ABSTRAKPada industri hot chamber diecasting pengunaan scrap bekas gating dan
proses machining pengunaanya tidak secara optimal untuk didaur ulang agar bisa
menjadi raw material . Hal ini dikarenakan adanya unsur pengotor besi yang ikut
terlarut kedalam paduan Zn-Al dan membentuk fasa intermetalik yang terlihat
pada strukturmikro . Fenomena ini akan mengakibatkan terjadinya cacat dan
penurunan sifat mekanis
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh penambahan modifier Al-
5TiB sebagai grain refiner merubah morfologi fasa intermetalik sehingga
meningkatkan fluiditas dan kekuatan mekanis dari paduan seng . Untuk
mengetahui penyebab itu dilakukan penelitian dan pengujian meliputi pengecekan
komposisi kimia, fluiditas , pengujian sifat mekanis , pengamatan struktur mikro
dengan SEM & EDAX.
Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pengaruh dari pengotor melalui
penambahaan kadar besi (Fe) 0.04% dan 0.19% yang dapat mengakibatkan
peningkatan fraksi fasa intermetalik pada batas butir yang menyebabkan
penurunan kekuatan tarik, impak dan fluiditas pada paduan Zamak 3.
Penambahaan grain refiner Al-5TiB dengan 0.5% dan 1% pada master alloy
Zamak 3 dengan kandungan besi (Fe) 0.19% dapat membuktikan peningkatan
sifat mekanis dan nilai fluiditas . Akibat terbentuknya fasa intermetalik yang
terdistribusi seragam dibatas butir yang lebih halus dapat terlihat dari hasil
pengamatan mikrostruktur.
ABSTRACTZamak 3 is one of the many zinc alluminium alloys, as a raw material in
the manufacturing industry with diverse product applications. This alloy has a
good combination of mechanical properties, castability, and good dimensional
stability. Therefore, the manufacturing is able to do with the method of die casting
with the production on a mass scale and shape precision. In casting industry, scrap
left over from casting results have not been optimal product use. This is because
there is an element of excess impurities and reduce castability. Iron (Fe) element
is the element contained impurities that reduce the ability of mechanical and
As a result of these problems, the research carried out by utilizing the
composition and nature of the scrap is given modifier to reduce the negative
influence of impurity elements are present. This study aims to determine the scrap
optimization with the addition of grain refiner Al-5TiB. Through variation of the
addition of 0.5% and 1%, this study will examine the intermetallic morphology
phase of alloy structure, influence on the mechanical properties and fluidity with
vacuum testing. Refined grains will reduce the influence of intermetallic that is
because the element Fe.
The results showed that addition of Fe 0,04% and 0,19% (above standard
0,002%) can lead the increasing of intermetallic phases fraction at grain
boundaries by microstructure analysis. Therefore, this intermetallic cause a
decrease in mechanical properties and fluidity.The modification by added Al-
5TiB to the alloy trigger the formation of a new phase with a subtle form
intermetallic phase and prove an increase in the mechanical properties and
fluidity. It is also a major effect on the value of the fluidity and mechanical
properties of the alloy. Thus, we can conclude how much influence the grain
refiner in distributing the intermetalic phase as seen in microstructure."