Alessia Anindiya Melinda
Abstrak :
[Tesis ini membahas tentang prioritas kebijakan luar negeri India terhadap Pakistan pada periode 2009-2014. Kebijakan Luar Negeri (KLN) India telah mengalami perkembangan dari waktu ke waktu. Diawali dengan kebijakan yang menggunakan pendekatan idealisme, KLN India dalam perkembangannya bergeser menjadi kebijakan yang pragmatis. Pragmatisme dalam KLN India terlihat dalam prioritas KLN negara tersebut terhadap Pakistan. Pada awal masa kemerdekaan kedua negara, hubungan India-Pakistan relatif berada dalam tensi tinggi. Setelah memasuki periode 2000an, India terlihat memilih strategi yang
lebih bersifat kooperatif terhadap Pakistan. India menilai cara ini lebih efektif dibandingkan pendekatan koersif yang selama ini dilakukan.
Melalui analisis menggunakan kerangka pemikiran dari Kaarbo, Lantis, Beasley, dan Kumar didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa dijadikannya bidang militer, terorisme, dan ekonomi sebagai prioritas dalam KLN India terhadap Pakistan pada periode 2009-2014 dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal yang dimaksud ialah kepentingan nasional dan strategi pemerintah India dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan tersebut. Dan faktor eksternal adalah hubungan
India – AS, hubungan India - Rusia dan hubungan Pakistan – Tiongkok;This thesis discusses about India's foreign policy priority towards Pakistan in the period of 2009 - 2014. India's foreign policy has evolved from time to time. Since it changes its foreign policy to idealism approach, the policy becomes pragmatic nowadays. It can be seen from their priority towards Pakistan. In the beginning of their independence, the relation between India and Pakistan is in high tension. In the period of 2000's, India tends to choose cooperative strategy toward Pakistan. Through foreign policy theory by Kaarbo, Lantis, Beasley, and Kumar, this thesis finds that India's foreign policy priority toward Pakistan are divided into three subjects, which are military, terrorism, and economy. These priorities are caused by internal and external factors. The internal factors are India's national interests and the government's strategy. Meanwhile, the external factors are the relations of India - US, India - Russia, and Pakistan - China., This thesis discusses about India's foreign policy priority towards Pakistan in the
period of 2009 - 2014. India's foreign policy has evolved from time to time. Since
it changes its foreign policy to idealism approach, the policy becomes pragmatic
nowadays. It can be seen from their priority towards Pakistan. In the beginning of
their independence, the relation between India and Pakistan is in high tension. In
the period of 2000's, India tends to choose cooperative strategy toward Pakistan.
Through foreign policy theory by Kaarbo, Lantis, Beasley, and Kumar, this thesis
finds that India's foreign policy priority toward Pakistan are divided into three
subjects, which are military, terrorism, and economy. These priorities are caused
by internal and external factors. The internal factors are India's national interests
and the government's strategy. Meanwhile, the external factors are the relations of
India - US, India - Russia, and Pakistan - China]
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library