"Evaluation of Laboratory Information Tracking System (LITS) at US Namru-2, JakartaU.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No.2 (U.S. NAMRU-2), as medical research institution, needs the information system that can be used for storing and tracking data and specimens from their research. Regarding the importance of the laboratory information storage and tracking system, from 1995 US Namru-2 has used the software, called LITS, as their storage and tracking laboratory information. Although, theoretically LITS can help the laboratory to maintain their data and specimens, there are some hindrances in its implementation, such as unwillingness of the laboratory to switch from their own system to LITS. It is happened because as a new system, feasibility and aptitude function of LITS is yet to comprehend thoroughly.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the implementation of LITS at US Namru-2, particularly to assess information on LITS usage, identify the factor that influence the implementation, and give the recommendation for solving the problems.
Methods used for this research are descriptive-qualitative and quantitative. The output of the research showed 46.4 % of datalspecimens from all study conducted in US Namru-2 from 1991, is already submitted to LITS. Five out of six laboratories in US Namru-2 already used LITS as their data/specimens storage and retrieval, although not completely and only for 1 study. There are some changes in organizational structure, policy, human resource, material and method that need to be done for better using of LITS in US Narnru-2.
Bibliography: 20 (1984 - 1998)"