Dyah Listiyaningsih
Abstrak :
Human error merupakan salah satu sifat alami yang dimiliki oleh manusia
(human nature) sehingga setiap harinya manusia pasti selalu mengalami error.
Namun biasanya konsekuensi dari human error ini biasanya relatif kecil (minor)
sehingga sering diabaikan. Namun pada kondisi tertentu human error dapat
menimbulkan konsekuensi yang lebih serius (major), misalnya saja ialah human error
yang terjadi pada chemical process industry, nuclear power, health care, dan tentu
saja dalam penerbangan (aviation).
Menurut penelitian Alabama & Northwest Florida Filght Standards District
Office, tingkat kesalahan manusia (human error) pada bidang Air Traffic Control
menduduki persenatase 90%. Selain itu banyak kasus kecelakaan penerbangan yang
menganggap Air Traffic Controller yang bersalah dan menduga sebagai penyebab
kecelakaan, tidak ada kontribusi ?Pilot Error? .
Desain studi dalam penelitian ini bersifat campuran (mix), di mana di
dalamnya dilakukan baik pendekatan kualitatif maupun kuantitatif sekaligus. Unit
kajian ialah mendapatkan besaran persentase dari masing-masing jenis
ketidaksesuaian interaksi dalam perspektif ergonomik dan unsur human error .
Pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk mendapatkan kajian terkait unsur human error
yang terjadi dengan task analysis.
Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa kejadian human error di bidang ATC
Bandar Udara Soekarno-Hatta memang cukup tinggi dengan persentase skill based
error 77,2%, perceptual error 62,3%, decision error 71,1%. Sedangkan untuk hasil
ketidaksesuaian faktor peralatan (mechanical failure), lingkungan (environment),
psikologis (beban kerja mental) masing-masing mencapai 93,9%, 94,7% dan 91,2%.
Human error is one of nature which is owned by a man (human nature) so that
every day human being must always be in error. But usually the consequence of
human error is usually relatively small (minor) so often overlooked. However, in
certain conditions of human error can cause more serious consequences (major), such
is human error that occurs on the chemical process industry, nuclear power, health
care, and of course in aviation (aviation).
According to research Alabama & Northwest Florida Filght Standards District
Office, the degree of human error (human error) in the field of Air Traffic Control
persenatase 90% occupied. In addition, many aviation accident cases are considered
Air Traffic Controllers who are guilty and the suspect as the cause of the accident,
there is no contribution "Pilot Error".
Design studies in this research are mixed (mix), where it performed well in
qualitative and quantitative approaches as well. Unit of study is getting a percentage
of the amount of each type of mismatch interaction in perspective ergonomics and
human error element. Descriptive qualitative approach to obtain relevant study
elements of human error that occurs with task analysis.
The study results showed that the incidence of human error in ATC Soekarno-
Hatta Airport is quite a high percentage of 77.2% skill based errors, perceptual errors
62.3%, 71.1% decision error. As for the discrepancy factor of equipment (mechanical
failure), environment (environment), psychological (mental workload) respectively
reached 93.9%, 94.7% and 91.2%.;
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library