Latar Belakang: Beberapa gen yang terekspresi spesfik di epididimis diduga
terlibat dalam proses pematangan sperma. Karakteristik gen yang terlibat dalampematangan sperma selain ekspresinya spesifik di epididimis juga dipengaruhioleh androgen, faktor testikuler, dan terekspresi pada saat masa pubertas. Salahsatu famili gen yang cukup banyak ditemukan terekspresi di epididimis adalahBeta Defensin. Gen Beta Defensin diketahui memiliki peran sebagai pertahananterhadap mikroba, namun diduga memiliki keterlibatan dalam proses pematangansperma karena ekspresinya banyak ditemukan di epididimis. Oleh karena itu,penelitian pada gen Beta Defensin terhadap perannya dalam proses pematangansperma perlu dilakukan. Berdasarkan studi sebelumnya diketahui bahwa salahsatu gen Beta Defensin yang terekspresi di epididimis yaitu Beta Defensin 2(Defb2), namun karakterisasi terhadap gen ini belum dilakukan. Dengandemikian, pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi gen Defb2 terkaitdengan perannya pada proses pematangan sperma.Metode: Analisis bioinformatika digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasimengenai struktur gen, signal peptide, dan domain fungsional pada gen Defb2.Analisis qRT-PCR untuk mengetahui ekspresi relatif gen Defb2 pada berbagaijaringan, regulasinya oleh androgen, pengaruh dari faktor testikular danekspresinya pada perkembangan postnatal.Hasil: Defb2 merupakan protein sekretori karena memiliki signal peptide. Defb2memiliki domain fungsional berupa N-myristoylation dan protein kinase-C. GenDefb2 terekspresi spesifik di epididimis khususnya pada bagian caput epididimis.Defb2 ekspresinya dipengaruhi oleh androgen terbukti setelah perlakuangonadektomi, ekspresi Defb2 menjadi menurun dan kembali mengalami kenaikanketika diberikan testosteron eksogen. Defb2 juga ekspresinya dipengaruhi olehfaktor testikuler terbukti setelah diberi perlakuan Efferent Duct Ligation (EDL)maka ekspresi Defb2 langsung menurun bahkan terjadi apoptosis sel sehinggapola ekspresi gen Defb2 sudah tidak bisa diamati. Begitu juga pada analisispostnatal development terlihat ekspresi gen Defb2 mulai terdeteksi jelas pada harike-15 yang merupakan masa pubertas mencit jantan.Kesimpulan: Defb2 merupakan gen yang terlibat dalam proses pematangansperma di epididimis yang dibuktikan dengan ekspresi spesifik di epididimis,diregulasi oleh androgen dan faktor testikuler, serta mulai terekspresi pada masapubertas.Background: Some of the specific genes expression in the epididymis are
suspected to be involved in the process of sperm maturation. Characteristics of thegenes involved in sperm maturation in the epididymis-specific expression inaddition also influenced by androgens, testicular factors, and expressed at the timeof puberty. One of a family of genes that is pretty much found expressed in theepididymis is a Beta Defensins. Beta Defensin genes known to have a role as adefence against microbes, but suspected to have involvement in the process ofsperm maturation because the expression is found in the epididymis. Therefore,research on Beta Defensin genes against its role in sperm maturation processneeds to be done. Based on previous studies it is known that one of the BetaDefensin genes which expressed in the epididymis that is Beta Defensins 2(Defb2), but the characterization of this gene has not been made against. Thus,this research aims to characterize genes associated with the Defb2 role in theprocess of sperm maturation.Methods: Bioinformatics analysis was used to obtain information about thestructure of genes, signal peptides, and functional domains of the Defb2 gene.qRT-PCR analysis to find out the relative gene expression of Defb2 on varioustissue, regulation by androgens, the effect of testicular factors and its expressionin postnatal development.Results: Defb2 is a secreted protein because it has signal peptides. Defb2 has afunctional domain in the form of N-myristoylation and kinase-C protein. Specificgenes expression of Defb2 in the epididymis is especially in the caput epididymis.Defb2 expression influenced by androgens is proven after the gonadectomy, theexpression of Defb2 to be decreased and start increase again when exogenoustestosterone is given. Defb2 also its expression influenced by testicular factorsthat proven after being given the treatment by Efferent Duct Ligation (EDL), thenthe Defb2 expressions directly decreased and the cell apoptosis occurs even sothat the pattern of gene expression Defb2 already could not be observed. So alsoon analysis of postnatal development seen gene expression Defb2 begins to bedetected clearly at day 15 which is a male mice puberty.Conclusions: Defb2 is a gene which is involved in the process of maturation ofsperm in the epididymis that is evidenced by specific expression in theepididymis, be regulated by androgens and testicular factors, and as well as startexpressed at puberty."