"Dalam perkara kepailitan, debitor dapat mengajukan rencana perdamaian baik
melalui Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (PKPU) ataupun perdamaian
setelah putusan pailit dijatuhkan. Dalam hal rencana perdamaian diajukan melalui
PKPU, maka setelah perdamaian tersebut disetujui dan dihomologasi oleh
Pengadilan Niaga maka putusan homologasi mengikat semua kreditor kecuali
kreditor separatis dan terhadap kreditor separatis tersebut diberikan kompensasi
sebesar nilai terendah di antara nilai jaminan atau nilai aktual pinjaman yang secara
langsung dijamin dengan hak agunan atas kebendaan sebagaimana diatur dalam
Pasal 286 UUK-PKPU. Selama PKPU berlangsung, debitor tidak dapat
dimohonkan pailit. Hal ini berdasarkan Pasal 260 UUK-PKPU. Dengan demikian,
selama debitor beritikad baik melaksanakan isi perdamaian dalam putusan
homologasi seharusnya debitor dilindungi dari kepailitan kecuali debitor lalai
dalam memenuhi isi perdamaian. Jika hal yang demikian terjadi, kreditor dapat
menuntut pembatalan perdamaian yang mengakibatkan debitor seketika dinyatakan
pailit. Dalam praktik, terdapat 2 (dua) putusan pengadilan yang saling bertentangan
dan menimbulkan akibat hukum yang berbeda terhadap debitor yang sama yaitu
putusan homologasi dan putusan pernyataan pailit. Hal ini menjadi permasalahan
yang hendak dikaji dalam penelitian ini yaitu pelaksanaan putusan homologasi
dengan dikabulkannya putusan pernyataan pailit terhadap debitor yang sama. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif terhadap kasus kepailitan PT Siak Raya Timber.
In a bankruptcy case, the debtor can propose a composition plan either by the suspension of payment or accord after the bankruptcy order granted. If the composition plan is submitted through suspension of payment, the plan will then be approved and be homologated by the Commercial Court. The homologation decision binds debtor and all creditors except the separatist creditors, in which compensation with the lowest value between the collateral value or the actual valueof the loan that is directly guaranteed by collateral rights as regulated in Article 286Indonesian Bankruptcy Act will be given. Based on Article 260 Indonesian Bankruptcy Act, the debtor cannot be filed for bankruptcy during the suspension of payment. Therefore, as long as the debtor acting in good faith executing the accord based on the homologation decision, the debtor should be protected from bankruptcy. If the debtor fails to fulfill the accord based on the homologation decision, the creditor can demand a cancellation of the accord which causes the debtor to be declared bankrupt immediately. In practice, two court decisions contradict each other and lead to different legal consequences against the same debtor, namely the homologation decision and the bankruptcy order. This is an issue that will be examined in this study, which is the execution of the suspension of payment’s homologation decisions with the granting of a bankruptcy order against the same debtor. This study uses normative juridical methods on the bankruptcy case of PT Siak Raya Timber."