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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Gita Permata Maharani
Abstrak :
Peraturan Presiden Nomor 78 Tahun 2007 tentang Pengesahan Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Konvensi untuk Perlindungan Warisan Budaya Takbenda) dibuat untuk melindungi warisan budaya takbenda yang ada di Indonesia. Salah satu warisan budaya takbenda yaitu bahasa Using yang merupakan bahasa daerah asli Banyuwangi. Sebagai warisan budaya takbenda, sudah seharusnya eksistensi bahasa Using dapat terus berkembang dan dilestarikan dengan baik oleh pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat. Namun dalam praktiknya pelestarian bahasa Using ini belum berjalan sepenuhnya. Oleh karena itu, permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian untuk skripsi ini adalah pengaturan pelestarian warisan budaya melalui bahasa daerah dalam ketentuan hukum di Indonesia dan implementasi dari kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyuwangi dalam melestarikan bahasa daerah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sosio-legal. Dari hasil analisis terdapat Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Banyuwangi Nomor 14 Tahun 2017 tentang Pelestarian Warisan Budaya dan Adat Istiadat di Kabupaten Banyuwangi (a quo) yang mengatur pelestarian bahasa dan sastra Using salah satunya dengan cara penerapan pendidikan bahasa Using sebagai kurikulum lokal. Adapun implementasi dari kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyuwangi terkait pelestarian bahasa Using melalui pendidikan belum dapat dilakukan optimal karena penerapan muatan lokal bahasa Using di sekolah masih terbatas.  ......Presidential Regulation Number 78 of 2007 concerning Ratification of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage) was made to protect the intangible cultural heritage in Indonesia. One of the intangible cultural heritage is the Using language is the native regional language of Banyuwangi. As an intangible cultural heritage, the existence of the Using language should continue to develop and be properly preserved by local governments and the community. Language preservation based on current regulations can be done by implementing Using language for education at school and outside of school. However, the preservation of the Using language has not been fully implemented. Therefore, the issues raised in research for this thesis are arrangements for preserving cultural heritage through regional languages in Indonesian legal provisions and the implementation of Banyuwangi Regency Government policies in preserving regional languages. The method used in this research is socio-legal. From the results of the analysis, there is Banyuwangi Regency Regional Regulation Number 14 of 2017 concerning the Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Customs in Banyuwangi Regency a quo) which regulates the preservation of Using language and literature, one of which is by implementing Using language education as a local curriculum. As for the implementation of the Banyuwangi Regency Government's policy regarding the preservation of the Using language through education, it has not been carried out optimally because the application of the local content of the Using language in schools is still limited. 
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liu, Sau-Tji
Peking: Pustaka Bahasa Asing, 1954
342.51 LIU l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sands, Philippe
Abstrak :
This second edition of Philippe Sand's leading textbook on international environmental law provides a clear and authoritative introduction to the subject, revised to December 2002. It considers relevant new topics, including the Kyoto Protocol, genetically modified organisms, oil pollution, chemicals etc. and will remain the most comprehensive account of the principles and rules relating to environmental protection and the conservation of natural resources. In addition to the key material from the 1992 Rio Declaration and subsequent developments, Sands also covers topics including the legal and institutional framework, the field's historic development and standards for general application. This will continue to be an invaluable resource for both students and practitioners alike.
United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2003
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liu, Sau-Tji
Abstrak :
Rencana undang-undang dasar rakyat Tiongkok yang diajukan adalah kesimpulan pengalaman sejarah perjuangan rakyat Tiongkok selama seratus lebih dan gerakan konstitusional dalam jaman modern ini. Dijelaskan pula beberapa isi pokok undang-undang dasar, dan pendapat-pendapat mengenai rencana undang-undang dasar. Sedangkan undang-undang dasar rakyat Tiongkok terdiri dari mukadimah dan empat bab. Bab pertama tentang asas-asas dasar. Bab kedua tentang susunan negara. Bab ketiga tentang hak dan kewajiban asasi warganegara. Dan bab keempat tentang bendera nasional, lambag negara, dan ibu kota.
Peking: Pustaka bahasa asing, 1954
K 342.51 LIU
Buku Klasik  Universitas Indonesia Library
Scott, Benjamyn I.
Abstrak :
Fundamentals of International Aviation Law and Policy offers students a systematic, tailored and dynamic approach to understanding the legal scenario concerning international civil aviation. The book dynamically covers the major areas of international aviation law, and provides an introduction to the multifaceted international regulation of aviation activities in the sphere of public and private law. The book is designed to provide the reader with the fundamental notions concerning international aviation law. It adopts an interactive approach, which aims at engaging the reader by way of using learning tools. The main areas of public and private aviation law are dealt with from a regulatory and practical perspective, and include detailed analyses of existing and applicable legislations, as well as landmark court cases and decisions. Each chapter is tailored to confer to readers a thorough knowledge of the international and, if any, the European applicable legislation. Delivery of these aims is attained through a dynamic and balanced use of didactic instruments and immediate information. The book is intended for a varied audience of students and professionals involved in the aviation world, without requiring the possession of specific legal knowledge or background. It also aims to constitute a useful reference material for those who are familiar with legal terminology and aviation specifics.
London: Routledge, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudha Aji Pangestu
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini akan mengkaji Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement terhadap tindakan proteksi impor crude palm oil yang dilakukan oleh Uni Eropa terhadap Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki permasalahan antara Indonesia-Uni Eropa dalam hambatan perdagangan proteksi impor CPO. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif yakni berdasarkan dokumen Pustaka seperti buku, jurnal, peraturan Perundang-undangan dan lain- lan. Adapun bahan hukum yang dipergunakan yakni GATT serta Perjanjian Internasional dan Undang-Undang yang terkait. Bahan hukum sekunder berupa artikel-artikel yang terkait. Berdasarkan temuan hipotesis penelitian yakni konsumsi barang domestik yang diproduksi di Uni Eropa mengalami penurunan sedangkan impor meningkat setelah terbitnya RED II 2018. Hambatan perdagangan merupakan hal yang dilarang oleh WTO, tetapi negara-negara diizinkan untuk memberlakukan pembatasan perdagangan untuk melindungi industri dan lingkungan negara tersebut. Namun, Uni Eropa telah memperlakukan barang impor dalam hal ini CPO secara tidak adil. Ini terbukti dalam konsep eksplisit RED II Uni Eropa, yang menganggap negara lain akan mengadopsi norma pasar yang searah dengan kebijakan Uni Eropa atau mematuhi standar Uni Eropa untuk mempertahankan akses ke pasar Uni Eropa. Konsekuensinya, Uni Eropa dapat memanfaatkan dominasi pasarnya untuk mendorong negara lain. ......This research will examine the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement on the protection measures for the import of crude palm oil by the European Union against Indonesia. This study aims to investigate the problems between Indonesia and the European Union in trade barriers to protect CPO imports. This research is a normative juridical research based on literary documents such as books, journals, laws and regulations and others. The legal materials used are GATT as well as international agreements and related laws. Secondary legal material in the form of related articles. Based on the findings of the research hypothesis, namely the consumption of domestic goods produced in the European Union has decreased while imports have increased after the publication of RED II 2018. Trade barriers are prohibited by the WTO, but countries are allowed to impose trade restrictions to protect the country's industry and the environment. However, the European Union treats imported goods, in this case CPO, unfairly. This is evident in the EU's explicit concept of RED II, which presupposes that other countries will adopt market norms consistent with EU policies or adhere to EU standards in order to maintain access to EU markets. Consequently, the European Union can leverage its market dominance to encourage other countries.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andy Halim
Abstrak :
Dalam perkembangan pengendalian perubahan iklim di dunia muncul mekanisme fleksibel yang diatur dalam Protokol Kyoto. Dalam perkembangannya terbentuk mekanisme mitigasi baru yaitu JCM sebagai mekanisme mitigasi yang diajukan Jepang kepada UNFCCC di bawah framework for various approaches. JCM sendiri merupakan mekanisme carbon offsetting yang dimana Jepang memberikan bantuan kepada negara berkembang untuk mengurangi karbon dengan timbal balik pemberian kredit karbon kepada Jepang. Dalam tulisan ini Penulis mencoba menelusuri bagaimana JCM itu diletakkan dalam pengaturan perubahan iklim global dan melihat bagaimana JCM diatur dan diimplementasikan dalam mitigasi perubahan iklim di Indonesia. Metode penelitian dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dan menggunakan bahan- bahan kepustakaan serta data yang disediakan oleh instansi terkait. Temuan yang disampaikan dalam penelitian ini adalah aspek-aspek dari mitigasi perubahan iklim yang harus diperhatikan Indonesia jika ingin meningkatkan lagi kebermanfaatan dari mekanisme JCM atau ingin mengimplementasiken mekanisme mitigasi dengan bentuk carbon ofsetting lainnya. ......In the development of climate change mitigation in the world, flexible mechanisms are created under the Kyoto Protocol. In its development, a new mitigation mechanism was formed, namely JCM as a mitigation mechanism proposed by Japan to the UNFCCC under the framework for various approaches. JCM itself is a carbon offsetting mechanism in which Japan provides assistance to developing countries to reduce carbon in exchange for giving carbon credits to Japan. In this paper, the author tries to explore how the JCM is put into global climate change regulation and see how JCM is regulated and implemented in climate change mitigation in Indonesia. The research method in writing this thesis is juridical-normative research with a qualitative approach, and uses library materials and data made available by the relevant agencies. The findings presented in this study are aspects of climate change mitigation that Indonesia must pay attention to if it wants to increase the usefulness of the JCM mechanism or to implement mitigation mechanisms with other forms of carbon offsetting.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Zamzami
Abstrak :
Perubahan iklim dirunut menjadi penyebab bagi para pihak atas kerugian yang mereka hadapi. Meningkatnya emisi karbon dioksida, melelehnya es glasial, munculnya banjir, dan banyak efek dari perubahan iklim lainnya diklaim sebagai penyebab rusaknya properti pribadi para pihak, sehingga mereka tidak dapat menikmati hak mereka atas properti pribadi tersebut. Keadaan ini mendorong banyak pihak, baik pemerintah, individu, maupun kelompok, untuk menggugat korporasi atas kontribusi mereka terhadap perubahan iklim. Walaupun secara garis besar para penggugat meminta ganti rugi menggunakan hukum perdata, mereka mengklaim argumentasi yang berbeda-beda mengenai mengapa korporasi harus membayar ganti rugi pada mereka. Klaim yang paling banyak diajukan adalah klaim atas nuisance, negligence, producer liability, civil conspiracy, dan unjust enrichment. Di sisi lain, tidak semua gugatan perdata meminta ganti rugi. Beberapa di antaranya meminta injunction berupa perintah pengadilan agar korporasi mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca mereka di masa depan untuk memenuhi target Paris Agreement. Dari sekian kasus litigasi iklim yang tersebar di berbagai negara, beberapa kasus menandai argumentasi-argumentasi yang menggarisbawahi bagaimana pengadilan di berbagai negara melihat perubahan iklim serta bagaimana korporasi berperan atau tidak berperan dalam menyebabkan kerugian penggugat. Penelitian akan membahas mengenai sejarah litigasi iklim dan masalah hukum yang muncul dalam gugatan iklim. Setelah itu, dibahas pula gambaran umum argumentasi popular dari penggugat serta contoh-contoh landmark cases yang diseleksi dengan beberapa pertimbangan. Penelitian akan menganalisis alasan ditolak dan dikabulkannya gugatan iklim, memberikan kontekstualisasi peranan majelis hakim terhadap putusan, dan aplikasi analisis tersebut terhadap gugatan iklim di Indonesia. Berdasarkan penelitian normatif yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa permintaan ganti rugi dan pembuktian kausalitas adalah dua rintangan utama bagi penggugat untuk memenangkan gugatan. Selain itu, Indonesia juga memiliki skema ganti rugi yang cukup unik dibandingkan dengan negara lain dalam kasus kebakaran hutan. Sebagai penutup, penelitian menyertakan saran bagi para pihak yang ingin mengajukan gugatan iklim. ......Climate change is traced to be the cause for the losses that certain parties face. Increased carbon dioxide emissions, melting of glacial ice, the emergence of floods, and many other effects of climate change are claimed to be the cause of damage to the parties’ private property, rendering them unable to enjoy their rights to their private property. This situation has prompted many parties, be it governments, individuals, or groups, to sue corporations for their contribution to climate change. Although in general the plaintiffs seek compensation using tort law, they claim different arguments as to why the corporation should pay compensation to them. The most frequently submitted claims are claims for nuisance, negligence, producer liability, civil conspiracy, and unjust enrichment. On the other hand, not all civil lawsuits seek compensation. Some of them asked for an injunction in the form of a court order for corporations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in the future to meet the Paris Agreement targets. Of the many climate litigation cases across various countries, several cases highlight arguments that underline how courts in various countries view climate change and whether corporations play or do not play a role in causing the plaintiff's losses. The research will discuss the history of climate litigation and the legal issues that arise in climate lawsuits. After that, an overview of the popular arguments of the plaintiffs and examples of landmark cases, which were selected with several considerations, are also discussed. The study will analyze the reasons for the rejection and granting of climate lawsuits, provide contextualization of the role of the panel of judges in the decision, and the application of the analysis to climate lawsuits in Indonesia. Based on the normative research conducted, it was found that the request for compensation and the proof of causality were the two main obstacles for the plaintiff to win the lawsuit. In addition, Indonesia also has a compensation scheme that is quite unique compared to other countries in the case of forest fires. In closing, the research includes suggestions for parties wishing to file a climate lawsuit.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abeyratne, Ruwantissa
Baltimore: America Baltimore, 2007
342.397 ABE a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Alfitras Tavares
Abstrak :
Perubahan iklim merupakan permasalahan besar manusia saat ini. Dampak dari perubahan iklim dapat melanggar hak asasi manusia. Mengutip beberapa penelitian mengenai Carbon Majors, ditemukan bahwa emisi yang utamanya berasal dari industri bahan bakar fosil merupakan salah satu pihak yang berkontribusi besar terhadap perubahan iklim melalui gas rumah kacanya. Hal tersebut menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah korporasi yang berkontribusi menyebabkan dampak perubahan iklim dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban atau tidak. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji dan menganalisis bagaimana perubahan iklim berdampak pada hak asasi manusia, bagaimana kewajiban hak asasi manusia oleh korporasi terkait dampak perubahan iklim serta bagaimana pertanggungjawaban korporasi melalui mekanisme litigasi perubahan iklim berbasis hak asasi manusia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif dan analisis kualitatif terhadap berbagai jenis data. Data penelitian yang digunakan adalah data sekunder mulai dari peraturan, putusan pengadilan, jurnal ataupun buku. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perubahan iklim memang berdampak pada hak asasi manusia dan bahwa korporasi memiliki kewajiban hak asasi manusia dan dapat dimintakan tanggung jawab atas kontribusinya terhadap perubahan iklim. Terdapat dua jalur yang dapat digunakan untuk meminta pertanggungjawaban korporasi dengan menggunakan argumen hak asasi manusia atas dampak perubahan iklim, yaitu melalui gugatan pelanggaran hak dan gugatan perdata perbuatan melawan hukum. Alangkah baiknya apabila Pemerintah membuat peraturan yang mengikat yang mengatur mengenai kewajiban korporasi terkait hak asasi manusia dan perubahan iklim. Hal ini diperlukan agar setiap tindakan melakukan pencegahan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia perubahan iklim melalui aktivitasnya. ......Climate change is a major problem for mankind right now. The impact of climate change can violate many human rights. Citing several studies on Carbon Majors, it was found that emissions mainly from the fossil fuel industry are one of the major contributors to climate change through their greenhouse gases. This raises the question of whether corporations that contribute to climate change impacts can be held accountable or not. This research will examine and analyze how climate change impacts on human rights, how the obligations of human rights by corporations are related to the impacts of climate change as well as how the corporation is accountable through human rights-based climate change litigation mechanisms. This research is a juridical-normative research and qualitative analysis of various types of data. This research used secondary data ranging from regulations, court decisions, journals or books. The results of this study find that climate change does have an impact on human rights and that corporations have human rights obligations and can be held accountable for their contribution to climate change. There are two ways that can be used to hold corporations accountable, those are, using human rights arguments for the impacts of climate change through lawsuits for violation of rights and civil lawsuits for unlawful acts. It would be better if the Government made binding regulations governing corporate obligations related to human rights and climate change. This is necessary so that every action takes to prevent climate change human rights violations through their activities.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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