Kata kunci: ACES, APE2, epilepsi autoimun, epilepsi resisten obat, NMDAR ......Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders in the world, approximately 20-30% of which are drug-resistant epilepsy. One cause of drug-resistant epilepsy is autoimmune disease, mediated by neural antibodies. The most frequently found and studied neural antibody is the anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDAR) antibody. The definitive diagnosis of autoimmune epilepsy is the discovery of neural antibodies in serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), but currently their availability is limited and the price is quite expensive in Indonesia. The Antibody Prevalence in Epilepsy and Encephalopathy 2 (APE2) score and Antibody Contributing to Focal Epilepsy Signs and Symptoms (ACES) are two clinical tools that can be used to suspect the presence of neural antibodies, but there has been no research in Indonesia. Purpose: This research is a diagnostic test to assess the ability of APE2 and ACES to predict the presence of anti-NMDAR neural antibodies in the serum of drug-resistant epilepsy patients. Methods: Drug-resistant epilepsy patients who seek treatment at the Pediatric Neurology Outpatient clinic at the National Central General Hospital, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta and the Regional General Hospital dr. Soetomo Surabaya from March to August 2023 were assessed using APE2 and ACES, then checked for serum anti NMDAR antibody. Results: There were 90 research subjects who met the research inclusion and exclusion criteria. Serum NMDAR antibodies were found in 10 of them. The APE2 score has a sensitivity of 60%, specificity of 82.5%, PPV of 30%, NPV of 94.3%, LR+ 3.43, and LR- 0.48. In this study, the APE2 score points that had significant values were changes in mental status (p 0.042) and prodromal symptoms before seizures (p 0.005). The ACES score has a sensitivity of 85.71%, a specificity of 72.22%, PPV 37.5%, NPV 96.3%, LR+ 3.08, and LR- 0.198. In this study, the ACES score points that had significant values were cognitive symptoms (p 0.033) and speech problem (p 0.028). In focal seizures, APE2 has lower sensitivity, PPV, NPV and LR+ values but higher specificity and LR- compared to ACES. The APE2 score is less sensitive but quite specific with a high NPV. The ACES score is quite sensitive and specific with a high NPV. Both can be used for initial epilepsy screening, especially if there are symptoms of changes in mental status, viral prodromal symptoms, cognitive symptoms and speech problem before or at the onset of seizures. Further research is needed to assess other neural antibodies, examining neural antibodies in CSF and also including those whose seizure onset is less than 1 year, not limiting to drug-resistant epilepsy only.