Sidabutar, Merry Amelya Puspita
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara ekspresi reseptor leptin
endometrium dengan ekspresi reseptor αvβ3 integrin endometrium pada fase luteal
madya pasien infertilitas, untuk mencari tahu salah satu penyebab kegagalan
implantasi. Nilai leptin lokal endometrium dinilai melalui ekspresi leptin endometrium
dan daya terima endometrium dinilai melalui ekspresi reseptor αvβ3 integrin
endometrium. Penelitian ini dengan desain potong lintang di RSUPN Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo. Ekspresi reseptor dinilai dari H-score pada pewarnaan
imunohistokimia yang diambil dengan cara biopsi endometrium sebagai baku emas.
Dari 30 sampel didapatkan ekspresi reseptor leptin endometrium baik pada 23 sampel
(76,7%), ekspresi reseptor leptin endometrium buruk pada 7 sampel (23,3%),
sedangkan hasil daya terima endometrium baik pada 24 sampel (80%), dan daya
terima endometrium buruk pada 6 sampel (20%). Uji analisis membuktikkan kadar
leptin serum berkorelasi kuat dengan ekspresi leptin endometrium (r=0,67;p<0,01)
dengan ekspresi leptin endometrium, dan ekspresi leptin endometrium berkorelasi
dengan daya terima endometrium (r=0,72;p<0,01). Analisis multivariat menyebutkan
faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap daya terima endometrium secara berurutan
adalah progesteron, ekspresi leptin endometrium, dan kadar leptin serum. ;The aim of this study is to correlate between endometrial leptin receptor expression
with endometrial integrin αvβ3 expression on mid luteal phase of infertility patients to
know one of the cause of implantation failure. Leptin played important role in female
neuroendocrine and endometrial implantation. Local leptin value were assessed
through the expression of leptin endometrial receptor and endometrial receptivity
assessed through the expression of integrin αvβ3 endometrial. This study was crosssectional
on immunohistochemical staining were taken by endometrial biopsy
as the gold standard. From 30 samples obtained, good endometrial leptin receptor
expression were found in 23 samples (76.7%), poor endometrial leptin receptor
expression in were found 7 samples (23.3% ), good endometrial receptivity were
found in 24 samples (80%) and poor endometrial receptivity in 6 samples (20%).
Result of this study show leptin serum was strongly correlated (r=0,67;p<0,01) with
leptin endometrial receptor expression and endometrial leptin receptor expression was
strongly correlated with endometrial integrin αvβ3 expression (r=0,72;p<0,01).
Multivariate analysis show factors that correlate to endometrial receptivity
sequentially are progesterone, endometrial leptin receptor, and leptin serum.
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library