regency); and (c) not at all dependent (Raja Ampat/Four Kings Islands); (4) The number of a family workforce, family income, formal education and market influence the interaction of people with their mangrove forests. As for the number of family members and traditional wisdom there seems to be no influence on the interaction of people with mangrove forest areas.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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