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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lintang Mutiara Savana
"Prinsip non-punishment merupakan prinsip yang mengandung ketentuan bahwa korban perdagangan orang tidak dipidana ketika mereka melakukan tindak pidana karena dipaksa oleh pelaku perdagangan orang. Di Indonesia, terdapat masalah dalam penerapan prinsip tersebut, terutama dalam tindak pidana yang berkaitan dengan kejahatan narkotika. Dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, penelitian ini membahas 2 (dua) pokok permasalahan, antara lain: 1) pengaturan prinsip non-punishment dalam perlindungan korban perdagangan orang, dan 2) implementasi prinsip tersebut berdasarkan Pasal 18 Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 2007 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang. Prinsip non-punishment diatur dalam Pasal 18 UU PTPPO, di mana keberlakuannya memiliki keterkaitan dengan bentuk penyertaan doen plegen, daya paksa (overmacht), dan dasar penghapus pidana. Pengaturan dan penerapan prinsip non-punishment dalam hukum pidana di Indonesia masih memiliki berbagai ketidakpastian. Mulai dari kaitannya dengan dasar penghapus pidana, kriteria paksaan yang perlu dipenuhi, hingga tidak adanya preseden dikabulkannya prinsip non-punishment sebagai dasar penghapus pidana. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pedoman tentang keberlakuan yang disertai penjelasan komprehensif mengenai prinsip tersebut dalam kerangka hukum tindak pidana perdagangan orang. Pedoman tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan dan mengebangkan peran aktif APH, terutama hakim, untuk menggali fakta-fakta hukum dan nilai-nilai yang ada, serta menindaklanjuti pembuktian terhadap pembelaan dengan dasar prinsip non-punishment.

The principle of non-punishment is a principle that stipulates that victims of trafficking are not punished when they commit criminal offenses because they are forced by traffickers. In Indonesia, there are problems in the application of this principle, especially in criminal offenses related to narcotics crimes. Using normative juridical research method, this research discusses 2 (two) main issues, among others: 1) the regulation of the principle of non-punishment in the protection of victims of human trafficking, and 2) the implementation of the principle based on Article 18 of Law No. 21/2007. The principle of non-punishment is regulated in Article 18 of Law No. 21/2007, where its applicability is related to doen plegen, overmacht, and the basis for criminal expungement. The regulation and application of the principle of non-punishment in criminal law in Indonesia still has various uncertainties. Therefore, there is a need for guidelines on the applicability and comprehensive explanation of the principle in the legal framework of human trafficking crimes. These guidelines are expected to increase and develop the active role of law enforcement officers, especially judges, to explore legal facts and values, as well as to ensure that the principle of non-punishment is applied."
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratanawijitrasin, Sauwakon
Geneva: World Health Organization, 2002
178.8 RAT e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Subtance use disorder is setious problem nationally and globally, although its controlling effort is more considered as criminal rather than health matters. This probabli due to the tight regulation of the subtance which make illegal use of it is consideres as law violation. Commitment of Indonesian goverment is very strong by setting up a Nation Narcotics Bureau (BNN as coordinating and implementing body on narkotics related activities, including therapy and rahabilitation. There are at least five ministries involved in narcotics related avtivities. However there is defferent level of the narcotics office in each ministries, reflected their priority. Narcotics laws No. 35/2009 provides MOH the right to receive report from therapy and rahabilitation institutions. However it is not clealy stated that MOH is the only resposible body for such report, which meant that Narcotics bureau could also receive the report from its district branches in provinces which previously under the Provincial office. This article reviews the implementation of Narkotics Law No. 35/2009 and Healt Law No. 36/2009 for narcotic patients in DKI, DIY, Jabar, Jatim, Bali. The objective is to provide inpits for prevention and treatment policy development to stirr more sinergism and coordinated among related intutional. The review identified that narcotic Law UU35/2009 stated Provincial Narcotic Buteau (BNP) as part of BNN, not part of provincial instutional as it used yo be. this imply that BNP could have power to regulate treatment and rehabilitation provinces need law regulation for coordination between BNP and other provincial institutions, such as health office, social affair office, primary health care and district/provincial hospitals. Health financing is the most important issue which need clear regulation because involving several stakeholders, such as ministry of health, BNN, govermor and ministry of human affairs"
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BULHSR 14:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vincent Velayo
Dokter dan apoteker merupakan salah dua dari tenaga kesehatan yang saling bersinergi dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan, dimana dokter melakukan penanganan medikal sementara apoteker yang akan menindaklanjuti produk (resep) dari dokter tersebut, yakni dispensing. Namun demikian, tidak sedikit dokter melakukan pemberian obat secara langsung (dispensing) kepada pasien. Tumpang tindih praktik dispensing yang dilakukan antara dokter (tenaga medis) dengan apoteker (tenaga kefarmasian) tersebut menyebabkan ketidakpastian hukum, sehingga perlu diketahui bagaimana sebenarnya regulasi yang mengatur mengenai kewenangan antara dokter dengan apoteker terkait praktik dispensing. Adapun metodologi penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah normatif, yakni dengan meneliti terhadap bahan primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pengaturan mengenai praktik dispensing yang merupakan lingkup bagian kefarmasian, telah memiliki regulasi yang jelas, baik mengenai pihak yang berwenang melakukan pekerjaan di bidang kefarmasian, mengenai apa saja yang termasuk bidang kefarmasian dan mengenai larangan serta sanksi bagi yang tidak berwenang namun melakukannya. Namun demikian, praktik dispensing tersebut tetap terbuka bagi dokter dalam keadaan dan situasi tertentu. Oleh karena itu, peran aktif masyarakat dan upaya dari masing-masing profesi untuk menghormati kewenangan antar profesi sangat diperlukan supaya hukum yang ada dapat ditegakkan sehingga tercapai kepastian hukum.

Doctor and pharmacist are part of health labour that synergy in giving health service, in which doctor do the medical treatment while pharmacist will work based on the doctor`s prescribing, which is called dispensing. However, not few doctor do the dispensing straightforward to the patient by themselves. The overlap practice of dispensing which is done by doctor (medical labour) with pharmacists (pharmacy labour) causing law uncertainty, so it is important to know about how actually the regulation that regulate about authority between doctor and pharmacist in dispensing practice. Using the methodology of the normative legal research conducted a study of the primary material, secondary, tertiary. This research found out that regulation of dispensing practice which is part of pharmacy, has well regulated, that regulate the subject who has authority in doing pharmacy`s work, regulate about what is include in pharmacy section and regulate about the prohibition and sanction for subject who don`t have authority in doing work in pharmacy section but still do it. However, dispensing practice is still applicable for doctor in some condition and situation that has been regulated. Therefore, society`s active role and each profession effort to honour authority between those two professions are really needed so that regulation can be enforced and will be result on law certainty."
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UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feinberg, Debra B.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008
344.730 4 FEI p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library