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Ditemukan 19 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
I Gede Putu Dharma Gunadi
Abstrak :
Dilihat dari sisi perpajakan, salah satu alternatif yang efisien bagi perusahaan multinasional dalam rangka memperluas pangsa pasar dan memasuki pasar global adalah melalui skema keagenan karena perusahaan multinasional tidak perlu mendirikan suatu kantor atau pabrik sebagai tempat tetap kegiatan usahanya dan melaporkan peredaran usahanya di negara sumber penghasilan. Perusahaan multinasional sebagai Wajib Pajak Luar Negeri dapat saja menunjuk badan atau orang pribadi di negara sumber sebagai media untuk mewakili kepentingan dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya. Penunjukan badan atau individu yang bertindak atas nama Wajib Pajak Luar Negeri sebagai pengganti tempat tetap jauh lebih mudah dipraktikan dan dapat dibuat "tidak ada", sehingga tidak memunculkan isu Bentuk Usaha Tetap (BUT). Penelitian ini membahas tentang kebijakan identifikasi BUT Keagenan di Indonesia untuk mengetahui dasar pemikiran yang melatarbelakangi kebijakan agen perlu dijadikan BUT dan menganalisis permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak dalam upaya mengoptimalkan identifikasi keberadaan BUT Keagenan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan perlu dibuatkan peraturan pelaksanaan tentang formulasi kebijakan identifikasi BUT Keagenan sebagai pedoman bagi fiskus dan Wajib Pajak dalam mengidentifikasi keberadaan BUT Keagenan yang dapat memberikan panduan dalam menentukan apakah suatu transaksi keagenan merupakan agen yang independen atau dependen terhadap prinsipalnya di luar negeri, Kementerian Perdagangan dapat membuat peraturan untuk melindungi kepentingan domestik yang mengatur bahwa kontrak jual-beli dalam transaksi keagenan harus ditandatangani oleh agen dan dilakukan di Indonesia, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak hendaknya melakukan kerja sama dengan Kementerian Perdagangan untuk memperoleh data keberadaan dan kegiatan usaha dari transaksi keagenan, dan mengadakan pelatihan, inhouse training, diskusi dan bedah kasus tentang.
In terms of taxation, one of efficient alternatives for multinational companies in order to expand market share and enter into the global markets is through the agency scheme for multinational companies which do not need to establish an office or factory as a permanent premise of its business activities and report its business in the host countries. Multinational companies as Foreign Taxpayers may designate a private entity or person in the host country as a media source to represent interests in running its operation. Appointment of entities or individuals acting on behalf of Foreign Taxpayers as a substitute of a fixed place of business is far easier to be practiced and can be made "not exist", so it does not raise the issue of a Permanent Establishment. This study discusses the policy of Agency Permanent Establishment identification in Indonesia to find out the rationale reason behind the policy to make agent as a Permanent Establishment and analyze the problems faced by the Directorate General of Taxes in an attempt to optimize the identification of Agency Permanent Establishment existence in Indonesia. This study is a qualitative research with descriptive design. Results of the research suggest the necessity to formulate implementing regulation as a guideline for fiscus and Taxpayers in identifying the existence of Agency Permanent Establishment that can provide guidance in determining whether an agency transaction is an independent or dependent to its overseas principal, the Ministry of Trade may issue regulations to protect domestic interests that govern the salespurcase contract in the agency transactions must be signed by the agent and conducted in Indonesia, the Directorate Gederal of Taxes should cooperate with the Ministry of Trade to obtain data on the exsistence and business activities of an agency transaction, and perform training, discussion and case study on Agency Permanent Establishment.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masayu Nur Syifa
Abstrak :
MAP merupakan salah satu upaya penyelesian seketa pajak internasional, khususnya sengketa terkait penerapan P3B. Implementasi MAP di Indonesia saat ini mencatat jumlah kasus MAP antara kasus yang masuk, dengan jumlah kasus yang mencapai kesepakatan belum berbanding lurus. Menyebabkan adanya kasus MAP tertunda (beginning balace) ke inventaris kasus tahun berikutnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektifitas implementasi kebijakan MAP sebagai salah satu penyelesaian sengketa pajak internasional di Indonesia, dan faktor pendorong efektivitas tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma Post-Positivism dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yakni menggunakan Teori Riant Nugroho. Teknik Pengumpulan data dan Analisis data adalah Kualitatif melalui studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini adalah upaya penyelasaian sengketa pajak internasional melalui MAP di Indonesia berdasarkan PMK 49 Tahun 2019 masih belum efektif sepenuhnya dilihat dari sisi jenis kesepakatan MAP yang telah dihasilkan, karena belum sepenuhnya mencapai tujuan MAP yakni mengeliminasi double taxation. Hasil kesepatakan MAP Indonesia tahun 2016-2019 belum seluruh berjenis fully relief, dan masih ada keputusan aggree to dissagree. Namun, secara peraturan yakni PMK 49 tahun 2019, hubungan aktor yang terlibat didalamnya serta lingkungan kebijakan MAP di Indonesia sudah efektif. Akan tetapi, pihak terkait khususnya dalam hal ini DJP (selaku CA Indonesia) masih harus terus menggali potensi yang ada melalui faktor-faktor pendorong efektivitas MAP yang telah diuraikan dalam rangka memperbaiki kinerjanya agar mencapai efektivitas MAP dan semakin banyak kasus MAP yang menghasilkan kesepakatan yang dapat mengeliminasi double taxation sebagaimana tujuan MAP, membangun sistem informasi dan dokumentasi yang terintegrasi, termasuk transparansi aktor yang telibat dalam MAP agar sesuai juga dengan ketentuan international best practice. ......MAP is one of the international tax dispute resolution, especially to resolve dispute that related to the implementation of Tax Treaty. The number request cases of MAP with the number of cases reaching agreement recorded from its implementation in Indonesia has not been directly proportional. This is causes there is "beginning balance" of cases (MAP pending cases) that carried over and recorded in the MAP case inventory in the following year.The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of the MAP policy as one of international tax disputes resolution in Indonesia, and the factors driving this effectiveness. This research uses the Post-Positivism paradigm with a quantitative approach that uses Riant Nugroho's Theory. Data collection and data analysis techniques are qualitative through library research and field studies by conducting in-depth interviews. The result of this research is, that the implementation of MAP in Indonesia based on PMK 49 of 2019 are still not fully effective in terms of the MAP agreement that has been produced, because the result of MAP it has not fully achieved the MAP goal to eliminating double taxation. The results of MAP in Indonesia of the periode 2016 – 2019  says that the agreement are not all "fully relief", and there are still have result "agree or disagree". But, according to regulations, that is PMK 49 of 2019, the relationship between the actors involved and the MAP policy environment in Indonesia has been effective. However, related parties, especially in this case the DGT (as CA Indonesia) still have to continue to explore the existing potential through the factors driving the MAP that have been described in order to  improve their performance so can achieve the effectiveness of MAP and can more and more MAP cases result in an agreement that can eliminate double taxation as appropriate, develop an integrated information and documentation system, including transparency of actors involved in the MAP to comply with international best practice provisions.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soleh Effendie
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang Perjanjian Kerjasama Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas (FTA). Ketentuan mengenai Perjanjian Perdagangan Regional telah diatur dengan aturan yang terdapat dalam Artikel XXIV GATT. Hal tersebut membuktikan keinginan negara-negara dunia ketiga seperti ASEAN untuk membuat unifikasi dan harmonisasi hukum perdagangan regional/kawasan dengan prinsip yang menganut pada liberalisasi perdagangan dan kompetisi bebas WTO. Payung hokum Perjanjian Perdagangan Regional telah diatur dengan aturan yang terdapat dalam Artikel XXIV GATT. Para wakil kepala negara ASEAN dan Republik China telah melakukan kesepakatan mebentuk FTA pada tanggal 6 Nopember 2001 di Bandar Sri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, mengenai Kerjasama Ekonomi dan pendirian suatu Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas ASEAN-China (ASEAN-China FTA) dalam 10 tahun dengan perlakuan khusus dan berbeda serta fleksibilitas bagi negara-negara anggota ASEAN yang baru seperti Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar dan Viet Nam. Guna mendukung terlaksananya kerjasama antar negara negara ASEAN pemerintah perlu terus melakukan beberapa langkah atau kebijakan di bidang perdagangan dan perpajakan. Secara umum, pengembangan sektor penerimaan perpajakan sangat bergantung pada upaya-upaya untuk mengurangi kendala yang menghambat proses perdagangan nasional maupun perdagangan bilateral dengan negara lain. ...... This thesis explores the International Trade at The Agreement of Regional Trade Area. it was latterly develops quickly and can be seen from more progressive the circulation of goods, services, and capital from a state to another state, such as through export and import activity, investment, service commerce, etc. Therefore as logical consequence of this progress especially in facing of liberalization era in commercial sector, the change and development in law field must be conducted especially in the field of trade law, including the regulation of tariff. The ASEAN Member State was decision made at the ASEAN-China Summit held on 6 November 2001 in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, regarding a Framework on Economic Cooperation and to establish an ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ASEAN-China FTA). The goal of this framework is to minimise barriers and deepen economic linkages between the Parties; lower costs; increase intra-regional trade and investment; increase economic efficiency; create a larger market with greater opportunities and larger economies of scale for the businesses of the Parties; and enhance the attractiveness of the Parties to capital and talent. Each Party shall accord national treatment to the products of all the other Parties covered by this Agreement and the Framework Agreement in accordance with Internal Taxation and Regulation such as on Article III of the GATT 1994. Reaffirming the rights, obligations and undertakings of the respective parties under the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and other multilateral, regional and bilateral agreements and arrangements.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Amin
Abstrak :
A contracting state cannot tax the profits of an enterprise (resident) of the other Contracting State unless it carries on its business through a permanent establishment (PE) situated therein. Hence the establishment of a PE is a main condition that the source country can impose taxes on profits from foreign business activities.

Considering the importance of a PE to a source country in terms of imposing taxes on foreign business activities, therefore in order to optimize tax revenues, Directorate General of Tax (DGT) must carry out extensification efforts optimally on PE. Whether these extensification efforts on PE are optimal or not really depends on DGT?s capability in identifying and declaring PE status of Foreign Taxpayers that engage in business activities in Indonesia.

Based on the result of the research which has been done trough a series of interview with relevant parties, it can be concluded that extensification efforts of PE which have been done by DGT especially KPP Badora Dua are not optimum enough. The main source point of these not so optimum extensitication efforts is due to the not optimal process of PE identification being done.

There are various problems that cause PE identification could not be done optimally, which are: unavailability of sufficient data, weak skills of DGT's human resources, the lack of comprehension of the industry being supervised, the rapid growth of telecommunication and information technology, the high mobility of Foreign Taxpayers, taxpayer's poor knowledge as to the concept of PE, the tendency to impose Income Tax article 26 on every transaction having to do with Foreign Taxpayers, and also the reluctance of Foreign Taxpayers to register itself in as a PE.

To optimize PE extensification efforts, the DGT is advised to increase its capability in identifying and declaring the PE's status through development of a comprehensive and up to date data bank, stepping up employees know how, more intense cooperation with business association and certain technical departments, intensifying counselling to tax payers, renegotiation of Tax Treaties, increasing the quality of service and tax administration, and taking the follow-up steps intensively of the results of extensification.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The background of the thesis is the highly development of various financial innovations and manipulations as well as the development of international trading, which will beneficial for big companies or multinational companies. One of them is Structured Trade Finance (STF) transaction that using LFC as financing mechanism, which is conducted by big agribusiness companies. As long as the business transaction of STF produces income in Indonesia, of course it should be governed by the Indonesia income tax system. Innovation in this practical commodity business is an interesting phenomenon to determine the character of its tax. The characterization of income is an important matter that emerges in imposing the tax of STP transactions that using L/C as an instrument. It becomes an important matter because it is related to the tax treatment including determination of tax rate for the income resulted from the STF transactions. Other thing that is mattered is that the STP transactions that are conducted by Taxpayer are not transparent and not disclosed well, which indicates an avoidance effort of tax payment.

The research method of the thesis is qualitative methodology with analytical descriptive approach. The two data collection?s methods that are used in this research are study literature and field data collection techniques. The technique of study literature in data collection was conducted by reading and understanding sciences books, magazines, papers, articles, international convention and the tax regulations. Meanwhile, the technique of field data collection was conducted by observing and direct communicating with the related research?s objects.

Basically, the STF transaction is a structured finance transaction based on borrowing. The experts in STF transaction in commodity's sector are able to design structurally the financing mechanism of L/C, by doing so, group of companies which are spread in various countries will able to take advantage in their internal cash flow to create benefit through financial arbitrage opportunities in the region. The concrete advantage for the Taxpayer for the STF transaction is in form of L/C prepayment discount, which is given by the bank as an issuer of the L/C that is positioned in this country. Based on the SHS concept of income, the benefit/ income obtained by the Taxpayer in conducting STF transaction is an income that subjected to tax because there is a substance economic increase. The characteristics of income will highly detemtine whether the income will be subjected to taxes or not, and also will determine the tax treatment of those income and the tax rate that will be imposed.

The determination factor of income characteristic from the STF transaction can be based on the substance of the transactions related with the obtained income. Through this research, it is shown that the income obtained from the STF transaction by using L/C technique can not exactly be classified as a business income as well as other income, although there are several criteria of business income and interest income are fulfilled by this transaction. The L/C prepayment discount can be classified as an interest income. The main reason is that based on the substance of income, the L/C prepayment discount could be the same as an interest. The difference is only about time of payment.

The planning of STF transaction that is conducted by PT ?X? can be classified as the tax evasion, the reasons are because the Taxpayer is considered as being not transparent and dishonest, and also morally disobedience of law. Due to the more sophisticated business method and technique, Taxpayers can avoid taxes payment, not only by using loopholes or taking advantages in the weaknesses of Tax Regulations but also the weaknesses in other regulations such as banking regulations.

In determine the characteristic of income of a business transaction, which is always developed in a various ways, it is better for the Taxpayers and the Tax Authority to analyze the nature of a transaction first, so it can be acknowledged the substance of the income that appropriate with the Tax Regulations. This research concluded that all regulations in a country have to greatly support each other. Improving access to bank information for tax purposes has to be considered by the regulations maker because it can reduce the probability of tax evasion which disservice our country.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boos, Monica
London: Kluwer Law International, 2003
338.52 BOO i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Keuangan-Dirjen Pajak, 1988
336.201 IND p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Berlin Haposan
Abstrak :
Ekspansi kegiatan ekonomi dari negara maju ke negara berkembang dapat berupa investasi Iangsung (foreign direct investment), pengoperasian cabang perusahaan, pendirian anak perusahaan, atau kepemilikan surat-Surat berharga (foreign portfolio investment). Kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan perusahaan negara domisili di negara sumber, dalam hal ini di Indonesia, dalam konsep perpajakan, melahirkan subjek pajak baru yang dikenal sebagai permanent establishment atau bentuk usaha tetap (BUT). Bentuk usaha tetap dalam sistem perpajakan Indonesia memiliki kedudukan yang khusus. Perlakuan perpajakan terhadap wajib pajak BUT agak berbeda dengan wajib pajak pada umumnya, dan hal ini juga dikaitkan dengan perjanjian penghindaran pajak berganda (P3B) rnengingat pengenaan pajak atas BUT berhubungan dengan yurisdiksi perpajakan internasional.

Penelitian ini pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk; (i) memaparkan ketentuan-ketentuan khusus perpajakan atas BUT, (ii) menganalisis pengenaan pajak atas BUT di Indonesia Sudah Optimal terkait dengan pelaksanaan ketentuan-ketentuan perpajakan domestik yang berlaku, dan (iii) memaparkan upaya-upaya apa saja yang dapat dilakukan oleh Ditjend Pajak untuk mengoptimalkan pemungutan pajak terhadap BUT di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi data sekunder dan data primer. Data sekunder dalam penelitian ini mencakup data mengenai peraturan-peraturan perpajakan atas BUT dan data penerimaan pajak atas BUT, jumlah wajib pajak BUT, serta kelompok usahanya. Sementara itu data primer akan dikumpulkan melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai pelaksanaan ketentuan-ketentuan khusus perpajakan atas BUT di Iapangan termasuk berbagai kompleksitas pennasalahan yang ada dan upaya-upaya yang perlu dilaksanakan oleh Ditjend Pajak untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini, teriihat bahwa penerimaan pajak penghasilan atas BUT relatif fluktuatif. Hal ini kemungkinan berkaitan dengan perkembangan aliran modal masuk asing ke Indonesia. Kontribusi terbesar penerimaan pajak atas BUT berasal dari kelompok usaha pertambangan migas, jasa persewaan mesin, jasa keuangan dan konstruksi.

Dari sisi pelaksanaan ketentuan perpajakan atas BUT, meskipun Undang- undang Pajak Penghasilan di Indonesia telah memberikan batasan yang cukup lengkap dan tegas mengenai kriteria BUT, pennasalahan mengenai kriteria suatu kegiatan usaha merupakan sebuah BUT masih sering muncul, sehingga lebih sering diselesaikan secara bilateral melalui perjanjian penghindaran pajak berganda. Sampai dengan Januari 2005 Indonesia telah mengadakan persetujuan penghindaran pajak berganda dengan 54 negara di dunia.

Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil kajian dari penelitian ini, pelaksanaan ketentuan-ketentuan perpajakan atas BUT di lapangan tampaknya menghadapi permasalahan yang cukup komplek terkait dengan kesulitan untuk mendeteksi BUT, sulitnya melakukan pendaftaran dan penetapan BUT secara jabatan, sulitnya melakukan pemeriksaan pajak terutama akibat belum adanya peraturan peIaksanaan yang rinci mengenai perpajakan atas BUT dan faktor Iainnya adalah terkait dengan keterbatasan sumber daya petugas pajak yang ahli mengenai perpajakan internasional.

Berdasarkan kompleksitas permasalahan yang dihadapi terkait dengan pelaksanaan ketentuan perpajakan atas BUT, maka ada saran yang dapat disampaikan kepada Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, yakni; (i) batasan terhadap kriteria bentuk usaha tetap perlu dipertegas, diperjelas, dan lebih dikembangkan terutama untuk antisipasi semakin berkembangnya aktivitas-aktivitas dan transaksi-transaksi ekonomi seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi, (ii) jumlah mitra runding dalam rangka P3B perlu segera diperluas mengingat semakin luas dan terbukanya aktifitas dan transaksi bisnis antar negara, (iii) perlu adanya peraturan yang lebih rinci mengenai pelaksanaan pemungutan perpajakan atas BUT sebagai contoh penerbitan Surat- Edaran yang Iebih rinci, (iv) perlu diterbitkan modul khusus untuk keperluan pendaftaran dan pemeriksaan pajak atas BUT untuk menghindari adanya beda penafsiran mengenai ketentuan perpajakan atas BUT, dan (v) perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya petugas pajak, khusus terkait dengan permasalahan perpajakan internasional.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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