Fenomena kerusakan yang terjadi pada bangunan gedung merupakan sesuatu hal yang pasti terjadi mengingat bahwa semakin tua umur bangunan gedung, kerusakan merupakan suatu hal yang tidak dapat dipungkiri terjadinya. Terkait dengan kerusakan yang ada, dibutuhkan pekerjaan perawatan dan pemeliharaan guna menjaga kondisi bangunan gedung agar tetap laik pakai. Walaupun demikian, kenyataan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa sering kali pelaksanaan pemeliharaan dan perawatan dilaksanakan tidak sesuai dengan sasaran karena tidak adanya prosedur pelaksanaan yang jelas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan prosedur pemeliharaan dan perawatan komponen tata ruang luar dan tata grha dari bangunan gedung pemerintah berbasis risiko. Adapun risiko yang dimaksud adalah risiko yang mempengaruhi durasi aktivitas pekerjaan. Objek pada penelitian ini terletak di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, khususnya pada Gedung Pemerintahan Lembaga X. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa arsip, survei, dan studi kasus. Produk yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini adalah standar operasional prosedur pekerjaan pemeliharaan dan perawatan komponen tata ruang luar dan tata grha bangunan gedung pemerintah berbasis risiko untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas pekerjaan.
It is undeniable the fact that most buildings will be damaged as they are getting older. Regarding to that matter, buildings’ care and maintenance work is needed to remain buildings’ best performance. Nevertheless, the reality in the field shows that the care and maintenance work is often poorly done due to the absence of clear procedure. The purpose of this research is to develop procedures for buildings’ care and maintenance work for landscape and housekeeping component in government building. During the process of procedures development, there will be further examination each activity to find any risks that might affect the overall work in order to improve work efficiency and effectiveness. The type of risk that will be futher assessed is the one that affects the duration of work. There are several methods that are being used in this research. They are analysis of archives, surveys, and case studies. The product of this research is Risk Based Standard Operating Procedures for Buildings’ Care and Maintenance for Landscape and Housekeeping Component of Government Building To Improve Work Efficiency and Effectiveness.
Kata kunci: Situs Liangan, pemukiman, lanskap budaya, kosmologi Hindu, talud, halaman. ......This paper discusses the cultural landscape associated with Hindu cosmology at the Liangan Site. The Liangan site is located at the foot of Mount Sindoro and has a Hindu background. One of the archaeological studies in looking at archaeological sites in the Liangan area is the study of settlement archeology, particularly through an archaeological approach to cultural landscapes. The purpose of this research is to reconstruct human activities through the cultural landscape and associated with Hindu cosmology in the Liangan Site. The method used is descriptive analysis. Based on the research results, the Liangan Site can be divided into four areas and has natural landscape spaces in the form of highlands that were utilized and adapted to the needs of the Liangan people in the past. You do this by forming terraces that are in between or terrace walls which are hardened with stone blocks which are commonly called talud. Also, it is seen that there is a division of cosmological concepts in the area including the yard and the area outside the Liangan Site yard.
Key words: Liangan site, settlement, cultural landscape, Hindu cosmology, talud, grounds.