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Andry Dromicho
Abstrak :
Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 sebagai peraturan tertinggi di Indonesia telah mengatur bahwa hak atas pendidikan merupakan salah satu hak asasi manusia yang harus dipenuhi. Secara rinci, jaminan pemenuhan hak warga negara akan pendidikan tertuang dalam Pasal 31 ayat (1) UUD 1945 yang menyebutkan bahwa, "Setiap warga negara berhak mendapat pendidikan". Permasalahan krusial dalam bidang pendidikan di Indonesia adalah hak atas akses pendidikan yang tidak sepenuhnya diterima oleh masyarakat, terutama masyarakat miskin. Salah satu upaya pemerintah mengatasi masalah tersebut, yakni pembentukan Pendidikan Non Formal (PNF). Upaya tersebut memberikan peluang kepada masyarakat maupun pihak swasta (non pemerintah) untuk menyelenggarakan pendidikan sendiri, secara bertanggungjawab yang diatur selanjutnya dalam Undang-Undang tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Keterlibatan masyarakat dalam mengatasi masalah pendidikan tersebut diharapkan, agar kebutuhan akan pendidikan oleh masyarakat benar-benar tepat sasaran dan menjadi tolok ukur atas kebutuhan masyarakat akan pendidikan itu sendiri. Namun sayangnya, tujuan baik tersebut justru membawa masalah baru terutama masalah prosedur dan tujuan penyelenggaran kegiatan PNF itu sendiri. Ketimpangan prosedur seperti kegiatan tanpa izin pemerintah dan berada dalam ruang publik yang tidak tepat merupakan salah satu bentuk penyimpangan yang terjadi di lapangan. Oleh karena itu, penelusuran motif penyelenggaraan PNF yang menyimpang oleh masyarakat tersebut adalah langkah utama dalam menganalisis akar masalah sebenarnya. Sehingga mendapatkan suatu kesimpulan dan menjadi upaya perbaikan bersama bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat Dari hasil penelitian PNF yang dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat yakni komuniti peduli pendidikan di Kolong Tol Jembatan Tiga Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, ditemukan bahwa ketimpangan tidak hanya dari segi prosedur penyelenggaran PNF, tetapi juga ketidaksesuaian model dan konsep pendidikan serta jaringan komuniti perspektif community based development sebagai landasan teori dari penerapan kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat dalam bidang pendidikan. Kemudian, dari penelitian kegiatan PNF dalam ruang publik oleh komuniti tersebut, diperoleh suatu kesimpulan, bahwa motif penguasaan ruang publik adalah sebagai tameng ?penyelamatan diri? dari berbagai permasalahan ketimpangan yang telah ditemukan di atas. Motif demikian jika mengacu pemikiran oleh Erving Goffman merupakan bagian dari strategic interaction dalam konsep intelligence organization.
Act 1945 as the highest rule in Indonesia has arranged that the right to education is one of the human rights that must be met. In detail, guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of citizens for education set out in Article 31 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution which states that, "Every citizen has the right to education". Crucial issues in the field of education in Indonesia is a right of access to education that is not fully accepted by society, especially the poor. One of the government's efforts to overcome the problem, namely the establishment of the Non-Formal Education (PNF). Such efforts provide an opportunity to the public and the private sector (non-government) for education alone, are responsible for further stipulated in the Law on National Education System. Community involvement in addressing the issue of education is expected, so that the need for public education by actually right on target and the benchmark on the education needs of the community itself. But unfortunately, the good cause it brings new problems mainly a matter of procedure and the delivery destination PNF activity itself. Inequality procedures such activities without government permission and are in a public space that is not right is one form of irregularities that occurred in the field. Therefore, search patterns distorted by the PNF organizing the community is a major step in analyzing the root of the real problem. So get a conclusion and become joint improvement efforts for government and society. From the results of research conducted by the PNF community groups that care community education in Kolong Toll Bridge Three Penjaringan, North Jakarta, found that inequality not only in terms of the delivery procedures PNF, but also discrepancy model and the concept of education as well as networking community perspective as the basis for community based development theory of the application of community development activities in the field of education. Then, from the research activities of the PNF in the public space by the community, obtained a conclusion, that motive is the control of public space as a shield "escape" from problems of inequality that have been found above. Thus motive when referring to the thought by Erving Goffman is part of the strategic interaction in the concept of intelligence organization, Act 1945 as the highest rule in Indonesia has arranged that the right to education is one of the human rights that must be met. In detail, guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of citizens for education set out in Article 31 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution which states that, "Every citizen has the right to education". Crucial issues in the field of education in Indonesia is a right of access to education that is not fully accepted by society, especially the poor. One of the government's efforts to overcome the problem, namely the establishment of the Non-Formal Education (PNF). Such efforts provide an opportunity to the public and the private sector (non-government) for education alone, are responsible for further stipulated in the Law on National Education System. Community involvement in addressing the issue of education is expected, so that the need for public education by actually right on target and the benchmark on the education needs of the community itself. But unfortunately, the good cause it brings new problems mainly a matter of procedure and the delivery destination PNF activity itself. Inequality procedures such activities without government permission and are in a public space that is not right is one form of irregularities that occurred in the field. Therefore, search patterns distorted by the PNF organizing the community is a major step in analyzing the root of the real problem. So get a conclusion and become joint improvement efforts for government and society. From the results of research conducted by the PNF community groups that care community education in Kolong Toll Bridge Three Penjaringan, North Jakarta, found that inequality not only in terms of the delivery procedures PNF, but also discrepancy model and the concept of education as well as networking community perspective as the basis for community based development theory of the application of community development activities in the field of education. Then, from the research activities of the PNF in the public space by the community, obtained a conclusion, that motive is the control of public space as a shield "escape" from problems of inequality that have been found above. Thus motive when referring to the thought by Erving Goffman is part of the strategic interaction in the concept of intelligence organization]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Endah Wahyuni
Abstrak :
Perkembangan zaman yang sangat pesat membawa masyarakat pada kehidupan sekuler, hedonistic dan matrealistik. Perubahan dalam pola kehidupan manusia, terutama kehadiran teknologi telah membentuk sistem ideologi baru yang telah menggeser tatanan sistem nilai, etika, dan moralitas religius. Dampaknya melahirkan suatu kelompok sosial yang konsumtif. Kelompok sosial ini gemar mengkonsumsi berbagai macam komoditi sekunder dan tertier sehingga menimbulkan kecemburuan sosial dan mengubah cara orang lain bertingkah laku. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu nilai yang mampu menjembatani teknologi dengan nilai, etika, dan moralitas religius sehingga akan memberikan dampak positif bagi kehidupan manusia. Emotional Intelligence merupakan kemampuan untuk menggunakan emosi secara efektif untuk mencapai tujuan, membangun hubungan produktif dan meraih keberhasilan, sedangkan Zuhud merupakan karakter yang membentuk pribadi yang meninggalkan sesuatu yang tidak bermanfaat dan mengarahkan pada sikap kejernihan jiwa. Kedua nilai ini berpotensi mampu memberikan kontribusi positif bagi nilai-nilai kehidupan. Dalam dunia kerja juga diperlukan sikap saling membantu dan bekerjasama dengan karyawan yang lain, yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah Organization Citizenship Behavior. Tugas-tugas pemimpin akan lebih ringan jika terdapat karyawan-karyawan dengan OCB tinggi, sehingga konsekuensinya akan meningkatkan produktivitas dan kesuksesan. OCB dipandang sebagai manifestasi dari kodrat manusia sebagai makhluk sosial, maka akan sangat mungkin dipengaruhi oleh kompetensi sosial yang dimiliki oleh pegawai. Kecerdasan emosi merupakan suatu kapasitas yang mengidentifikasikan tingkat kompetensi personal dan sosial dari karyawan yang bersangkutan, sedangkan zuhud herperan dalam dunia pekerjaan, untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan etos kerja. Penelitian ini menganalisis kontribusi Zuhud dan Emotional Intelligence terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCR). Kuisioner yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini disusun oleh peneliti berdasarkan kajian teoritis. Kuisioner tersebut telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adaiah RSU Bhakti Asili yang berjumlah 125 orang. Adapun Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diambil secara Simple Random Sampling, yaitu pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan secara acak, sedangkan jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 73 orang. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini, menerima hipotesis yang diajukan yaitu Zuhud dan Emotional Intelligence berkontribusi terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Hal ini ditunjukkan melalui hasil analisis regresi berganda dengan nilai F sebesar 66,436 dan signifikasi 0,000. Nilai signifikasi tersebut berada di bawah signifikasi yang ditetapkan yaitu 0,05 dan positif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Zuhud dan Emotional Intelligence nu miliki hubungan yang positif terhadap OCR. Hal ini dapat dimaknakan, bila Zuhud dan Emotional Intelligence karyawan RSU Bhakti Asih mengalami kenaikan maka independen (Zuhud dan Emotional Intelligence) terhadap peruhahan variabel dependen (OCR) adalah sebesar 65,5% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 34,5% dipengaruhi oleh variabel yang lain selain variabel Zuhud don Emotional Intelligence.
The world has changed lastly and it has alTacted the society into a secular, hedonistic, and materialistic life. The change ini human life pattern, especially after the presence of technology has formed a new ideology which has changed the pattern of values, ethics and moralities system that already exist before. It is also hatched a consumtive social group as a result of the change. This social group like to crnnsume unnecessary commodity, there for their habits emerged social jelousy and changed other people behavior. There for, it is necessary to establish a value that can connect technology with religious values, ethnics and morality, so that will give positive effect for life. Emotional Intelligence is an ability to use emotion effectively to reach the purpose, depelove a productive relationship and enreach the success. Meanwhile Zuhud is a character which forms an ind'vidual that will ignore unnecessary things and lead us to the purity of soul. Both values are potentially give positive contribution to the values of the life. In working atmosphere it is also needed sense of help each other and cooperate with other employee, which is better known with term Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). The leader's assignment will he lighter is there are employee with high 0C3, so that the productivity and success will raise shrewdly as a result of that. OCR is regarded as the manifestation of human nature as social creatures, so it will easily be affected by social competency of the employee it self. The Emotional Intelligence is a capacity which identifies personal and social competency level of the employee, meanwhile zuhud has a role in working atmosphere to increase working ethos and activity. The research will analyze the contribution of Zuhud and Emotional Intelligence upon Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). The questioner u:ed in this research is made by the researcher based on theoritical study, The validity and reliability of the questioner has been tested. The population of the research is in public Hospital Bhakti Asih with 125 persons involve. The researcher used Simple Random Sampling, which is the sample are Laken randomly. The sample is about 73 persons. The result of the research is accept the hypothesis, which is Zuhud and 1:Motional Intelligence have a contribution to Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB). The result is proved by double regression analysis with F score with estimation 66,436 and 0,000 signification. The signification score is under the signification that has been decided, which is 0,05 and positive. The conclusion is Zuhud and Emotional Intelligence have a positive relationship with OCB. It means that, if Zuhud and Emotional Intelligence of the publik Hospital Bhakti Asih employees are increase, so the independent variable (Zuhud dan EI) against the change of dependent variabel OCB is about 65.5%, meanwhile the rest 34,5% is affected by another variable except Zuhud and El variable.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
T 17557
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library