ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh transfer tidak bersyarat,
pendapatan asli daerah, produk domestik regional bruto dan jumlah penduduk
terhadap pengeluaran pemerintah kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jambi selama
implementasi desentralisasi fiskal. Berdasarkan spesifikasi model pengeluaran
pemerintah daerah, keberadaan flypaper effect dideteksi dengan membandingkan
koefisien regresi transfer tidak bersyarat dan pendapatan asli daerah menggunakan
pendekatan ekonometrika model data panel untuk 10 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi
Jambi selama 2001-2008. Hasil estimasi model fixed effect menunjukkan transfer
tidak bersyarat, PAD, PDRB berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengeluaran
pemerintah kabupaten/kota, sedangkan variabel jumlah penduduk memberikan
hasil yang sebaliknya. Selanjutnya hasil perbandingan koefesien regresi transfer
tidak bersyarat dengan pendapatan asli daerah memberikan kesimpulan adanya
flypaper effect pada pengeluaran pemerintah daerah di Provinsi Jambi
ABSTRACTThis research is intended to know the influence of unconditional grants, local
revenue, local GDP and the size of population on local government’s expenditure
in Jambi Province for the implementation of fiscal decentralization. Based on the
local government’s expenditure model specification, the existence of flypaper
effect was detected by comparing the regression coefficients of unconditional
grants and local revenue using econometric approach of panel data model from 10
districts/municipality in Jambi Province during 2001 to 2008. The result of fixed
effect model estimation show that unconditional grants, local revenue, local GDP
significantly affect on expenditure of government’s districts/municipality
government’s expenditure, while the variable of population has not significant
affecting on local government’s expenditure. In addition, the comparison of the
regression coefficients of unconditional grants and local revenue indicates the
existence of flypaper effect on the districts/municipality government’s
expenditure in the Province of Jambi during the period"