Untuk membangun hubungan yang positif dengan karyawan, perusahaan perlu memberikan dukungan dan menyediakan sumber informasi kepada karyawan. Karyawan dengan engagement yang tinggi memiliki keterikatan yang lebih besar terhadap perusahaan dan kecenderungan yang lebih rendah untuk meninggalkan perusahaan. Penelian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari information flow, information adequacy, dan interaction supportiveness sebagai dimensi dari employee communication terhadap affective commitment dengan job engagement sebagai mediasi menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Data penelitian diperoleh dari 204 karyawan milenial di seluruh Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa information flow dan interaction supportiveness memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap job engagement dan affective commitment, serta job engagement memediasi secara complementary pengaruh information flow dan interaction supportiveness terhadap affective commitment.
To develop and maintain positive relationships with employees, organizations need to provide support and resources to employees. When employees are engaged in their work, their commitment to the organization is strengthened and the likelihood of them leaving the organization decreases. This study aims to analyze the effect of dimension of employee communication that are information flow, information adequacy, and interaction supportiveness toward affective commitment and job engagement as mediator using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. Research data were collected from 204 millennials employees in Indonesia. The study result showed that information flow and interaction supportiveness has a positive effect toward job engagement and affective commitment, also job engagement complementary mediating the effect of information flow and interaction supportiveness toward affective commitment.