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Seeing the development of China that was able to affect the world economy, the Headmaster of the School to take steps to provide Mandarin materials ranging from kindergarten, elementary, junior high school. Learning a foreign language, students can directly connect the brain with oral. Learning Mandarin, the brain must deal with two different departments at once: sounds and meanings. That is why children who as young as learning IQ Mandarin languages are up between 15-20%. With that, it is expected that Mandarin can be learned since childhood because in addition to children more quickly in absorbing the lesson, Mandarin is a difficult language and has a lot of vocabulary. TK Wiyata Dharma Medan is one kindergarten that realizes the importance of Mandarin. Therefore, Head of Kindergarten Tama Wiyata Dharma Medan gives opportunity writer to conduct research in big zero class (B) and small zero class (A) with aim of student of TK Wiyata Dharma Medan can know and learn basic Mandarin language. The material given is the same, just different teaching methods. Because in class A not all students can read and write, so students are still assisted to spell Mandarin pronunciation from teacher's utterance and assisted in writing letters, either writing pinyin or hanzi. While class B students already have the competence of reading and writing, so students stay deepening pronunciation, how to write hanzi and its meaning. And because the new Chinese subjects were first taught in this kindergarten, so the unavailability of guidebooks to be presented. So, the author sought and made his own material to be delivered.Based on the discussion can be concluded as follows; If there is an error in the pronunciation position and the way of pronunciation, then the resulting pronunciation will be less precise. Media images in the process Teaching and Learning Activities can motivate TK Wiyata Dharma Medan students in learning Mandarin. Students can write and memorize hanzi with image media. Game media can create classroom situations to be democratic and open, thus making students comfortable in class and daring to explore themselves. This is evident from the evaluation results in every meeting. Results obtained by students on average are good.
Sumatera Utara: Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2018
VISI 26:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library