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Budi Darmawan Diswan
"Latar Belakang. Audiometri nada murni (PTA) adalah metode yang umum digunakan untuk deteksi dini gangguan pendengaran pada pekerja terpajan bising. Tetapi diketahui bahwa PTA tidak dapat mendeteksi gangguan pada sel-sel rambut luar yang biasa terjadi pada tahap awal gangguan pendengaran. Emisi otoakustik (OAE) digunakan untuk mendeteksi tahap awal gangguan pendengaran, namun efektivitasnya dalam program surveilans pendengaran masih belum diketahui. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas OAE dalam program surveilans pendengaran untuk mendeteksi gangguan pendengaran akibat bising (NIHL).
Metode. Berbagai database elektronik termasuk Pubmed, Google Scholar, Scopus, dan Proquest ditelusuri dari awal hingga April 2022. Data diekstraksi dari setiap artikel, dan kualitas penelitian dinilai menggunakan alat Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2 (QUADAS-2). Skrining dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak COVIDENCE. Hasil disintesiskan secara naratif.
Hasil. Pencarian mendapatkan 412 artikel, di mana 8 artikel disertakan dalam analisis. Sensitivitas, spesifisitas, dan nilai prediktif positif untuk distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) adalah 19,4%-100%, 74%-97,1%, dan 13,6%-97,2%. Sensitivitas, spesifisitas, dan nilai prediktif positif untuk transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) adalah 12,5%-100%, 33,33%-90%, dan 47,37-90%.
Kesimpulan. Temuan ini mengindikasikan bahwa DPOAE dapat digunakan sebagai alat diagnostik tambahan untuk gangguan pendengaran pada frekuensi 2kHz dan 4kHz. Namun, masih ada bukti yang terbatas tentang efektivitasnya untuk mendeteksi NIHL.

Background. Pure-tone audiometry (PTA) are commonly used as early detection of hearing loss among workers exposed to noise. Nevertheless, PTA cannot detect the damage in the outer hair cells that usually occur in the early stage. Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) is introduced to detect the early stage of hearing loss, however its effectiveness in the hearing surveillance program is still unknown. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of OAE in hearing surveillance program to detect noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
Methods. Multiple electronic databases including Pubmed, Google Scholar, Scopus and Proquest were searched from inception until April 2022. Data were extracted from each article, and study quality was assessed using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2 (QUADAS-2) tool. Screening was performed using COVIDENCE software. Narrative synthesis was used for outcomes.
Results. The search retrieved 412 records, in which 8 studies included in the analysis. The overall sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value for distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) were 19.4%-100%, 74%-97.1% and 13.6%-97.2% respectively. The overall sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value for transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) were 12.5%-100%, 33.33%-90% and 47.37-90% respectively.
Conclusions. These findings indicated DPOAE might be used as adjunctive diagnostic tool of hearing loss for 2kHz and 4kHz frequencies. However, there are still limited evidence on its effectiveness to detect NIHL.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Borisagar, Komal R.
"This book provides various speech enhancement algorithms for digital hearing aids. It covers information on noise signals extracted from silences of speech signal. The description of the algorithm used for this purpose is also provided. Different types of adaptive filters such as Least Mean Squares (LMS), Normalized LMS (NLMS) and Recursive Lease Squares (RLS) are described for noise reduction in the speech signals. Different types of noises are taken to generate noisy speech signals, and therefore information on various noises signals is provided. The comparative performance of various adaptive filters for noise reduction in speech signals is also described. In addition, the book provides a speech enhancement technique using adaptive filtering and necessary frequency strength enhancement using wavelet transform as per the requirement of audiogram for digital hearing aids.
- Presents speech enhancement techniques for improving performance of digital hearing aids;
- Covers various types of adaptive filters and their advantages and limitations;
- Provides a hybrid speech enhancement technique using wavelet transform and adaptive filters.
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farisa Rizky
"Pendengaran merupakan suatu proses yang kompleks dan apabila terganggu dapat berdampak terhadap menurunnya pemahaman wicara. Kesulitan dalam mendengar terutama pada tempat dengan suasana bising merupakan salah satu gangguan yang umum terjadi pada bidang THT. Proses kemampuan mendengar meliputi proses deteksi, diskriminasi, rekognisi, serta komprehensi. Pemeriksaan audiometri tutur dalam suasana yang sepi dapat menggambarkan kemampuan pemahaman atau rekognisi seseorang, namun tidak cukup untuk menggambarkan kemampuan rekognisi sehari-hari yang pada umumnya ada pada suasana bising.
Tesis ini membahas mengenai penilaian ambang wicara yang disertai bising latar yang dapat diketahui dari nilai Speech Recognition Threshold SRT 50 dan Speech Discrimination Score SDS 100 pada orang dengan ambang dengar normal usia 18-60 tahun melalui pemeriksaan audiometri tutur dalam bising. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi potong lintang dengan desain deskriptif analitik pada 71 percontoh yang diambil secara berurutan.
Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan nilai SRT 50 audiometri tutur dalam bising 67.6 dB SNR -2.4 dB SL dan nilai SDS 100 79.7 dB SNR 9.7 dB SL. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara perbedaan kelompok usia terhadap seluruh hasil audiometri tutur dan audiometri tutur dalam bising. Terjadi peningkatan nilai SRT 50 dan SDS 100 yang signifikan pada kelompok usia 40-60 tahun dibandingkan kelompok usia 18-39 tahun.

Hearing is a complex process and if disturbed, it can affect decrease in speech understanding. Difficulty in hearing especially in places with noisy environment is one of the most common disorders in ENT. The process of listening ability includes the process of detection, discrimination, recognition, and comprehension. Speech audiometric examination in a quiet environment can describe the ability of a person 39 s understanding or recognition, but it is not enough to describe the ability of daily recognition that generally exist in a noisy environment.
This thesis discusses the assessment of speech threshold with background noise which can be known from the value of Speech Recognition Threshold SRT 50 and Speech Discrimination Score SDS 100 in people with normal hearing threshold age 18 60 years old through speech in noise audiometric examination. This study is a cross sectional study with descriptive analytic design on 71 samples taken sequentially.
The results of this study obtained SRT 50 speech in noise audiometric was 67.6 dB SNR 2.4 dB SL and SDS 100 was 79.7 dB SNR 9.7 dB SL. There was a significant correlation between age group differences with all results of speech audiometry and speech in noise audiometry examination. The values of SRT 50 and SDS 100 were significantly increased in the 40 60 years old group compared to the 18 39 years old group.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismulat Rahmawati
"Latar belakang: Tatalaksana tuberkulosis resistan obat membutuhkan obat antituberkulosis suntik lini kedua yang menyebabkan efek samping ototoksik menetap. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui prevalens ototoksik pada pasien tuberkulosis resistan obat dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang pada pasien TB resistan obat yang sedang mendapat obat kanamisin atau kapreomisin sebagai bagian paduan obat pada pengobatan tahap awal periode Januari-September 2017 di RSUP Persahabatan. Ototoksik ditentukan berdasar kriteria American Speech Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) tahun 1994 dengan membandingkan nilai audiometri dasar sebelum pengobatan dan saat penelitian.
Hasil: Sebanyak 72 pasien ikut pada penelitian ini. Ototoksik didapatkan pada 34 pasien (47,2%). Ototoksik pada bulan pertama pengobatan yaitu 5 subjek (14,7%) dan 19 subjek 56 tanpa keluhan gangguan pendengaran. Ototoksik lebih sering didapatkan pada penggunaan kanamisin (47,9%) dibandingkan kapreomisin (36,8%). Terdapat berhubungan bermakna antara faktor usia dan ototoksik dengan peningkatan risiko sebesar 5 pada setiap penambahan usia 1 tahun, p=0,029 aOR:1,050 IK95% (1,005-1,096). Kelompok subjek dengan komorbid DM dan peningkatan kreatinin serum didapatkan prevalens ototoksik lebih tinggi meskipun tidak bermakna secara statistik. Faktor jenis kelamin, IMT, riwayat penggunaan OAT suntik, status HIV dan total dosis obat juga tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna dengan ototoksik.
Kesimpulan: Ototoksik merupakan efek samping yang sering terjadi pada pengobatan fase awal pasien TB resistan obat. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor risiko dengan lebih baik.

Background: The treatment of drug resistance tuberculosis needs second line injection antituberculosis drug that associated with irreversible ototoxic. The aim of this study is to know the prevalence of ototoxicity in tuberculosis drug resistance patients and the contributing factors. Methods: This is a cross sectional study among drug resistance TB patients who receive kanamysin or capreomycin as a part of drug regimen during intensive phase in January to September 2017 at Persahabatan hospital. Ototoxic defined according to American Speech Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) 1994 criteria by comparing baseline audiometric examination before treatment with current result.
Results: Seventy two patients were included in this study. The prevalence of ototoxicity was found in 34 patients (47,2%). Ototoxic found in 5 subjects (14,7%) during the first month of treatment and 19 subjects 56 without hearing disturbance complain. Ototoxic in kanamisin group (47,9%) is more frequent compared with capreomisin (36,8%). Ototoxicity was associated with age, the risk increases 5 every 1 year older p=0,029 aOR:1,050 IK95% (1,005-1,096). The prevalences of ototoxicity are higher in diabetes and increasing serum creatinin patients but statistically not significance. Sex, body mass index, the history of using injectable antiTB drug, HIV status and total dosis were not associated with ototoxicity.
Conclusion: Ototoxicity is common in intensive phase of drug resistance tuberculosis treatment. Further study needed to determine the association of contributing factors."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zeng, Fan-Gang, editor
"This proposed volume takes off from Volume 20, and expands the examination of implants into new and highly exciting areas. This edited book starts with an overview and introduction by Dr. Fan-Gang Zeng. Chapters 2-9 cover technological development and the advances in treating the full spectrum of ear disorders in the last ten years. Chapters 10-15 discuss brain responses to electric stimulation and their perceptual impact. This volume is particularly exciting because there have been quantum leap from the traditional technology discussed in Volume 20. "
New York: Springer, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library