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Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Dampak kesehatan akibat pajanan pelarut organik cukup serius baik yang bersifat akut maupun kronis. Pengendalian lingkungan kelja dan pemantauan kesehatan pekerja harus dilakukan sedini mungkin. Penggantian bahan pelarut organik dengan bahan lain yang lebih aman adalah pilihan terbaik untuk mengurangi dampak pada kesehatan pekelja. Namun pcnggantian bahan pelarut dengan bahan lain dapat berdampak pada proses produksi maupun mutu produksi. Oleh karena itu analisis dampak kesehatan pekelja sedini munglcin menjadi bagian yang sangat penting, sehingga ganggllan kesehatan pekcrja dapat diketahui secara dini untuk dilakukan penanganan.

Metode: Menggunakan metode penelitian potong lintang (Cross-Sectional study). Variabcl bebas adalah kadar MBK di udara tempat kexja dan kadar MEK di dalam air seni. Variabel terikat berupa gangguan kesehatan {penyakit lculit, saluran napas, iritasi mata dan gejala dini gangguan sistem sarat), Data penelitian adalah data primer dan sekunder dari hasil pengukuxan, pemeriksaan dan catatan medis.

Hasil: Kadar MEK di tempat kexja textinggi adalah 249 ppm, sedangkan pajanan terendah adalah 103 ppm. 30,2% responden ditemukan terpajan di alas NAB. Kadar IPB di dalam air scni tcrtinggi adalah 5,21 mg/1, sedangkan hasil terendah adalah 0,01 mg/l. Sebanyak 27,9% responden di atas IPB. Prevalensi gangguan kesehatan peke1ja akibat pajanan pelarut organik MEK adalah: penyakit kuiit (34,9%); penyakit saluran napas (55,8%); iritasi mata (4,7%); dan gejala dini gangguan sistem saraf (44,2%). Prevalensi gangguan kesehatan lebih banyak ditemukan pada pekerja yang terpajan MEK di atas NAB dibandingkan dengan di bawah atau sama dengan NAB. Kesimpulan: Hasil analisis muitivaliat membuktjkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar MEK di udara tcmpat kcrja, kadar MEK di dalam air seni, status gizi dan lama kerja dengan gejala dini gangguan sistem sarai.
Introduction: The effect on health due to the exposure of Methyl Ethyl Ketone organic compound is a serious condition which related to acute and chronic eifccts. Exposure controlling work environments and monitoring the health status of employees must be done properly. Substituting the MEK organic compound with another safer substance is the best solution to reduce the health effect. However, it will give an impact to the product line and quality product. Early health effect detection is an important to find out the possibility of adverse health effect and manage the finding.

Method: Cross-Sectional Study is thc method in this research. The independent variables are the level of MEK in the work place and the level of MEK in the urine. The dependent variables are health effects (skin diseases, respiratory tract, eye irritation and early neurotoxic symptom). The data are taken from the Primary and Secondary Sources that are obtained by conducting a measurement, a physical exam as well as collecting and analyzing the medical records.

Results: The highest level of MBI( in the work place is 249 ppm and the lowest is 103 ppm. There are 30.2% respondents exposed to MEK above the Thresh Hold Limit Value (TLV). The highest Biological Exposure Index (BEI) urine is 5.2lmg/l and the lowest is 0.01 mg/l. There are 27.9% respondents with the level of MEK above the BEI. The prevalence of health effect due to the exposure of MEK is skin diseases (34.9%), 'respiratory tract diseases (55.8%), eye irritation (4.7%) and early neurotoxic symptom (44.2%). The prevalence of health problem is more Hequent to the respondents who are above the TLV than less than the TLV. Conclusion: Multivariate analysis indicated a significant correlation among MEK, BEI, nutritional status and length of work with early neurotoxic symptom.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mirsupi Usman
Abstrak :
Seiring dengan target pemerintah dalam peningkatan produksi minyak dan gas di lepas pantai, maka penggunaan bahan kimia dalam kegiatan produksi minyak dan gas semakin meningkat, hal ini memunculkan kekhawatiran akan potensi permasalahan kesehatan pekerja, oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan kajian risiko kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat risiko (risk rating/RR) kesehatan terkait pajanan dari kesebelas bahan kimia utama yang digunakan pekerja, pada proses produksi minyak dan gas di kapal FPSO XYZ tahun 2022. Metode Chemical Risk Assessment (CRA) yang digunakan adalah Stoffenmanager® 8 version 5.0 yang merupakan tools untuk menilai risiko kesehatan jalur pajanan inhalasi dan dermal dari penanganan enam bahan kimia oleh production technician di area kerja topside deck dan lima bahan kimia oleh utility operator di area kerja machinery deck. Hasil CRA menunjukkan bahwa tingkat risiko (RR) jalur inhalasi dimana satu bahan kimia kategori risiko tinggi (1,highest) delapan bahan kimia kategori risiko sedang (2, medium), dan dua bahan kimia risiko rendah (3, lowest). Sedangkan berdasarkan risk characterization ratio (RCR) pajanan inhalasi, ada dua bahan kimia yang diketahui nilai RCR task ≥ 1, yang berarti perkiraan konsentrasi emisi yang dihasilkan saat beraktivitas (task concentration estimation/TCE) terhadap potensi bahaya terhirup oleh production technician dan utility operator saat beraktivitas pada jarak yang dekat dengan sumber emisi, dikategorikan berbahaya atau risiko tidak dapat di tolerir (Unacceptable risk). Untuk tingkat risiko dermal efek lokal (skin local), sembilan bahan kimia masuk kategori risiko tinggi dan dua bahan kimia masuk kategori risiko sedang. Sedangkan tingkat risiko dermal efek sistemik (skin uptake), empat bahan kimia kategori risiko sedang, dan tujuh bahan kimia kategori risiko rendah. Hasil risk rating (RR) menentukan pula prioritas tindakan (Action Priority/AP) pengendalian risiko kesehatan. Rekomendasi pengendalian adalah menurunkan tingkat bahaya (HR) dengan melakukan penggantian bahan kimia (subtitusi) dengan bahan kimia yang lebih rendah tingkat bahayanya bagi kesehatan, dan untuk pajanan dermal (ER), otomatisasi proses penanganan, modifikasi teknik pekerjaan dengan membuat sistem penambahan bahan kimia secara gravitasi, menurunkan jumlah dosis pemakaian namun tetap efektif efisien (workplace-related modifiers), mengurangi waktu dan frekuensi penggunaan bahan kimia tersebut (activity time), penambahan ventilasi lokal (LEV) selain ventilasi mekanik, serta menggunakan baju khusus tahan kimia beserta sarung tangannya atau Chemsuit (control measures modifiers). ......Along with the government's target to increase offshore oil and gas production,  the use of chemicals in oil and gas production activities tends to increase, this raises concerns about potential health problems for workers, therefore it is necessary to conduct a chemical health risk assessment. This study aims to analyze the health risk rating (RR) related to exposure to the eleven main chemicals used by workers in the oil and gas production process on the FPSO XYZ ship in 2022. The Chemical Risk Assessment (CRA) method that is used is Stoffenmanager® 8 version 5.0 which is a tool to assess the health risks of inhalation and dermal exposure lines from the handling of six chemicals by production technicians on the topside deck work area and five chemicals by utility operators on the machinery deck work area. The results of the CRA show that the risk level (RR) for the inhalation route is one chemical in the high-risk category (1,highest), eight chemicals in the medium risk category (2, medium), and two chemicals in the low-risk category (3, lowest). Meanwhile, based on the risk characterization ratio (RCR) of inhalation exposure, there are two chemicals whose RCR task value is ≥ 1, which means the estimated concentration of emissions produced during the activities (task concentration estimation/TCE) against the potential inhalation hazard by production technicians and utility operators when activities at a close distance to the emission source, are categorized as a dangerous or unacceptable risk. For the level of dermal risk of local effects (skin local), nine chemicals are in the high-risk category and two chemicals are in the medium risk category. While the level of risk of dermal systemic effects (skin uptake), four chemicals were in the moderate risk category, and seven chemicals were in the low-risk category. The results of the risk rating (RR) also determine the priority of action (Action Priority/AP) for controlling health risks. Control recommendations are to reduce the level of hazard (HR) by replacing chemicals (substitutions) with lower chemicals levels of danger to health, and for dermal exposure (ER), automation of handling processes, modification of work techniques by making chemical addition systems automatically. gravity, reducing the number of doses used but still being effective and efficient (workplace-related modifiers), reducing the time and frequency of using these chemicals (activity time), adding local ventilation (LEV) in addition to mechanical ventilation, and using special chemical resistant clothing and gloves or Chemical suit (control measures modifiers).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library