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Harahap, Ade Ayu Lanniari
Abstrak :
Peningkatan jumlah kasus COVID-19 dan penyebarannya di berbagai negara terjadi berlangsung cukup cepat dan dalam waktu singkat. Hingga 4 Mei 2021, COVID-19 telah menginfeksi lebih dari 152 juta orang dan lebih dari 3 juta kematian di seluruh dunia. Indonesia telah melaporkan 1.682.004 kasus konfirmasi, tertinggi di Asia Tenggara, dan sebanyak 45.949 kematian terkait COVID-19 yang dilaporkan tertinggi ke-2 di Asia dan ke-17 di dunia. Masih terbatasnya data mengenai karakteristik dan faktor risiko yang terkait kematian akibat COVID-19 di Indonesia dan belum ada penelitian mengenai hal ini di kota Medan. Studi kasus-kontrol terhadap 222 pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat inap di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan periode Maret 2020-Desember 2020 dilakukan menggunakan data rekam medis pasien. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan karakteristik pasien COVID-19 berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, gejala klinis, komorbiditas dan tempat tinggal serta untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kematian pada pasien COVID-19. Hasil penelitian melalui analisis multivariat logistik regresi menunjukkan bahwa, adanya peningkatan risiko terhadap kematian pada usia ≥ 60 tahun (OR=5.495, 95% CI: 2.398-12.591), demam (OR=4.441, 95% CI: 1.401- 14.077), sesak napas (OR=8.310, 95% CI: 3.415-20.220), riwayat hipertensi (OR=2.454, 95% CI: 1.159-5.196), riwayat penyakit ginjal kronik (OR=10.460 kali, 95% CI: 3.282-33.331), riwayat penyakit kanker (OR=16.137, 95% CI: 2.798- 96.147) pada pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat inap di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan Tahun 2020. ......The increase in cases of COVID-19 and its spread in various countries took place very quickly and in a short time. As of May 4, 2021, COVID-19 has infected more than 152 million people and more than 3 million deaths worldwide. Indonesia has reported 1,682,004 confirmed cases, the highest in Southeast Asia, and 45,949 COVID-19-related deaths, the 2nd highest reported in Asia and 17th in the world. Data on characteristics and risk factors related to death from COVID-19 in Indonesia are still limited and there has been no research on this in the city of Medan. A case control study of 222 COVID-19 patients who were treated at H. Adam Malik Hospital in Medan for the period March 2020-December 2020 was carried out using patient medical record data. This study describes the characteristics of COVID-19 patients based on age, gender, clinical symptoms, comorbidities, place of residence and to determines the factors associated with death in COVID-19 patients. The results of the study through multivariate regression analysis showed an increased risk of death at the age of 60 years (OR = 5,495, 95% CI: 2,398-12,591), fever (OR = 4,441, 95% CI: 1,401 -14,077), shortness of breath (OR = 8,310) . , 95% CI: 3,415-20,220, history of hypertension (OR=2,454, 95% CI: 1,159-5,196), history of chronic disease (OR=10,460 times, 95% CI: 3,282-33,331), history of cancer (OR=16,137, 95% CI: 2,798-96,147) in COVID-19 patients treated at H. Adam Malik Hospital Medan in 2020.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kuuni Ulfah Naila El Muna
Abstrak :
NewEmerging Disease COVID-19 di akhir tahun 2019 menyebabkan KLB hingga pandemi di seluruh belahan dunia secara cepat.Secara global berdasarkan data 8 April 2020, total sebanyak 22.073 petugas kesehatanterinfeksi COVID-19 di 52 Negara. Kota Depok merupakan Kota pelapor kasus COVID-19 pertama di Indonesia pada 2 Maret 2020. Masih terbatasnya publikasi terkait petugas kesehatan berisiko terkena COVID-19 dan hanya meneliti pada kelompok nakes saja menjadi dasar peneliti untuk mengetahui hubungan status sebagai petugas kesehatan terhadap kejadian kasus konfirmasi COVID-19 di Kota Depok. Studi crossectional dilakukan menggunakan data sekunder hasil wawancara Form Penyelidikan Epidemiologi berdasarkan Pedoman Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Studi ini menggunakan data Maret- Juni 2020, yang melibatkan 925 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status sebagai petugas kesehatan tidak bisa berdiri sendiri dalam hubungannya dengan kejadian kasus konfirmasi COVID-19. Diketahui bahwa kombinasi antara riwayat kontak suspek COVID-19 dan mengunjungi fasilitas kesehatan diantara responden yang berstatus petugas kesehatan, meningkatkan risiko sebesar 2,13 kali (95% CI 1,33-3,41) untuk menjadi kasus konfirmasi COVID-19. Selain itu juga secara signifikan berhubungan dengan kasus konfirmasi COVID-19 di Kota Depok (p=0,002). ......In the last 2019, COVID-19 as New Emerging Disease causing a pandemic rapidly.The numbers of health care workers infected COVID-19 worldwide until 8th April 2020 in 52 countries were 22.073. 2nd March 2020, Depok city report the first case confirmed COVID-19 also the first case in Indonesia. Limited research about risk of healthcare worker infected COVID-19 and some of the research only examine in healthcare worker group became this research base to assess the association of healthcare worker and confirmed case in Depok City. A crossectional study has been done using secondary data obtained from Epidemiological Investigation Form from MOH Guidelines in Health District Office in Depok. This study using data obtained inMarch- June 2020 involving 925 respondents.The results show that status of healthcare worker cannot stand alone in the association with confirmed case COVID-19. Noted combinationbetween history of contact with suspect COVID-19 and visiting health care facility among respondentas health care worker elevated risk 2,13 times become confirmation cases of COVID-19 (95% CI 1,33-3,41) also significantly related to confirmation case of COVID-19 in Depok City (p= 0,002).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Ayu Maharani
Abstrak :
Despite the importance of conducting regular epidemiological surveys to monitor dental health in lower socio-economic citizens especially of preschool children, only few papers were published respectively. The aims of this study were to describe preschool children's and their mother's dental caries experiences and to describe mothers' knowledge and behaviors' towards dental health in a suburb area near the capital city of Indonesia. The samples were 152 mother-child pairs with children age less than 5 years old. Intra oral examination by decay-missing-filling-teeth index was performed. Moreover, interviews were conducted to gain information regarding mothers’ oral health behavior and knowledge. 70% children had caries with mean dmf-t = 3.7, consisting 100% of component decay. 90% mothers had caries with DMFT= 7.8, consisting 99% of component decay. More than 50% of mothers had low knowledge and behaviors towards dental health, which comprises of: (1) never checked their children’s dental health, (2) starting to clean their child's teeth after child's age is more than 1 years old, (3) don’t know that caries is an infectious disease, (4) frequently using same feeding and drinking equipments together with their children, (5) considering deciduous teeth are not important because it will be replaced with permanent teeth anyway. It could be concluded that the prevalence of dental caries in studied sample were high, these were relevant to the findings that the mother's knowledge and behaviors' towards dental health were low. The results of this study demonstrated that mothers might have a high contribution in their child’s caries risk. Prevention should be undertaken at an early age and actively including caregivers is essential in planning and conducting any dental health interventions.

Perilaku Kesehatan Gigi Ibu dan Pengalaman Karies Gigi Ibu-Anak: Studi pada Kota Satelit di Indonesia. Meskipun pentingnya melakukan survei epidemiologi untuk memantau kesehatan gigi terutama anak-anak prasekolah, hanya sedikit publikasi yang telah diterbitkan mengenai hal tersebut. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mendeskripsi pengalaman karies gigi pada anak-anak prasekolah dan ibunya serta untuk menggambarkan pengetahuan dan perilaku ibu terhadap kesehatan gigi di daerah pinggiran kota dekat ibu kota Indonesia. Sampel terdiri atas 152 pasang ibu-anak dengan usia anak kurang dari 5 tahun. Pemeriksaan intraoral dilakukan dengan panduan indeks gigi lubang-hilangtambal. Selain itu, wawancara dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai perilaku dan penetahuan kesehatan gigi ibu. 70% anak-anak telah menderita karies gigi dengan nilai dmf-t = 3,7, 100% diantaranya terdiri dari komponen gigi berlubang. 90% ibu telah menderita karies dengan DMF-T = 7,8, 99% diantaranya terdiri dari komponen karies gigi. Lebih dari 50% ibu-ibu memiliki pengetahuan dan perilaku rendah terhadap kesehatan gigi, dengan fakta yang terungkap diantaranya: (1) tidak pernah memeriksa gigi anak-anak mereka, (2) mulai membersihkan gigi anak mereka setelah usia anak lebih dari 1 tahun, (3) tidak mengetahui bahwa karies adalah penyakit menular, (4) sering menggunakan peralatan makan dan minum yang sama dengan anak-anak mereka, (5) menganggap gigi sulung tidak penting karena akan diganti dengan gigi tetap. Prevalensi karies gigi pada sampel yang telah dianalisa tinggi, hal ini relevan dengan temuan bahwa pengetahuan dan perilaku ibu terhadap kesehatan gigi rendah. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa ibu memiliki kontribusi terhadap risiko karies anak. Pencegahan karies gigi harus dilakukan pada usia dini dan peran aktif Ibu sangat penting dalam perencanaan dan intervensi kesehatan gigi.
University of Indonesia. Faculty of Dentistry, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mulya Rahma Karyanti
Abstrak :
Background: in recent years, diphtheria has reemerged in several countries including Venezuela, Yemen, Bangladesh, and Haiti. Similarly, Indonesia also showed an increased number of diphtheria cases in 2010-2017 despite the Diphteria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP) immunization program applied in Indonesia for children. This study aimed to evaluate the epidemiology of diphtheria cases which occurred in Indonesia during 2010-2017. Methods: this was a retrospective study of diphtheria cases in Indonesia. The following source of data about diphtheria disease burden and vaccine coverage was obtained from Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Indonesian Pediatric Society and World Health Organization South East Asia Regional Office. Results: the number of diphtheria cases in Indonesia were distributed across 30 provinces with a total of 811 cases in 2011; 1,192 cases in 2012; 296 cases in 2014; and 939 cases in 2017. Based on age group, the highest number of case fatality rate were in age group of 5-9 years old. Diphtheria immunization coverage in Indonesia among children was fluctuated, reported as 67.7 % in 2007, 61.9 % in 2010, 75.6% in 2013 and 61.3% in 2018. In addition to that, the organization of internal medicine has recommend booster of DPT immunization every 10 years for those children that had received complete DPT vaccination during childhood, however this was not applied. As the countermeasure towards this trend, the Ministry of Health implemented three rounds of Outbreak Response Immunization (ORI) targeted for the age group of 0-1-6 months old and 1-18 years old in 2017 and tailor approached for adults that had exposed to cases. Banten, DKI Jakarta and West Java were the first three provinces to implement this program considering their condensed population and high risk of disease transmission. Conclusion: in Indonesia, there was dramatic increase of diphtheria case in 2010-2017, where immunization in children should be reinforced by increasing coverage more than 95% and adult boosted vaccination approaches should be initiated to prevent the spread of these fatal diphtheria diseases in Indonesia.
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2019
610 UI-IJIM 51:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library