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Ika Julianti
Abstrak :
Angka konsumsi cabai rawit hijau (Capsicum frutescens) di Indonesia termasuk tinggi, namun kerap diabaikan kemungkinan kandungan nutrisi yang dimilikinya seperti antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan dari cabai rawit hijau. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan menggunakan sampel ekstrak etanol cabai rawit hijau dan vitamin C sebagai kontrol positif. Metode DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-pikrihidrazil) dipilih sebagai cara penetapan aktivitas antioksidan. Dari uji DPPH, aktivitas antioksidan diukur dari persentasi penghambatan 50% pembentukan radikal bebas oleh antioksidan, yang dituliskan dengan parameter IC50. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan IC50 ekstrak etanol cabai rawit hijau menggunakan spektrofotometri pada panjang gelombang 516 nm yaitu 144,269±5,263 μg/ml (antioksidan sedang) sedangkan IC50 vitamin C yaitu 6,951±0,049 μg/ml (antioksidan sangat kuat). Uji hipotesis dengan uji T tidak berpasangan terhadap IC50 cabai rawit hijau dibandingkan IC50 vitamin C didapatkan nilai p < 0,001. Pada penelitian ini dibuktikan bahwa aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol cabai rawit hijau (Capsicum frutescens) tidak lebih baik dari aktivitas antioksidan vitamin C.
The consumption rate of small green hot pepper (Capsicum frutescens) in Indonesia is high, but its nutritional content, such as antioxidant, is often overlooked. This study would like to know the antioxidant activity of small green hot pepper. This study is an experimental study using the sample of etanol extract of short green hot pepper and vitamin C as a positive control. DPPH method chosen as a way of determination of antioxidant activity. From DPPH test, antioxidant activity measured by the percentage of 50% inhibition from the formation of free radicals by antioxidants, which are known as IC50 parameters. The result of this study showed that IC50 extract of small green hot pepper using spectrophotometry at λ 516 nm is 144.269 ± 5.263 μg/ ml (medium antioxidant) while the IC50 vitamin C is 6.951 ± 0.049 μg / ml (very strong antioxidant). From unpaired T test in IC50 ekstract of small green hot pepper compared with IC50 vitamin C, gives p-value < 0,001. Conclusively, antioxidant activity in extract of small green hot pepper (Capsicum frutescens) is not stronger than the antioxidant activity of vitamin C.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syeda Tazkia Noor
Abstrak :
Radikal bebas merupakan senyawa kimia yang bersifat sangat reaktif sehingga dapat menyebabkan stress oksidatif. Pertahanan terhadap radikal bebas diperankan oleh enzim antioksidan di dalam tubuh seperti superoksida dismutase (SOD). Konsumsi antioksidan eksogen alami dapat mendukung sistem pertahanan tersebut, salah satunya adalah Jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi antioksidan dari ekstrak biji A.pauciflorum terhadap kerusakan jaringan hati yang diinduksi dengan CCl4, dengan parameter aktivitas spesifik enzim SOD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental menggunakan 28 tikus Sprague Dawley jantan berusia 8 minggu dengan berat tikus 90-160 gram. Tikus dibagi dalam 4 kelompok. Kelompok 1 merupakan kelompok tikus tanpa perlakuan (kontrol). Tikus pada kelompok 2 diberi 0,01ml/gBB selama 8 hari. Tikus kelompok 3 diberi 0,01ml/gBB selama 8 hari dilanjutkan dengan pemberian 0,55mg/gBB pada hari ke-9 dan ke-10. Tikus kelompok 4 diberi 0,55mg/gBB pada hari ke-9 dan ke-10. Setelah perlakuan dilakukan pengukuran terhadap aktivitas spesifik enzim SOD. Data percobaan diuji menggunakan uji One-Way ANOVA. Hasil penelitian didapatkan peningkatan aktivitas spesifik enzim SOD pada kelompok jengkol dan penurunan aktivitas spesifik enzim SOD pada kelompok CCl4 dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol, serta peningkatan aktivitas spesifik enzim SOD pada kelompok jengkol dengan CCl4 dibandingan dengan kelompok CCl4. Namun perubahan aktivitas spesifik enzim SOD di hati tersebut tidak bermakna dengan nilai p=0.210. Peningkatan aktivitas spesifik enzim SOD tersebut dapat menunjukkan potensi antioksidan ekstrak biji A.pauciflorum. ......Free radical is reactive chemical component that lead to oxidative stress. The body of mammal has its own defense mechanism against free radical through antioxidant enzyme such as superoxide dismutase (SOD). Consumption of natural exogenous antioxidant supporting the defense mechanism. One of the plants which is suspected to have antioxidant effect is Jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum). The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant potential of A.pauciflorum seed extracts against liver tissue damage induced by CCl4 with specific activity of SOD enzyme as the parameter. This experimental study is using 28 Sprague Dawley 8 weeks old rats, weighed between 90-160 g. These rats were randomly divided into four groups. Group 1 was group without treatment (control). Group 2 were administered 0,01ml/g body weight A.pauciflorum seed extracts for 8 days. Group 3 were administered 0,01ml/g body weight A.pauciflorum seed extracts for 8 days followed by 0,55mg/g body weight CCl4 on day 9th and 10th. Group 4 were administered 0,55mg/g body weight CCl4 on day 9th and 10th. The data obtained were analyzed by using One-way ANOVA. The result shows unsignificant increased specific activity of SOD in A.pauciflorum extract-treated group and decreased specific activity of SOD in CCl4-treated group compare to control grup, also increased specific activity of SOD in A.pauciflorum+CCl4-treated group compare to CCl4-treated group (p=0.210). This unsignificant increase might be indicating potential antioxidant effect in A.pauciflorum seed extract.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Larasati Priyono
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol cabai keriting hijau (Capsicum annuum ?Joe?s Long Cayenne? Linnaeus) dengan vitamin C. Konsentrasi ekstrak etanol yang digunakan 10, 20, 50, 100 dan 500 μg/ml, sedangkan vitamin C 0,7, 1,4, 3,5, 7 dan 14 μg/ml. Penentuan aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan dengan metode DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil) Free Radical Scavenging Assay. Dari metode ini, didapatkan nilai absorbansi dari hasil pengukuran spektrofotometri, yang kemudian dikonversi menjadi IC50. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol cabai keriting hijau (Capsicum annuum ?Joe?s Long Cayenne? Linnaeus) memiliki aktivitas antioksidan lemah (IC50 >150 μg/ml) dengan nilai IC50 335,154±9,831 μg/ml, sedangkan vitamin C, memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang sangat kuat (<50 μg/ml) dengan nilai IC50 6,951 ± 0,05 μg/ml.
The objective of this study is to compare the antioxidant activity of green long cayennes (Capsicum annuum ?Joe?s Long Cayenne? Linnaeus) with vitamin C. Concentrations used for the extract are 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 μg/ml, while vitamin C are 0.7, 1.4, 3.5, 7, and 14 μg/ml. Antioxidant activity is measured by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) Free Radical Scavenging Assay. From this assay, absorbance value will be obtained from spectophotometry, and then converted to IC50. The result of this research is that the extract of green long cayenne (Capsicum annuum ?Joe?s Long Cayenne? Linnaeus) shows weak antioxidant activity (IC50 >150 μg/ml), with IC50 value of 335.154±9.831 μg/ml. Meanwhile, vitamin C shows very strong antioxidant activity (<50 μg/ml), with IC50 value of 6.951 ± 0.050 μg/ml.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ryan Reinardi Wijaya
Abstrak :
Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya akan sumber daya alam.Contohnya cabai, yang manaternyatamemegang peranan penting di rumah tangga Indonesia, baik sebagai komponen maupun pelengkap makanan.Melihat hal tersebut, terdapat potensi bagi cabai untuk menjadi sumber antioksidan yang lebih terjangkau dan mudah diakses masyarakat jika dibandingkan vitamin C sebagai suplemen antioksidan terpopuler. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan perbandingan potensi aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol cabai hijau besar (Capsicum annuum Linnaeus) dengan vitamin C melalui uji DPPH. Pada kelompok perlakuan ekstrak etanol cabai hijau besar (Capsicum annuum Linnaeus), digunakan konsentrasi 10 μg/ml, 20 μg/ml, 50 μg/ml, 100 μg/ml, dan 200 μg/mlsebanyak 5 buah replikasi; sementara pada kelompok kontrol positif vitamin C, digunakan konsentrasi 0,7 μg/ml, 1,4 μg/ml, 3,5 μg/ml, 7 μg/ml, dan 14 μg/ml sebanyak 5 buah replikasi.Berdasarkan persamaan linear persentase inhibisi DPPH, nilai IC50 rata-rata dari ekstrak etanol cabai hijau besar sebesar 141,229±3,420 μg/ml,sedangkan nilai IC50 rata-rata dari vitamin C sebesar 6,951±0,049 μg/ml.Dari hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol cabai hijau besar (Capsicum annuum Linnaeus) memiliki potensi antioksidan sedang sedangkan vitamin C memiliki potensi antioksidan sangat kuat, dengan perbedaan rerata 134,278 (p <0,001).
Indonesia is a country with bountiful natural resources. One example is chili, which held significant role inIndonesian household, either as component or complement to food. Therefore, the potential use of chili as affordable and accessible antioxidant source is indefinite compared to vitamin C as the most popular antioxidant supplement.In this research, the antioxidant activity potency of large green chili ethanol extract (Capsicum annuum Linnaeus) and vitamin C will be compared by DPPH assay.In the intervention group of large green chili ethanol extract (Capsicum annuum Linnaeus), concentration of 10 μg/ml, 20 μg/ml, 50 μg/ml, 100 μg/ml, and 200 μg/ml is used with 5 replications; while in the positive control group of vitamin C, concentration of 0.7 μg/ml, 1.4 μg/ml, 3.5 μg/ml, 7 μg/ml, and 14 μg/ml is used with 5 replications. From the linear equation of DPPH inhibition percentage, the average IC50 of large green chili ethanolextract is found to be 141.229±3.420 μg/ml, while the average IC50 of vitamin C is found to be6.951±0.049 μg/ml.By the result of this research, it can be concluded that large green chiliethanol extract (Capsicum annuum Linnaeus) has a moderate antioxidant potency while vitamin C has a very strong antioxidant potency, with mean difference of 134.278 (p<0.001).
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afif Anshari
Abstrak :
Cengkih (Syzygium aromaticum) mengandung senyawa antioksidan kuat yang setara dengan antioksidan standar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas antioksidan ekstrak air cengkih dalam menurunkan kerusakan hati tikus yang diinduksi oleh karbon tetraklorida (CCl4). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental in vivo. Data penelitian didapat dengan mengukur konsentrasi senyawa karbonil hati tikus Wistar yang dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok, yaitu kontrol positif, kontrol negatif, diberikan cengkih 1 hari, 3 hari, 5 hari, dan 7 hari. Data kemudian diolah menggunakan program SPSS versi 20.0. Hasil uji one-way ANOVA menunjukkan rata-rata konsentrasi senyawa karbonil (nmol/mL) kontrol positif (2,045), kontrol negatif (1,794), cengkih 1 hari (1,635), cengkih 3 hari (2,865), cengkih 5 hari (3,218), dan cengkih 7 hari (2,630), dengan nilai p = 0,55. Hasil uji post hoc antara kontrol negatif dengan kelompok lainnya memiliki nilai p > 0,05. Disimpulkan, ekstrak air cengkih tidak memiliki efek antioksidan yang bermakna untuk meredam kerusakan hati oleh CCl4 dan jangka waktu pemberian cengkih tidak mempengaruhi aktivitas antioksidannya secara bermakna.
Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) possess strong antioxidant activity equivalent to standard antioxidants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectivity of aqueous-extract cloves as antioxidant in reducing damages to carbon tetrachloride-induced rat liver. This experimental study uses data obtained from measurement of carbonyl concentration in Wistar rat liver which are divided into 6 groups: positive control, negative control, received cloves for 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, and 7 days. The data are processed with SPSS version 20.0. The results of one-way Anova test show carbonyl concentration (nmol/mL) in positive control (2.045), negative control (1.794), 1-day clove (1.635), 3-day clove (2.865), 5-day clove (3.218), 7-day clove (2.630), with p = 0.55. Post hoc results comparing negative control to other groups show p > 0.05. To conclude, aqueous-extract cloves do not possess significant antioxidant activity to reduce carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage and duration of administration of cloves did not significantly affect its antioxidant activity.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stephen Diah Iskandar
Abstrak :
Syzygium aromaticum (cengkih) mengandung banyak zat yang bersifat antioksidan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui efektivitas antioksidan ekstrak cengkih dan pengaruh lama pemberian ekstrak cengkih dalam mengobati kerusakan hati akibat CCl4 yang dinilai melalui aktivitas spesifik glutation peroksidase (GPx). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, bulan Juni hingga Agustus 2014. Sampel sebanyak 36 tikus dibagi dalam 6 kelompok, yaitu kontrol positif (mendapat α-tokoferol), kontrol negatif (hanya mendapat CCl4), cengkih 1 hari, 3 hari, 5 hari, dan 7 hari. Data diolah dengan SPSS versi 20. Hasilnya menunjukkan rerata aktivitas spesifik GPx (U/gr protein) kontrol positif (6,11), kontrol negatif (8,06), cengkih 1 hari (8,42), 3 hari (6,95), 5 hari (7,64), dan 7 hari (7,98). Hasil uji one-way Annova menunjukkan nilai p 0,769. Uji post hoc antara kontrol negatif dan perlakuan lainnya menunjukkan nilai p>0,05, dengan perbedaan rerata terbesar pada kontrol positif dan cengkih 3 hari. Disimpulkan, cengkih tidak mempunyai efek antioksidan yang bermakna untuk mengobati kerusakan hati dan lama pemberian cengkih tidak mempengaruhi efek antioksidannya secara bermakna.
Syzygium aromaticum (clover) contains many antioxidant agents. This research was designed to determine the efficacy of clover extract as an antioxidant and the effect of duration of treatment to cure CCl4-induced liver damage that determined by the specific activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx). This experiment was held in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Laboratory Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, on 2014 June till August. Thirty six rats divided into 6 groups, that was positive control (received α-tocopherol), negative control (receieved CCl4), received clove for 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, and 7 days. The data was analyzed using SPSS 20. Result shows the specific activity of GPx (U/gr protein) in positive control (6,11), negative control (8,06), clove for 1 day (8,42), 3 days (6,95), 5 days (7,64), and 7 days (7,98). One-way Annova test shows p 0,769. Post hoc test between negative control and other groups shows p>0,05, with the highest mean difference is positive control and clove for 3 days. In conclusion, clove doesn’t have antioxidant effect to cure liver damaged and duration of treatment doesn’t influence the antioxidant effect significantly
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book introduces the methodology for collection and identification of herbal materials, extraction and isolation of compounds from herbs, in vitro bioassay, in vivo animal test, toxicology, and clinical trials of herbal research. To fully understand and make the best use of herbal medicines requires the close combination of chemistry, biochemistry, biology, pharmacology, and clinical science. Although there are many books about traditional medicines research, they mostly focus on either chemical or pharmacological study results of certain plants. This book, however, covers the systematic study and analysis of herbal medicines in general - including chemical isolation and identification, bioassay and mechanism study, pharmacological experiment, and quality control of the raw plant material and end products
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, N.J., 2011
615.321 TRA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Traditional systems of medicine are fast emerging as viable alternatives to modern medical science. Further, in recent years the emphasis on botanicals as source for drug discovery and development has been realized globally. Added to this, the safer profile of herbal drugs combined with their low costs make them ideal targets for newer drugs. As in the modern system of medicine, viz. allopathy, herbal drugs form an inseparable part of the management of various disorders. The concept of scientific validation of the basis of traditional uses of herbal medicines has given birth to a new concept of reverse pharmacology, and interactions between traditional and modern systems of medicine are being increasingly encouraged. Recent Advances in Herbal Drug Research and Therapy showcases some of these crucial and emerging issues relating to herbal drugs. This compilation is a judicious combination of research and conventional aspects on the subject of herbal drugs, their pharmacology and therapeutic applications. Some very relevant general and systemic pharmacological as well as toxicological aspects have been highlighted by some of the leading experts in this field. The book will be of interest to students, scientists, teachers and other health professionals in the area of pharmacology, toxicology and allied health sciences.
New Delhi: I.K. International Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010
615.321 REC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
SECTION Herbal Medicine and Oncology, 1. Herbal Drugs for Current Status and Future Directions in Cancer Chemoprevention, 2. Role of Phytochemicals in Cancer Chemoprevention, 3. Harnessing Medicinal Plants for Cancer Chemoprevention, 4. Botanicals Used in the Unani System of Medicine for Cancer Chemoprevention and Therapy, 5. Complementary Antitumor Properties of a Calendula Cytotoxic and Immunomodulatory Activity, 6. Protective Effect of Citrus aurantium and Crataegus microphylla Extracts against Cyclophosphamide-induced Genotoxicity, SECTION Phytodietary Compounds, 7. Nutritional Interactions for Cancer Prevention, 8. Chemotherapeutic and Chemopreventive Effects of Dietary Compounds and Breast Cancer, 9. Cancer Chemoprevention and Lifestyle An Overview of Epidemiology and Biological Mechanisms, 10. Role of Curcuma longa in Cancer Therapy and Chemoprevention, 11. Colon Carcinogenesis Prevention by Natural Products, 12. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Oral A Meta-analysis, 13. Antioxidant and Anticancer Activity of Tea Potential for Development as Therapeutics, 14. A Natural and Healthy Food Colorant for Prevention of Mutation-related Diseases, SECTION Plant-derived Bioactive Individual/Pure Compounds, 15. A Novel Chemopreventive Agent for Prostate Cancer, 16. Resveratrol and Chemoprevention of Gliomas, 17. Isoflavones in Breast Cancer Chemoprevention, 17. Isoflavones in Breast Cancer Chemoprevention, 18. Apigenin in Health and Disease with Special Reference to Cancer Chemoprevention, 19. Prevention and Therapeutic Effects of Naturally occurring Isothiocyanates in Cancer, 20. Anticancer Properties of Phytosterols, 21. Anticancer Alkaloids of Catharanthus roseus; Transition from Tradition to Modern Medicine, SECTION The Chemoradiotherapy Interface, 22. Effects of Natural Polyphenols on Chemoradiotherapy
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2010
615.321 HER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
London : Pharmaceutical Press, 2013
615.19 REM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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