ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan change
leadership dan kepercayaan pada pemimpin terhadap komitmen perubahan pada
karyawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. DEF, sebuah perusahaan distribusi farmasi
milik swasta di Jakarta. Kuesioner yang digunakan dengan mengadaptasi 3 alat ukur,
yaitu: Commitment to Change Inventory (Herscovitch & Meyer, 2002), Change
Leadership Scale (Liu, 2010), dan Trust in the Leader Inventory (Yang & Mossholder,
2010). Ketiga alat ukur ini diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian
(N=129) menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara
change leadership (r=0,323, p<0,01) dan kepercayaan pada pemimpin (r=0,277,
p<0,01) dengan komitmen perubahan. Melalui analisa regresi berganda menggunakan
teknik hirarkikal, ditemukan kepercayaan pada pemimpin menjadi prediktor yang
signifikan (b = 0,155, SE = 0,048, p < 0.01) dan change leadership memiliki kontribusi
unik terhadap komitmen perubahan (b = 0,128, SE = 0,056, p < 0.01) daripada variabel
kepercayaan pada pemimpin (b = 0,069, SE = 0,060, p > 0.01). Hasil penelitian ini
berkontribusi pada pelaksanaan perubahan organisasi, karena organisasi dapat
memahami variabel yang lebih memprediksi komitmen perubahan sehingga dapat
melaksanakan perubahan organisasi yang lebih efektif.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to identify the influence of change leadership style andtrust in the leader on employee’s commitment to change. This paper based on theempirical research about commitment to change in PT. DEF, a privately owneddistribution pharmaceutical firm in Jakarta. Questionnaire in this study was adaptedfrom 3 measuring instrument: Commitment to Change Inventory (Herscovitch &Meyer, 2002), Change Leadership Scale (Liu, 2010), and Trust in the Leader Inventory(Yang & Mossholder, 2010). All measuring intrument is translated into BahasaIndonesia. The results (N=129) showed that there is a positive and significantcorrelation between change leadership (r=0,323, p<0,01) and trust in the leader(r=0,277, p<0,01) with commitment to change. Through multiple regression analysis, itwas found that trust in the leader as a significant predictor (b = 0.155, SE = 0,048, p<0,01) and change leadership became a significant predictor to commitment to change(b = 0,128, SE = 0,056, p <0,01) above and beyond trust in a leader (b = 0,069, SE =0,060, p > 0,01). Results of this study contribute to the implementation oforganizational changes, because the organization can understand which variables thatbetter in predicting commitment to change, \so they can implement a more effectiveorganizational change.;The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of change leadership style andtrust in the leader on employee’s commitment to change. This paper based on theempirical research about commitment to change in PT. DEF, a privately owneddistribution pharmaceutical firm in Jakarta. Questionnaire in this study was adaptedfrom 3 measuring instrument: Commitment to Change Inventory (Herscovitch &Meyer, 2002), Change Leadership Scale (Liu, 2010), and Trust in the Leader Inventory(Yang & Mossholder, 2010). All measuring intrument is translated into BahasaIndonesia. The results (N=129) showed that there is a positive and significantcorrelation between change leadership (r=0,323, p<0,01) and trust in the leader(r=0,277, p<0,01) with commitment to change. Through multiple regression analysis, itwas found that trust in the leader as a significant predictor (b = 0.155, SE = 0,048, p<0,01) and change leadership became a significant predictor to commitment to change(b = 0,128, SE = 0,056, p <0,01) above and beyond trust in a leader (b = 0,069, SE =0,060, p > 0,01). Results of this study contribute to the implementation oforganizational changes, because the organization can understand which variables thatbetter in predicting commitment to change, \so they can implement a more effectiveorganizational change., The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of change leadership style andtrust in the leader on employee’s commitment to change. This paper based on theempirical research about commitment to change in PT. DEF, a privately owneddistribution pharmaceutical firm in Jakarta. Questionnaire in this study was adaptedfrom 3 measuring instrument: Commitment to Change Inventory (Herscovitch &Meyer, 2002), Change Leadership Scale (Liu, 2010), and Trust in the Leader Inventory(Yang & Mossholder, 2010). All measuring intrument is translated into BahasaIndonesia. The results (N=129) showed that there is a positive and significantcorrelation between change leadership (r=0,323, p<0,01) and trust in the leader(r=0,277, p<0,01) with commitment to change. Through multiple regression analysis, itwas found that trust in the leader as a significant predictor (b = 0.155, SE = 0,048, p<0,01) and change leadership became a significant predictor to commitment to change(b = 0,128, SE = 0,056, p <0,01) above and beyond trust in a leader (b = 0,069, SE =0,060, p > 0,01). Results of this study contribute to the implementation oforganizational changes, because the organization can understand which variables thatbetter in predicting commitment to change, \so they can implement a more effectiveorganizational change.]"