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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sidabutar, Merry Amelya Puspita
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara ekspresi reseptor leptin endometrium dengan ekspresi reseptor αvβ3 integrin endometrium pada fase luteal madya pasien infertilitas, untuk mencari tahu salah satu penyebab kegagalan implantasi. Nilai leptin lokal endometrium dinilai melalui ekspresi leptin endometrium dan daya terima endometrium dinilai melalui ekspresi reseptor αvβ3 integrin endometrium. Penelitian ini dengan desain potong lintang di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Ekspresi reseptor dinilai dari H-score pada pewarnaan imunohistokimia yang diambil dengan cara biopsi endometrium sebagai baku emas. Dari 30 sampel didapatkan ekspresi reseptor leptin endometrium baik pada 23 sampel (76,7%), ekspresi reseptor leptin endometrium buruk pada 7 sampel (23,3%), sedangkan hasil daya terima endometrium baik pada 24 sampel (80%), dan daya terima endometrium buruk pada 6 sampel (20%). Uji analisis membuktikkan kadar leptin serum berkorelasi kuat dengan ekspresi leptin endometrium (r=0,67;p<0,01) dengan ekspresi leptin endometrium, dan ekspresi leptin endometrium berkorelasi dengan daya terima endometrium (r=0,72;p<0,01). Analisis multivariat menyebutkan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap daya terima endometrium secara berurutan adalah progesteron, ekspresi leptin endometrium, dan kadar leptin serum. ;The aim of this study is to correlate between endometrial leptin receptor expression with endometrial integrin αvβ3 expression on mid luteal phase of infertility patients to know one of the cause of implantation failure. Leptin played important role in female neuroendocrine and endometrial implantation. Local leptin value were assessed through the expression of leptin endometrial receptor and endometrial receptivity assessed through the expression of integrin αvβ3 endometrial. This study was crosssectional design in RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. The expression of the receptor rated of H-score on immunohistochemical staining were taken by endometrial biopsy as the gold standard. From 30 samples obtained, good endometrial leptin receptor expression were found in 23 samples (76.7%), poor endometrial leptin receptor expression in were found 7 samples (23.3% ), good endometrial receptivity were found in 24 samples (80%) and poor endometrial receptivity in 6 samples (20%). Result of this study show leptin serum was strongly correlated (r=0,67;p<0,01) with leptin endometrial receptor expression and endometrial leptin receptor expression was strongly correlated with endometrial integrin αvβ3 expression (r=0,72;p<0,01). Multivariate analysis show factors that correlate to endometrial receptivity sequentially are progesterone, endometrial leptin receptor, and leptin serum.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ursula Firdaus Hasan
Abstrak :
Masalah infertilitas merupakan masalah yang banyak dialami pasangan suami istri. Pria bertanggung jawab terhadap 25 -47 infertilitas. Laporan terdahulu menyebutkan bahwa terapi akupunktur dan moksibusi dapat memperbaiki kualitas semen yang abnormal. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk melihat efek terapi akupunktur dan moksibusi terhadap kualitas semen.Penelitian ini memakai metode before and after treatment. Penelitian dilakukan pada 14 orang responden dengan abnormalitas semen. Terapi akupunktur dan moksibusi dilakukan sebanyak 24 kali terapi. Seminggu dua kali terapi. Dilakukan penilaian sebelum dan sesudah terapi terhadap volume semen, konsentrasi sperma,motilitas sperma dan morfologi sperma.Terapi akupunktur dan moksibusi mempunyai efek meningkatkan jumlah volume semen.Volume semen sebelum terapi ml 2,74 0,77, sesudah terapi ml 3,15 1,07, dimana p-value 0,015.Terapi akupunktur dan moksibusi mempunyai efek meningkatkan konsentrasi sperma. Nilai sebelum terapi juta/ml 8,44 5,20, nilai sesudah terapi juta/ml 17,09 15,07, dimana nilai p-value adalah 0,020. Tidak terdapat peningkatan yang bermakna pada motilitas dan morfologi sperma.Terapi akupunktur dan moksibusi dapat meningkatkan volume dan konsentrasi sperma
The problem of infertility is a problem experienced by many couples. The men responsible for 25 47 of infertility. Some previous report that acupuncture therapy and moxibustion can improve the abnormal semen quality. This study aimed to see the effects of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy on semen quality.This study used the method before and after treatments. The study was conducted on 14 respondents with semen abnormalities.Acupuncture therapy and moxibustion done as much as 24x therapy,two times a week therapy. Conducted assessments before and after therapy to sperm concentration, sperm motility and spermmorphologyAcupuncture and moxibustion therapy has the effect of increasing the amount of semen volume. Value before treatment ml 2.74 0.77, after therapy ml 3.15 1.07, with p value 0.015. Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy has the effect of increasing the concentration of sperm. Values before million ml 8.44 5.20, the value after therapy million ml 17.09 15.07, where the value p value is 0.020. There is no increase of motility and normal morphology.Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy can improve volume andspermconcentration.
[, ]: 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Belet Lydia Ingrit
Abstrak :
Perkembangan terapi komplementer semakin meningkat khususnya dalam pengobatan infertilitas. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan untuk mengekplorasi perasaan perempuan infertil dalam menjalani keperawatan komplementer. Delapan perempuan ikut berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini sesuai kriteria inkusi dengan metode sampel purposive, pemilihan partisipan dilakukan secara berantai snowball sampling . Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan dilengkapi catatan lapangan. Analisa data dilakukan dengan thematic content analysis dengan menggunakan tahap-tahap dari Collaizi. Hasil penelitian menyatakan enam tema yaitu : 1 Perasaan sedih dialami oleh perempuan infertil 2 Bertambah usia dan desakan keluarga menyebabkan kecemasan perempuan infertil, 3 Alasan perempuan infertil memilih keperawatan komplementer karena ingin hamil secara alami 4 Berbagai cara dan usaha dilakukan perempuan infertil untuk memperoleh kehamilan, 5 Perempuan infertil memiliki persepsi yang benar tentang keperawatan komplementer, dan 6 Dukungan keluarga sangat diperlukan untuk kesuksesan keperawatan komplementer. Keperawatan komplementer sangat penting untuk dijadikan salah satu solusi bagi pasangan infertil khususnya perempuan infertil dalam usahanya untuk memperoleh keturunan. Hasil temuan ini merekomendasikan kepada perawat maternitas untuk mengoptimalkan perannya dalam memberikan informasi dan dukungan bagi perempuan infertil. Kata kunci : Infertilitas, Keperawatan komplementer, Penelitian kualitatif
The development of complementary therapies especially infertility treatment is increasing. Qualitative research was conducted to explore the experience of infertile women in undergoing nursing complementary treatment. Eight women participated in this research. Inclusion criteria was applied together with purposive sampling method. Selection of participants was done using snowball sampling. Data were collected through in depth interviews and field notes. Data analysis was performed with thematic content analysis using stages suggested by Collaizi. The results of this research are 1 Feelings of sadness experienced by infertile women 2 Increasing age and the insistence of the family causes anxiety infertile women, 3 Reasons infertile women choose nursing complementary because they want to get pregnant naturally 4 Various way and effort to get pregnant, 5 Infertile women have appropriate perception toward complementary nursing 6 Family support is needed for the complementary nursing success. Conclusion is complementary nursing very important to become one solution alternative for infertile couples. It is recommended that maternity nurse to optimize their role in giving information and support to infertil women.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bruce, Debra Fulghum
Abstrak :
Up to date, comprehensive, and written with compassion and clarity, this book reveals how to protect, increase, and extend one's fertility, with the essential information women need to increase their chances for having the baby they've always wanted.
Jakarta: Serambi Ilmu Semesta, 2011
616.692 BRU m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library