"Penelitian ini berjudul Konflik Horizontal di Matraman Jakarta Timur di tinjau dari sudut ketahanan nasional. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode atau pendekatan kualitatif dengan sifat/jenis penelitian deskriptif. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini meliputi : (1) Bagaimanakah sumber, bentuk dan sifat konflik horizontal di Matraman Jakarta Timur ? (2) Pihak mana saja yang terlibat konflik dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang melatarbelakangi ? (3) Solusi apa yang tepat dalam menyelesaikan konflik dalam rangka memperkuat sendi-sendi ketahanan nasional di wilayah Matraman Jakarta Timur ?
Sejak tahun 1991 sampai dengan 2000 konflik antar kelompok masyarakat di Matraman Jakarta Timur terjadi sebanyak 28 (duapuluh delapan) kali dengan volume terbanyak terjadi pada bulan Juni tahun 2000 yaitu sebanyak 6 (enam) kejadian. Konflik terjadi karena perasaan superioritas anak-anak kompleks militer terhadap penduduk sipil disekitarnya. Dominasi / perasaan superioritas anak tangsi dimasa penjajahan terhadap pribumi/penduduk asli dianggap terbelakang itu berlanjut setelah kemerdekaan. Mereka tidak mau tabu perkembangan masyarakat sipil disekitar yang sadar akan hak-hak dan martabatnya. Konflik itu bertambah kuat dengan persaingan dibidang ekonomi dimasa pembangunan. Kalau semula kenakalan anak-anak tangsi itu dilandasi kesadaran jagoan, dikemudian merambah pada perebutan lahan sumber nafkah.
Salah satu faktor pemicu konflik sosial horizontal berkepanjangan (antarwarga Berland dengan warga Palmeriam) di Matraman adalah akibat kematian Jerry (warga Berland). Warga Berland merasa dilecehkan oleh sikap pihak Hotel Mega Matra yang terletak di Kel. Palmeriam. Warga Berland mengaggap pihak Hotel dinilai tidak bertanggung jawab. Apalagi kasus kematian Jerry merupakan kasus yang ketiga kalinya, warga Berland tewas ditangan keamanan Hotel tersebut.
Konflik merupakan buntut kekecewaan warga atas sikap pihak Hotel Mega Matra. Di satu sisi manajemen Hotel dinilai tidak bertanggung jawab atas perbuatan karyawannya, sedangkan pada sisi lain, warga Berland kecewa pada sikap aparat yang lamban menangkap pembunuh Jerry dan dilain pihak penduduk Palmeriam sering kali dikecewakan oleh pihak aparat keamanan yang tidak berani mengusut pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh pihak anak-anak Berland mengingat kompleks militer, akibatnya kedua belah pihak yang bertikai cenderung untuk menghakimi sendiri.
Dewasa ini konflik horizontal di Matraman bertambah parah karena persaingan lahan parkir dan lahan pedagang kaki lima. Dilain pihak tindakan aparat yang dianggap kurang tegas dalam menegakkan hukum, pada umumnya polisis tidak berani masuk tangsi (kompleks militer).
Pembentukan forum komunikasi persaudaraan masyarakat Matraman adalah salah satu langkah yang tepat dalam menanggulangi konflik antar kelompok masyarakat (antar pemuda) di Matraman. Dan pelibatan tokoh pemuda pada setiap pertemuan dalam wadah tersebut diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan setiap permasalahan khususnya menyangkut konflik antarpemuda dapat diperkecil.
Horizontal Conflict in Matraman, East Jakarta in Term of National DefenseThis research entitled of Horizontal Conflict in Matraman, East Jakarta in term of national defense. The research was exercised by qualitative method or approach by the nature / range of descriptive research. The adopted problems in this research consist of (1) How the root, type and characteristic of Horizontal Conflict in Matraman, East Jakarta? (2) Which party involving in conflict and what factors formed the background of the issue? (3) What the appropriate solution should accomplish the conflict in the framework to strengthen of national defense principles in Matraman, East Jakarta district?
Since 1991 up to year of 2000 conflict within society groups in Matraman, East Jakarta occurred of twenty eight times (28) with the most volume of incident on June year of 2000, that is of six (6) incidents. The conflict occurred is caused by there is superiority feeling in teenagers of military dormitory complex against civilian around them. Domination or superiority feeling of what called the tanksi' boy' in colonization era which is supposed to be the left behind to native or inhabitant that have been still taking place after the independence era. They do not curious about developing of civilian society surrounding that aware of the rights and values. The conflict should be forceful by competition in economy sector in development era. Supposing originally, juvenile delinquency of tanksi is based on awareness jargon, and then spread to fight of land to life.
One of the trigger factors of horizontal social conflict for a long time conflict that is (between inhabitant of Bearland and Palmeriam) in Matraman is because of the death of Jerry (Bearland inhabitant). Those Bearland inhabitants were disparaged in attitude of Mega Matra Hotel party located in Sub District of Palmeriam. Bearland inhabitants considered that Hotel party is assessed irresponsible. And even the death of Jerry case is an incident case of the three times, Bearland inhabitant was killed in hand of the related Hotel security.
That conflict is an aftermath of disappointment from inhabitant on attitude of Mega Matra Hotel party. On the one hand, the Hotel is assessed irresponsible in its employee action, but on the other hand, Bearland inhabitant disappointed to a languid apparatus manner to catch the killer of Jerry and the other hand, the Palmeriam inhabitant frequently are disappointed by Bearland boys, whereas military complex, consequently conflicting to the both parties tend to judge them.
Nowadays, the horizontal conflict in Matraman increasingly to be in serious condition because brought about a competition at parking area and sidewalk shop area. On the other hand, the act of the apparatus is considered the less for upholding the law, ordinarily the police has no courage to enter to tanksi (military complex).
The Arranging of Communication Forum of Brotherhood Matraman Inhabitant is one of the appropriate measures in coping with conflict inter society group (within youths) at Matraman. And involvement the youth personage on every occasion meeting in mentioned institution or umbrella organization expecting able to accomplish each issues especially in relating to conflict within the youth could be minimized."