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Adysti Wahyu Dewantari
Abstrak :
Tindakan Pemerintah menetapkan Keputusan Menteri Kominfo No. 749 Tahun 2014 dan Peraturan Menteri Kominfo No. 22 Tahun 2014 sebagai dasar realokasi penyelenggaraan PCS 1900 MHz PT. Smart Telecom ke pita frekuensi 2,3 GHz, mendapatkan resistansi dari penyelenggara telekomunikasi lainnya. Dalam realokasi tersebut, PT. Smart Telecom mendapatkan alokasi frekuensi radio dari 2330 – 2360 MHz dengan lebar pita 30 MHz. Alokasi tersebut digunakan untuk penyelenggaraan seluler cakupan nasional berbasis teknologi netral. Tindakan Pemerintah dengan melakukan realokasi tersebut dapat menimbulkan persaingan yang tidak sehat pada industri telekomunikasi nasional. Dengan lebar pita 30 MHz berteknologi netral, PT. Smart Telecom akan mendominasi industri telekomunikasi melalui jaringan LTE dengan kecepatan layanan lebih dari 100 Mbps. Tidak ada penyelenggara seluler maupun penyelenggara BWA lain yang dapat menyaingi kecepatan layanan yang akan diberikan oleh PT. Smart Telecom. Evaluasi kebijakan dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui posisi kebijakan Pemerintah tersebut terhadap industri telekomunikasi nasional. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil yang diharapkan dengan hasil yang sebenarnya dan penentuan tidakan korektif untuk memastikan bahwa kebijakan sesuai dengan yang direncanakan. Melalui analisa menggunakan matriks Internal - Eksternal (IE) didapatkan hasil bahwa kebijakan Pemerintah berada pada sel V yang digambarkan sebagai menjaga dan mempertahankan. Posisi sel V mengindikasikan bahwa kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya dapat tetap dipertahankan dengan menjaga posisi internal dan eksternal yang ada, atau dapat ditingkatkan melalui strategi – strategi lanjutan untuk mencapai sel I, II dan IV yaitu tumbuh dan membangun. Melalui Perencanaan Strategis Kuantitatif Matriks, diperoleh opsi dengan nilai TAS paling tinggi dan merupakan tindakan koreksi kebijakan terpilih. Tindakan koreksi kebijakan adalah PT. Smart Telecom mendapatkan alokasi lebar pita yang sesuai dengan lebar pita alokasi PCS 1900 MHz sebelumnya yaitu 15 MHz, sedangkan sisanya ditetapkan dengan mekanisme seleksi.
Government action with established Minister of Communications and Informatics Decree No. 749 of 2014 and Minister of Communications and Information Technology Regulation No. 22 of 2014 as the basis for the reallocation of PCS 1900 MHz PT. Smart Telecom to 2.3 GHz frequency band, getting resistance from other telecommunications providers. In these reallocations, PT. Smart Telecom obtain radio frequency allocation from 2330 - 2360 MHz with 30 MHz bandwidth. The allocation is used for the cellular implementation with nationwide coverage based on neutral technology. The Government actions by reallocating PCS 1900 MHz can cause unfair competition on the national telecommunications industry. With 30 MHz bandwidth based on neutral technology, PT. Smart Telecom will dominate the telecommunications industry through LTE network with speeds of service over 100 Mbps. No cellular providers and other BWA providers that can compete the speed of services that provided by PT. Smart Telecom. Policy evaluation is intended to determine the position of the Government's policy towards the national telecommunications industry. Evaluation is held by comparing the expected results with actual results and determination to ensure that corrective action from the performance as planned. Through analysis using Internal - External (IE) matrix, showed that government policies are in the cell V that is described as hold and maintain. The position of cell V indicates that the policies that have been previously assigned, can be maintained by keeping the existing internal and external positions, or can be enhanced through advanced strategies to achieve cell I, II and IV that is grow and build. Through Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix, were obtained an option with highest TAS score which is the selected policy corrective action. The policy corrective action is PT. Smart Telecom receives bandwidth allocation accordance with bandwidth allocation of PCS 1900 MHz that is 15 MHz, while the rest is set by the selection mechanism.;Government action with established Minister of Communications and Informatics Decree No. 749 of 2014 and Minister of Communications and Information Technology Regulation No. 22 of 2014 as the basis for the reallocation of PCS 1900 MHz PT. Smart Telecom to 2.3 GHz frequency band, getting resistance from other telecommunications providers. In these reallocations, PT. Smart Telecom obtain radio frequency allocation from 2330 - 2360 MHz with 30 MHz bandwidth. The allocation is used for the cellular implementation with nationwide coverage based on neutral technology. The Government actions by reallocating PCS 1900 MHz can cause unfair competition on the national telecommunications industry. With 30 MHz bandwidth based on neutral technology, PT. Smart Telecom will dominate the telecommunications industry through LTE network with speeds of service over 100 Mbps. No cellular providers and other BWA providers that can compete the speed of services that provided by PT. Smart Telecom. Policy evaluation is intended to determine the position of the Government's policy towards the national telecommunications industry. Evaluation is held by comparing the expected results with actual results and determination to ensure that corrective action from the performance as planned. Through analysis using Internal - External (IE) matrix, showed that government policies are in the cell V that is described as hold and maintain. The position of cell V indicates that the policies that have been previously assigned, can be maintained by keeping the existing internal and external positions, or can be enhanced through advanced strategies to achieve cell I, II and IV that is grow and build. Through Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix, were obtained an option with highest TAS score which is the selected policy corrective action. The policy corrective action is PT. Smart Telecom receives bandwidth allocation accordance with bandwidth allocation of PCS 1900 MHz that is 15 MHz, while the rest is set by the selection mechanism., Government action with established Minister of Communications and Informatics Decree No. 749 of 2014 and Minister of Communications and Information Technology Regulation No. 22 of 2014 as the basis for the reallocation of PCS 1900 MHz PT. Smart Telecom to 2.3 GHz frequency band, getting resistance from other telecommunications providers. In these reallocations, PT. Smart Telecom obtain radio frequency allocation from 2330 - 2360 MHz with 30 MHz bandwidth. The allocation is used for the cellular implementation with nationwide coverage based on neutral technology. The Government actions by reallocating PCS 1900 MHz can cause unfair competition on the national telecommunications industry. With 30 MHz bandwidth based on neutral technology, PT. Smart Telecom will dominate the telecommunications industry through LTE network with speeds of service over 100 Mbps. No cellular providers and other BWA providers that can compete the speed of services that provided by PT. Smart Telecom. Policy evaluation is intended to determine the position of the Government's policy towards the national telecommunications industry. Evaluation is held by comparing the expected results with actual results and determination to ensure that corrective action from the performance as planned. Through analysis using Internal - External (IE) matrix, showed that government policies are in the cell V that is described as hold and maintain. The position of cell V indicates that the policies that have been previously assigned, can be maintained by keeping the existing internal and external positions, or can be enhanced through advanced strategies to achieve cell I, II and IV that is grow and build. Through Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix, were obtained an option with highest TAS score which is the selected policy corrective action. The policy corrective action is PT. Smart Telecom receives bandwidth allocation accordance with bandwidth allocation of PCS 1900 MHz that is 15 MHz, while the rest is set by the selection mechanism.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosika Dian Komala
Abstrak :
Salah satu kunci dalam penggelaran jaringan 5G adalah tersedianya spektrum frekuensi radio. Namun begitu, spektrum frekuensi radio merupakan sumber daya yang jumlahnya terbatas dan harus dioptimalkan penggunaannya. Salah satu kandidat pita frekuensi 5G low band adalah pita frekuensi radio 700 MHz. Dengan rencana penambahan pita frekuensi radio, tentu akan menambah beban BHP IPFR yang harus dibayarkan oleh operator seluler. Sehingga, perlu ditentukan nilai keekonomian pita frekuensi radio 700 MHz yang berada pada angka optimal (equilibrium). Dalam penentuan nilai keekonomian pita frekuensi radio 700 MHz ini menggunakan metode Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) dan Cost Reduction (CR). Penelitian mengenai penentuan nilai keekonomian pita frekuensi untuk kandidat pita frekuensi 5G di Indonesia juga pernah dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan teknik shadow pricing dan pendekatan menggunakan formula BHP IPFR N x K x I x C x B. Dari hasil perhitungan, nilai keekonomian pita frekuensi radio 700 MHz menggunakan metode Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) skenario BW 90 MHz adalah sebesar Rp64,08 Miliar. Nilai tersebut mendekati nilai keekonomian pita frekuensi 900 MHz saat ini sebesar Rp63,36 Miliar. Sementara nilai keekonomian pita frekuensi radio 700 MHz dengan metode Cost Reduction (CR) untuk industri dengan BW 90 MHz adalah sebesar Rp36,81 Miliar. Nilai keekonomian tersebut mendekati nilai keekonomian pita frekuensi 800 MHz sebesar Rp36,68 Miliar. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis penambahan beban BHP IPFR, perbandingan nilai keekonomian pita frekuensi radio terhadap pendapatan, dan perbandingan nilai keekonomian pita frekuensi radio terhadap EBITDA. Pengenaan nilai keekonomian pita frekuensi radio 700 MHz ditinjau dari kondisi beban BHP IPFR menggunakan metode DCF dan CR masih memungkinkan bagi Operator A dan Operator C untuk mampu mengoptimalkan penggunaan spektrum frekuensi dan memiliki kemampuan untuk mewujudkan industri yang berdaya saing. Namun sebaliknya, untuk Operator B, Operator E dan Operator F diprediksi mengalami kesulitan untuk mampu mengoptimalkan penggunaan spektrum frekuensi dan memiliki kemampuan untuk mewujudkan industri yang berdaya saing. ......One of the keys to deploying a 5G network is the availability of a radio frequency spectrum. However, the radio frequency spectrum is a limited resource and should be used optimized. One of the candidates for the 5G low band frequency band is the 700 MHz radio frequency band. The plan to add radio frequency bands will undoubtedly add to the spectrum fee burden that cellular operators must pay. Thus, it is necessary to determine the economic value of the 700 MHz radio frequency band, which is at the optimal value (equilibrium). The Government's policy in the valuation of radio frequency bands can optimize the use of frequency spectrum in Indonesia and realizing a competitive industry for delivering 5G technology services in Indonesia with the economic value approach of frequency bands and the business potential of telecommunications operations in Indonesia. Calculating this radio frequency band uses Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Cost Reduction (CR) methods. The 700 MHz frequency band valuation had researched before using the shadow pricing method and BHP IPFR N x K x I x C x B formulas. From the calculation results, the economic value of the 700 MHz radio frequency band using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method, scenario the BW 90 MHz scenario is IDR 64.08 billion. This valuation is close to the current economic value of the 900 MHz frequency band IDR 63.36 billion. Meanwhile, the valuation of the 700 MHz radio frequency band using the Cost Reduction (CR) method for industries with a BW of 90 MHz is IDR 36.81 billion. The valuation is close to the 800 MHz frequency band of IDR 36.68 billion. Furthermore, analyzing the addition of spectrum fee expenses, comparing the valuation of radio frequency bands to revenue, and comparing the valuation of radio frequency bands to EBITDA. Operator A and operator C can optimize the use of the frequency spectrum and could create a competitive industry. On the other hand, Operator B, Operator E, and Operator F will predict experiencing difficulties in optimizing the use of the frequency spectrum and having the ability to create a competitive industry.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marsaulina Andaristi P.H.
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini berisikan tentang adanya potensi persaingan usaha tidak sehat pada Rancangan Peraturan Menteri mengenai Tata Cara Seleksi Pengguna Pita Frekuensi 2,1 GHz dan Pita Frekuensi Radio 2,3 GHz untuk Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Bergerak Seluler. Pita frekuensi radio merupakan suatu gelombang elektromagnetik yang menjadi penghubung adanya satu media dengan media lainnya. Suatu pita frekuensi radio terdiri atas spektrum frekuensi radio yang mempunyai lebar tertentu. Spektrum frekuensi radio merupakan sumber daya alam terbatas. Sebagai sumber daya alam yang terbatas, diadakan lelang untuk penggunaan spektrum frekuensi tersebut. Lelang tersebut diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika, salah satunya dalam Rancangan Peraturan Menteri mengenai Tata Cara Seleksi Pengguna Pita Frekuensi 2,1 GHz dan Pita Frekuensi Radio 2,3 GHz untuk Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Bergerak Seluler. Namun, dalam Pasal 7 Rancangan Peraturan Menteri tersebut dijelaskan bahwa adanya pembatasan terhadap pelaku usaha yang berpotensi menimbulkan persaingan usaha tidak sehat. Selain itu, skripsi ini juga membahas mengenai perbandingan antara pengaturan lelang spektrum frekuensi di Indonesia dan di Amerika Serikat. Dimana dalam perbandingan tersebut, di Indonesia, diperlukan adanya ketentuan hukum yang mengakomodir edukasi kepada Peserta Seleksi terkait mekanisme lelang pada tahap pra lelang agar Peserta Seleksi lebih dapat memahami lebih baik mengenai lelang tersebut. Edukasi ini dapat dilakukan melalui Online Tutorials and Training agar lebih efektif dan efisien secara waktu dan biaya seperti yang sudah diterapkan di Amerika Serikat.
This thesis contains about the potential of unfair business competition in the Ministerial Regulation Draft on the Procedures of Selection of 2.1 GHz Frequency Band User and 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band for the Implementation of Mobile Cellular Network. The radio frequency band is an electromagnetic wave that connects the presence of one medium with other media. A radio frequency band comprises a radio frequency spectrum that has a certain width. The radio frequency spectrum is a limited natural resource. As a limited natural resource, an auction is held for the use of the frequency spectrum. The auction is regulated in the Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation, one of which is in the Ministerial Regulation Draft of 2.1 GHz Frequency Users Selection Procedure and 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band for the Provision of Mobile Cellular Network. However, in Article 7 of the Ministerial Decree, it is explained that there are restrictions on business actors that have the potential to create unfair business competition. In addition, this thesis also discusses the comparison between a frequency spectrum auction arrangement in Indonesia and in the United States. Where in the comparison, in Indonesia, there is a need for legal provisions that accommodate education to the Selection Participants regarding auction mechanism in the pre auction phase so that the Selection Participant can understand better about the auction. This education can be done through Online Tutorials and Training to be more effective and efficient in time and cost as already applied in the United States.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library