Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif (Creswell, 2012) dengan menggunakan teori antroponimi, etimologi, dan teori presuppositional meanings (makna praanggapan) dari Nyström sebagai pisau analisis. Penelitian ini bertempat di pulau Lombok di 5 kabupaten/kota dengan 24 titik penelitian yang berbasis kecamatan. Sumber data berupa data tertulis sebagai data utama dan data lisan sebagai data pendukung. Data tertulis berupa KK (Kartu Keluarga) dan data lisan berupa wawancara ke masyarakat, belian (dukun beranak), budayawan, dan sejarawan Lombok. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nama diri orang Sasak mengalami perubahan. Berdasarkan jumlah katanya, nama diri orang Sasak mengalami perubahan dari nama yang pendek menjadi nama yang cenderung panjang. Berdasarkan asal bahasanya, nama diri yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah nama diri yang berasal dari Bahasa Arab kemudian diikuti dengan bahasa Jawa. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya warisan ekspansi dari wali songo dan kerajaan Majapahit. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya perubahan nama disebabkan asosiasi masyarakat bahwa nama-nama dahulu cenderung kurang modern, sementara nama sekarang dianggap lebih modern. Nama asli Sasak pada umumnya ditemukan pada generasi Kakek/Nenek. Pada generasi Ayah/Ibu hanya ditemukan 1 nama diri yang berasal dari bahasa Sasak, sementara pada generasi Anak tidak ada nama diri yang berasal dari bahasa Sasak. Untuk mempertahankan identitas lokal yang tercermin dalam nama diri kiranya perlu ada revitalisasi penggunaan nama Sasak sebagai penanda jati diri bangsa. ......Name as a part of language is very important in human life, because name can reveal the identity of a person both personal identity, social, and cultural identity. Names that use elements of native languages can reflect the socio-cultural identity of a society. Based on Kuiper's research (2017) the Javanese personal name changes from a Javanese name to an Arabic name. The same changes also occur in Betawi tribe where the name of Betawi people tends to turn into Arabic names (Pahlevi: 2018). The phenomenon of personal name change in names containing local elements does not only occur in Javanese and Betawi tribes, but also allegedly occurred in Sasak tribe. This is the main reason for this research, to show whether there is a change in the name of Sasak people and how they have changed. The research method used is a qualitative method (Creswell, 2012) by using anthroponomy theory, etymology, and the presuppositional meaning theory of Nyström as an analysis. This research took place on the island of Lombok in 5 districts/cities with 24 sub-district-based research points. The source of data is in the form of written data as main data and oral data as supporting data. Written data in the form of KK (Family Card) and oral data in the form of interviews with the community, cultural observers and Lombok historians. This research shows that there is a change in Sasak people's personal name. Based on the number of words, the Sasak people's personal names experienced a change from short names to long-term names. Based on the origin of the language, the personal names that is most commonly found is the name that derived from Arabic language. then followed by Javanese. This shows the inheritance of expansion of the Wali Songo and Majapahit kingdom. In addition, this study also shows that the occurrence of name changes was caused by community associations that the previous names tended to be less modern, while the present name was considered to be more modern. The Sasak name is generally found in the generation of Grandparents. In the generation of Father/Mother only found 1 personal name derived from Sasak language, while in the generation of Children or present generation there is no self-name that comes from the Sasak language. To maintain a local identity reflected in its own name, it is necessary to revitalize the use of the Sasak name as a sign of national identity.