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Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan pengukuran tegangan permukaan , stabilitas emulsi , dan aktivitas emulsi terhadap lesitin termodifikasi hasil hidrolisis enzimatik menggunakan fosfolipase A2 . Dispersi 0,05 %(blv) lesitin termodifikasi dalam air teryata mampu menurunkan tegangan permukaan sekitar 50 % dibanding lesitin awal, menjadi 30 dyne/cm. Sedangkan dispersi 0,013 %(blv) lesitin termodifikasi setelah mengalami pemisahan asam lemak bebasnya mampu menurunkan tegangan permukaan sekitar 25 % , menjadi 50 dyne/cm. Stabilitas emulsi (01W) dan aktivitas emulsi lesitin termodifikasi ternyata lebih rendah dibanding lesitin awal. Dispersi 0,05 %(blv) lesitin termodifikasi mengalami penurunan stabilitas emulsi 45 %, sedangkan dispersi 0,013 % lesitin termodifikasi yang telah mengalami pemisahan asam lemak bebasnya turun 38 %. Lesitin termodifikasi ternyata meningkatkan stabilitas emulsi (W/0). Uji terhadap 0,12 %(b/v) dispersi lesitin termodifikasi ternyata meningkatkan stabilitas emulsi (W/0) sebesar 12 %. Penurunan tegangan permukaan lesitin termodifikasi disebabkan adanya perubahan struktur molekul dan komposisi individual fosfolipid yang ada didalarnnya, sehingga menjadikannya lebih mudah mengadsorpsikan din ke permukaan . Diduga adanya sinergestik antara lisofosfolipid dengan asam lemak bebas dalam menurunkan tegangan permukaan melalui solubilisasi. Penurunan stabilitas emulsi (OIW) dan aktivitas emulsi lesitin termodifikasi disebabkan adanya peningkatan karakter hidrofilik dari lisofosfolipid hasil hidrolisis, sehingga diduga meningkatkan HLB-nya. Komponen individual surfaktan yang diduga paling berperan dalam meningkatkan stabilitas emulsi (W/O) lesitin termodifikasi adalah asam lemak bebas dan lisofosfatidiietanolamin. Uji statistika menunjukkan adanya beda nyata antara tegangan permukaan dan stabilitas emulsi lesitin termodifikasi dibanding kontrol, tetapi tidak ada beda nyata antar taraf perlakuan pada dua kondisi percobaan yang dilakukan. Variasi konsentrasi lesitin dan variasi waktu reaksi ternyata tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap perubahan tegangan permukaan , stabilitas emulsi dan aktifitas emulsi antar lesitin termodifikasi.
We examined surface tension, emulsion stability, and emulsion activity shown by aqueous dispersion of lecithin product hydrolyzed with phospholipase A2. The result showed significant decreasing of surface tension and it can be compared to Aerosol-DT, which is the most effective commercial wetting agent. On the other hand, lecithin hydrolyzed decreased on the stability and the activity of oil in water emulsion (01W), vice versa it enhanced the stability of water in oilemulsion (W/O). Improvement on surface properties of the hydrolyzed lecithin caused by structure of lysolecithin molecule which preferred to adsorb at surface. While, improvement on hydrophylic character of lysophospholipid also reduced properties of oil in water emulsion . It is suggested that synergetic effect occurs between free fatty acids with lysophosphatydylethanolamine in hydrolyzed lecithin which are predominantly enhanced the stability of water in oil emulsion . No significant result was observed by various concentration and time reaction applied on the experiment upon surface and emulsion properties of lecithin hydrolyzed.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maheswara Prihat Ayodyo
Abstrak :
Campuran madu, dan ekstrak lengkuas merah serta minyak jahe merah banyak manfaatnya, namun campuran ini bersifat tidak stabil karena memiliki sifat kepolaran yang berbeda. Untuk menstabilkannya diperlukan emulsifier, penelitian ini menggunakan emulsifier tween 80 dan lesitin. Campuran tanpa emulsifier yang stabil diperoleh pada penambahan ekstrak jahe merah sebanyak 2 mL dan ekstrak lengkuas merah sebanyak 4 mL dalam 100 mL madu. Sedangkan campuran dengan emulsifier paling stabil didapat pada penambahan tween 80 sebanyak 3 mL dan lesitin sebanyak 2 gram dalam 100 mL. Penambahan emulsifier ke dalam campuran menyebabkan viskositas rata-rata campuran meningkat sebesar 100-700 cPs, tegangan permukaan menurun sebesar 10-20 dynes/cm, diameter partikel mengecil hingga 500-600 nm dan densitas serta pH campuran yang relatif stabil. Dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tween 80 merupakan emulsifier yang lebih baik dibanding lesitin untuk campuran madu, ekstrak jahe merah dan lengkuas merah. ......A mixture of Honey, Red Galangal Extract and Red Ginger Extract many benefit, however this mixture is not stable because of its differing polarities. Stabilization required an emulsifier, this study used a tween 80 and lecithin emulsifier commonly used in the food industry. Without an emulsifier, the most stable mixture possible is up to 2 ml red ginger extract and up to 4 ml red galangal extract in 100 mL. With emulsifier, the most stable mixture can be obtained by adding up to 3 ml tween 80 and up to 2 ml lecithin in 100 mL. Adding emulsifier to mixture raises the mixture’s viscosity amounted to 100-700 cPs and decreased surface tension amounted to 10-20 dynes/cm, decreased particle diameter to 500-600 nm and relativity stable mixture density and pH. From this study, it can be concluded that tween 80 is a better emulsifier than lecithin for a mixture of honey, red ginger and galangal extracts.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Lecithin is needed as a bioemulsifier product in stabilizing agents for the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries due to its renewability and as it is environmentally friendly. In the food industry, most of the emulsifiers used are the oil-in-water (O/W) type. Lecithin can be seen as a promising emulsifier product because it is extracted from egg yolk and modified by enzymatic hydrolysis reaction using the papain enzyme. This modification will change the molecular structure of the compound, which makes lecithin more stable in the oil-in-water type of emulsion. This study aims to determine the optimum amount of papain enzyme used in the hydrolysis reaction to achieve the most stable O/W lecithin emulsion type. The results show that the breaking of a single fatty acid chain from the structure of lecithin can be demonstrated by FTIR instrumentation. The fatty acids detected from the lecithin structure are shown at wavenumber 1699.45 cm-1 (C=O), 1231.44 cm-1 (C-O), 1422.45 cm-1 (C-O-H), 1092.85 cm-1 (C-C), 665.89 cm-1 (CH2), and 3400.57 (-OH in carboxylate). Determination of the modified lecithin yield was made by several tests, namely a stability test, and tests for acid value, surface tension and zeta potential. From the results of tests, the emulsion stability for the O/W type was achieved in modified-lecithin using a 4% papain enzyme dosage, with a stability duration of up to 31 hours. The lowest acid number was achieved in modified-lecithin using a 2% papain enzyme dosage with value of 10.40. The lowest surface tension was obtained in modified-lecithin using a 2% papain enzyme dosage with a surface tension value of 48.68 dyne/cm. The zeta potential of the modified-lecithin using a 2% papain enzyme had a value of -94.8 mV. These results show that the enzymatic hydrolysis of lecithin using a papain enzyme is clearly able to enhance the emulsifier properties of the lecithin produced.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cysilia Kusumawati Hindarto
Abstrak :
Formulasi, Karakterisasi, dan Evaluasi in vivo Fitosom Luteolin Dalam penelitian ini, telah dikembangkan fitosom luteolin, suatu sistempenghantaran obat baru. Luteolin dilaporkan memiliki aktivitas antioksidan,antimikroba, dan antiinflamasi namun memiliki ketersediaan hayati oral yang rendahkarena memiliki kelarutan dalam lipid yang rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahuntuk meningkatkan absorpsi luteolin dalam saluran cerna. Fitosom luteolin dibuatdengan metode hidrasi lapis tipis, kemudian dikarakterisasi menggunakan ParticleSize Analyzer PSA , mikroskop transmisi elektron TEM , dan spektrofotometerFourier Transforms Infrared FTIR . Larutan luteolin dalam metanol dan larutanfosfatidilkolin dalam diklorometan direfluks 4 jam, 60oC , kemudian pelarutdiuapkan menggunakan vacuum evaporator 337 mbar, 40oC untuk membentuklapis tipis yang kemudian dihidrasi dengan air suling. Evaluasi in vivo kemudiandilakukan untuk melihat kadar plasma luteolin pada tikus yang diberi suspensifitosom luteolin per oral dan dibandingkan dengan kadar plasma luteolin pada tikusdalam kelompok kontrol yang diberi suspensi luteolin murni. Hasil karakterisasimenunjukkan partikel fitosom luteolin berbentuk spheric dengan diameter rata-ratapartikel 105,3 nm dan efisiensi penjerapan 91,12 . Spektrum FTIR menunjukkanbahwa pembentukan fitosom terjadi karena adanya interaksi ikatan hidrogen antaraluteolin dengan fosfatidilkolin yang ditandai dengan munculnya puncak baru padabilangan gelombang 1360 cm-1 dan perubahan intensitas pita pada bilangangelombang 1730 cm-1. Hasil evaluasi in vivo menunjukkan peningkatan kadarplasma luteolin AUC = 5426 ?g.menit/mL sebesar 3,54 kali jika dibandingkandengan kelompok kontrol. Formulasi fitosom yang dibuat berhasil meningkatkanabsopsi luteolin sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai sistem penghantaran yangmenjanjikan untuk obat-obat dengan kelarutan dalam lipid yang rendah. Kata kunci : fitosom, fosfatidilkolin, hidrasi lapis tipis, kadar plasma, luteolinxiv 75 halaman; 16 gambar; 6 tabel; 12 lampiranBibliography : 31 1998-2015.
Formulation, Characterization, and in vivo Evaluation of Luteolin Loaded Phytosome In this study, a novel drug delivery system, luteolin loaded phytosome LLP hasbeen developed. Luteolin exhibits antioxidant, antimicrobial, andantiinflammation activities. However, it shows poor oral bioavailability due to itslow lipid solubility. The aim of this study was to improve absorption of luteolin inthe gastro intestinal tract. The LLPs were prepared by thin film hydration methodand characterized using particle size analyzer PSA , transmission electronmicroscopy TEM , and fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy FTIR . Thesolution of luteolin in methanol and phosphatidilcholine solution indichloromethane were refluxed 4h, 60 oC , solvents then removed by vacuumevaporator 337 mbar, 40oC to produce the thin film which was hydrated withdistilled water. In vivo evaluations were then performed to see plasma levels ofluteolin in rats given oral luteolin phytosome suspension and compared with thosein the control group given pure luteolin suspension. Final phytosome wasspherical with average particle size of 105.3 nm and entrapment efficiency of91.12 . FTIR spectra demonstrated that phytosomes were formed, as there washydrogen bonding between luteolin and phosphatidilcholine, marked byappearance of new peak at wave numbers of 1360 cm 1 and changes in bandintensity at 1730 cm 1 wave numbers. In vivo studies showed a 3.54 fold increasein plasma level AUC AUC 5426 g.min mL of luteolin compared with thosein control group. Phytosomes formulation successfully increased the absorption ofluteolin hence it can serve as a promising delivery system for drugs with lowlipids solubility. Keywords luteolin, phosphatidilcholine, phytosome, plasma concentration,thin film hydrationxiv 75 pages 16 pictures 6 tables 12 appendicesBibliography 31 1998 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library