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Susanto Zuhdi
Abstrak :
Studi ini mengkaji perkembangan pelabuhan dan kota Cilacap dalam periode kolonial Hindia Belanda (ca1830-1940). Perkembangan yang dimaksud disini ialah suatu proses bagaimana sebuah pelabuhan di suatu daerah yang semula hampir-hampir tak dikenal (terra incognita) secara lambat laun berkembang dan berperan besar khususnya di bidang ekspor, di bagian selatan Jawa Tengah. Disebut sebagai pelabuhan yang semula tak dikenal, karena tradisi pelayaran dan perdagangan baik antar pulau maupun internasional di Jawa terletak di pantai utara. Pelabuhan-pelabuhan seperti Banten, Sunda Kelapa, Cirebon, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, Tuban, Jepara, Panarukan, telah lama berkembang jauh sebelum kedatangan orang Barat. Sejalan dengan kepentingan pemerintah kolontal yang sejak 1800 telah memperlihatkan ciri lebih ambisius daripada sebelumnya untuk menggali dan memanfaatkan sebanyak mungkin hasil-hasil pertanian, khususnya di Jawa, untuk diekspor ke pasar Eropa, fungsi pelabuhan Cilacap mulai terangkat dari skala perdagangan tukar-menukar (ruilhandel) ke pelabuhan yang berorientasi ekspor ke luar negeri. Perdagangan kecil yang dimaksud adalah kegiatan mempertukarkan barang-barang seperti ikan asin, garam, terasi dari penduduk dl sekitar pantai Cilacap dengan beras dan hasil bumi lainnya dengan orang dari pedalaman. Eksistensi dan peran pelabuhan Cilacap sudah tentu tidak dapat dilepaskan dari daerah belakang (hinterland), tempat produk ekspor (cash-crops) dihasilkan, dan pasar dunia tempat komoditi itu dijual. Lalu lintas ekspor itu juga diimbangi oieh kegiatan impor, yakni barang-barang yang didatangkan dari luar negeri dan didistribusikan ke daerah-daerah pedalaman. Dilihat dari arus keglatan tersebut maka prasarana dan sarana komunikasi dan transportasi memegang peran penting. Ketika alat-alat transportasi modern belum diperkenalkan maka arus barang dari dan ke pelabuhan Cilacap sangat tergantung pada keramahan alam. Jalan sungai mempunyai fungsi utama. Perkembangan prasarana dan sarana modern di suatu daerah biasanya tidak dapat dipisahkan dari potensi daerah itu sendiri, artinya seberapa jauh daerah itu dianggap menguntungkan. Perkembangan pelabuhan Cilacap sebenarnya juga tidak berbeda dari kecenderungan umum itu. Kehadiran unsur-unsur seperti produk ekspor dari pedalaman, pelabuhan dan pasar, yang didukung oleh prasarana dan sarana, telah memungkinkan terjadinya anus barang, yang pada gilirannya melahirkan pula mobilitas sosial geografis. Adalah dapat dikatakan jika proses-proses itu kemudian mewujudkan suatu perkembangan lokalitas kota. Dengan demikian dapatlah diajukan suatu hipotesa bahwa perkembangan aktivitas pelabuhan telah mendorong pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kota Cilacap.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mengkaji aspek hukum dari kepelabuhanan berupa Terminal Khusus Tersus dan Terminal Untuk Kepentingan Sendiri TUKS oleh Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia serta mengkaji permasalahan permasalahan terkait dengan perizinan Tersus dan TUKS di Kotamadya Samarinda Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Penelitian ini dilakukan karena adanya permasalahan adanya ketidaksesuain antara Undang Undang No 17 Tahun 2008 tentang Pelayaran Peraturan Pemerintah No 61 Tahun 2009 tentang Kepelabuhanan dengan ketentuan dalam Pasal 46 dan Pasal 47 Permenhub No PM 51 Tahun 2011 tentang Terminal Khusus dan Terminal Untuk Kepentingan Sendiri Selain itu terdapat perbedaan penafsiran mengenai batas batas Daerah Lingkungan Kerja DLKr dan Daerah Lingkungan Kepentingan Pelabuhan DLKp dari Pelabuhan Samarinda oleh Kantor Syahbandar dan Otoritas Pelabuhan KSOP Samarinda dengan Direktorat Jendral Perhubungan Laut Kementrian Perhubungan Ditjen Hubla serta belum adanya penyesuaian terhadap DLKr dan DLKp Pelabuhan Samarinda sesuai dengan amanat ketentuan dalam Pasal 351 UU No 17 Tahun 2008 Penelitian ini dilakukan di kota Samarinda Provinsi Kalimantar Timur karena Pelabuhan Samarinda merupakan jenis pelabuhan laut yang berada di Sungai Mahakam yang memiliki peranan yang sangat penting terhadap kegiatan perekonomian.
This study examines the legal aspects of a port in the form of Special Terminal Tersus and Port for Own Interest TUKS by the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia as well as examine issues related to licensing Tersus and TUKS in Samarinda East Kalimantan Province This study was conducted because of problem of the existence of the non conformance between Law No 17 Year 2008 Regarding on Shipping Government Regulation No 61 Year 2009 on Port with the provisions of Article 46 and Article 47 Regulation of Ministry of Transportation No PM 51 of 2011 on Special Terminal and Terminal for Own Interest In addition there are differences in interpretation of the limits of the Regional Working Environment DLKr and the Regional Environmental Interests Ports DLKp from the Port of Samarinda the harbor master 39 s Office and Port Authority KSOP Samarinda the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of Ministry of Transportation DGST and there is no adjustment to DLKr and DLKp Port Samarinda in accordance with the provisions of Article 351 of Law No 17 2008 The research was conducted in the city of Samarinda province of East Kalimantan because the Port of Samarinda is a type of sea port which is located in the Mahakam River which has a very important role on economic activity. ;This study examines the legal aspects of a port in the form of Special Terminal Tersus and Port for Own Interest TUKS by the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia as well as examine issues related to licensing Tersus and TUKS in Samarinda East Kalimantan Province This study was conducted because of problem of the existence of the non conformance between Law No 17 Year 2008 Regarding on Shipping Government Regulation No 61 Year 2009 on Port with the provisions of Article 46 and Article 47 Regulation of Ministry of Transportation No PM 51 of 2011 on Special Terminal and Terminal for Own Interest In addition there are differences in interpretation of the limits of the Regional Working Environment DLKr and the Regional Environmental Interests Ports DLKp from the Port of Samarinda the harbor master 39 s Office and Port Authority KSOP Samarinda the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of Ministry of Transportation DGST and there is no adjustment to DLKr and DLKp Port Samarinda in accordance with the provisions of Article 351 of Law No 17 2008 The research was conducted in the city of Samarinda province of East Kalimantan because the Port of Samarinda is a type of sea port which is located in the Mahakam River which has a very important role on economic activity. ;This study examines the legal aspects of a port in the form of Special Terminal Tersus and Port for Own Interest TUKS by the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia as well as examine issues related to licensing Tersus and TUKS in Samarinda East Kalimantan Province This study was conducted because of problem of the existence of the non conformance between Law No 17 Year 2008 Regarding on Shipping Government Regulation No 61 Year 2009 on Port with the provisions of Article 46 and Article 47 Regulation of Ministry of Transportation No PM 51 of 2011 on Special Terminal and Terminal for Own Interest In addition there are differences in interpretation of the limits of the Regional Working Environment DLKr and the Regional Environmental Interests Ports DLKp from the Port of Samarinda the harbor master 39 s Office and Port Authority KSOP Samarinda the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of Ministry of Transportation DGST and there is no adjustment to DLKr and DLKp Port Samarinda in accordance with the provisions of Article 351 of Law No 17 2008 The research was conducted in the city of Samarinda province of East Kalimantan because the Port of Samarinda is a type of sea port which is located in the Mahakam River which has a very important role on economic activity. , This study examines the legal aspects of a port in the form of Special Terminal Tersus and Port for Own Interest TUKS by the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia as well as examine issues related to licensing Tersus and TUKS in Samarinda East Kalimantan Province This study was conducted because of problem of the existence of the non conformance between Law No 17 Year 2008 Regarding on Shipping Government Regulation No 61 Year 2009 on Port with the provisions of Article 46 and Article 47 Regulation of Ministry of Transportation No PM 51 of 2011 on Special Terminal and Terminal for Own Interest In addition there are differences in interpretation of the limits of the Regional Working Environment DLKr and the Regional Environmental Interests Ports DLKp from the Port of Samarinda the harbor master 39 s Office and Port Authority KSOP Samarinda the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of Ministry of Transportation DGST and there is no adjustment to DLKr and DLKp Port Samarinda in accordance with the provisions of Article 351 of Law No 17 2008 The research was conducted in the city of Samarinda province of East Kalimantan because the Port of Samarinda is a type of sea port which is located in the Mahakam River which has a very important role on economic activity. ]
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Aaqilah Della
Abstrak :
Disparitas harga antara wilayah-wilayah di Indonesia merupakan isu penting yang mempengaruhi kesejahteraan masyarakat dan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak ekspansi pelabuhan terhadap disparitas harga di Indonesia. Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan melalui analisis komparatif antara wilayah yang mengalami ekspansi pelabuhan dan wilayah yang tidak mengalami ekspansi. Data harga barang dan data transportasi dari berbagai sumber dianalisis menggunakan metode regresi panel dan analisis spasial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekspansi pelabuhan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap disparitas harga di Indonesia. Wilayah yang mengalami ekspansi pelabuhan menunjukkan penurunan disparitas harga yang lebih signifikan dibandingkan dengan wilayah yang tidak mengalami ekspansi. Perbaikan konektivitas dan peningkatan ketersediaan barang di wilayah ekspansi pelabuhan menyebabkan penurunan biaya logistik dan transportasi, yang pada gilirannya menekan harga barang di wilayah tersebut. Selain itu, efek kompetisi pasar yang ditingkatkan di wilayah ekspansi pelabuhan juga berkontribusi pada penurunan disparitas harga. Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi kebijakan yang relevan. Pemerintah perlu memperhatikan pentingnya pengembangan pelabuhan yang efisien dan terhubung dengan baik dengan jaringan transportasi. Selain itu, upaya untuk meningkatkan persaingan pasar dan infrastruktur pendukung di sekitar pelabuhan perlu ditingkatkan. Langkah-langkah ini dapat membantu mengurangi disparitas harga antara wilayah-wilayah di Indonesia dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif. ......The price disparity between regions in Indonesia is an important issue that affects the welfare of the people and the national economic growth. This research aims to analyze the impact of port expansion on price disparity in Indonesia. The research approach is conducted through a comparative analysis between regions that have experienced port expansion and regions that have not. Price data of goods and transportation data from various sources are analyzed using panel regression methods and spatial analysis. The research results show that port expansion significantly affects price disparity in Indonesia. Regions that have experienced port expansion exhibit a more significant reduction in price disparity compared to regions that have not. Improved connectivity and increased availability of goods in port expansion areas lead to a decrease in logistics and transportation costs, which in turn puts downward pressure on prices in those regions. Additionally, the enhanced market competition effect in port expansion areas also contributes to the reduction of price disparity. This research provides relevant policy implications. The government needs to consider the importance of developing efficient ports that are well-connected to transportation networks. Furthermore, efforts to improve market competition and supportive infrastructure around the ports need to be enhanced. These steps can help reduce price disparity between regions in Indonesia and promote inclusive economic growth.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Anggorowati
Abstrak :
Publikasi World Bank tahun 2010 tentang Indeks Kinerja Logistik menempatkan Indonesia pada posisi ke 75 dari 155 negara. Permasalahan kinerja logistik di Indonesia diantaranya terjadi di pelabuhan utama Tanjung Priok yang antara lain disebabkan oleh keterbatasan kapasitas pelabuhan, kepadatan arus lalu lintas angkutan barang (congestion), lamanya waktu penanganan barang (dwelling time) dan ketidakpastian waktu tunggu barang (lead time). Cikarang Dry Port sebagai perpanjangan pelabuhan Tanjung Priok dapat menjadi alternatif kegiatan logistik impor ekspor bagi industri di daerah Cikarang dan sekitarnya, sehingga diharapkan dapat mengurangi kepadatan di Tanjung Priok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran apakah kegiatan logistik setelah melalui Cikarang Dry Port lebih efisien dibandingkan sebelumnya dilihat dari aspek biaya, waktu dan keamanan barang. Dengan menggunakan sampel responden yang pernah mengunakan Cikarang Dry Port, pendapat responden menunjukkan bahwa aspek biaya tidak signifikan berbeda, aspek waktu lebih cepat dan aspek keamanan barang lebih baik. Dengan menggunakan value of time sebesar 0,8% dari nilai barang per hari akan diperoleh efisiensi sebesar 2,4% dari nilai barang. Efisiensi waktu juga berpengaruh pada kemampuan perusahaan untuk memenuhi kepuasan dan mempertahankan pelanggannya.;
Publication of World Bank 2010 about logistics performance index placed Indonesia in 75 of 155 countries. The performance of logistics problems in Indonesia occurring in Port Tanjung Priok was caused by the limited capacity of port , congestion, the length dwelling time and the uncertainty of the lead time. Cikarang Dry Port as an extension of Port Tanjung Priok could be considered as an alternative for industries in Cikarang regions and surrounding areas to conduct their export import logistics activities, so it expected to lessen the density in Tanjung Priok. This research aims to obtain a description whether logistics activities more efficient before and after using Cikarang Dry Port seen from the aspect of the cost , time and security of goods. By using a sample of respondents have ever use Cikarang Dry Port , the respondent?s opinion show that cost aspect was not significant, time and security good aspects was better. By using value of time 0.8% of the value of goods per day will be obtained efficiency 2.4 % of the value of goods. Efficiency time also affected the company ability to meet and maintain the satisfaction of its customers., Publication of World Bank 2010 about logistics performance index placed Indonesia in 75 of 155 countries. The performance of logistics problems in Indonesia occurring in Port Tanjung Priok was caused by the limited capacity of port , congestion, the length dwelling time and the uncertainty of the lead time. Cikarang Dry Port as an extension of Port Tanjung Priok could be considered as an alternative for industries in Cikarang regions and surrounding areas to conduct their export import logistics activities, so it expected to lessen the density in Tanjung Priok. This research aims to obtain a description whether logistics activities more efficient before and after using Cikarang Dry Port seen from the aspect of the cost , time and security of goods. By using a sample of respondents have ever use Cikarang Dry Port , the respondent’s opinion show that cost aspect was not significant, time and security good aspects was better. By using value of time 0.8% of the value of goods per day will be obtained efficiency 2.4 % of the value of goods. Efficiency time also affected the company ability to meet and maintain the satisfaction of its customers.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library