Seringkali aset-aset berbasiskan pasar bersifat tak berwujud (intangible) sehingga relatif sulit untuk dilakukan penilaian agar selanjutnya dapat direpresentasikan dalam ukuran-ukuran keuangan. Pemegang saham cenderung menilai suatu perusahaan berdasarkan ukuran-ukuran keuangan. Maka apabila seorang pemasar memiliki kemampuan untuk merepresentasikan hasil dari konfigurasi aset-aset tersebut dalam ukuran keuangan, peranan pemasar secara stratejik dapat ditingkatkan.
Studi ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji konfigurasi aset-aset tersebut dalam bentuk hubungan sebab-akibat serta keterkaitannya dengan nilai perusahaan khususnya dalam perspektif pemegang saham. Peneliti menemukan bahwa terdapat jalur (path) tertentu diantara inovasi, kualitas jasa, kepuasan dan loyalitas pada konteks industri perbankan. Selain itu data mendukung hipotesa bahwa inovasi memiliki kontribusi positif yang relatif tinggi dan signifikan terhadap aset-aset yang menjadi variabel dalam penelitian ini. Selain itu juga diperoleh bahwa inovasi memiliki hubungan positif, kendati tidak signifikan dengan nilai pemegang saham yang direpresentasikan oleh rasio ......Nowadays marketers have an opportunity to increase their roles in a firm to be at a strategic level. But to take an advantage of this opportunity, they should have had capabilities to optimizing the configuration of the market-based assets (e.g. perceived innovativeness, perceived service quality, satisfaction, loyalty, etc). Earlier studies have shown that market-based assets have a positive effect in increasing the value of the firm.
Market-based assets has characteristic of intangible form, which makes them relatively difficult of being measured, especially to be represented in financial metric. Shareholders often assess the value of the firm in a financial way. Respectively, when a marketers is having capabilities to represent the result from the market-based assets configuration, which meet the needs of what shareholder’s wants, so that marketer would be able to extend their role at a strategic level.
This study proposed to learn and measure how the market-based assets configuration has a cause and effect relationships among them, then assess how they related with shareholder value. Researcher found that there is a certain path among the assets (marketing variables) especially from innovation through service quality and satisfaction and then creating loyalty of the customers. The hypotheses has supported by the data that innovation has a positive effect contributing in increasing of another assets, which is being measured as variables in this research. Besides that, there is a positive relationships among innovation and shareholder’s value (measured by q ratio), although it has not enough to be significant.