The Automatic Essay Assessment System (SIMPLE-O) was developed by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia for the Indonesian language test. This thesis will discuss the development of SIMPLE-O for the assessment of Indonesian language tests using the Siamese Manhattan Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method and the Python programming language. There are two documents that will be input, essay answers from examinees and answer answers from examiners. Both answers are processed with the same LSTM layer. Next, the similarity between the two is calculated by the similarity function. Testing with dummy answer dataset produces MAE and RMSE values of 0.0254 and 0.0346. Then, testing with the real answer dataset produces MAE and RMSE values of 0.1596 and 0.2190. The average accuracy value obtained was 92.82 for the training phase and 84.03 for validation.