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Adi Setiya Dwi Grahito
ABSTRAKStudi ini menganalisa berbagai faktor-faktor yang terjadi akibat dari keputusan perusahaan dan industri untuk menggunakan pembangkit listrik mandiri dalam mengatasi masalah kebutuhan listrik untuk produksi. Dengan berfokus pada perbedaan karakteristik pulau dan sumber daya yang dimilikinya, masing-masing industri dari berbagai sektor memiliki berbagai pertimbangan yang tentu saja berbeda dalam kurun tiga periode waktu. Perhitungan empiris menunjukkan bahwa industri dengan pengeluaran dan pemasukan yang besar serta tenaga kerja yang sedikit cenderung memiliki probabilitas untuk menggunakan swa-listrik. Hasil pengolahan juga menunjukkan bahwa industri dari pulau Kalimantan dan kelompok pulau Papua/Nusa Tenggara/Maluku memiliki probabilitas menggunakan swa-listrik lebih tinggi yaitu masing-masing sebesar 24,7% dan 19,8%, jika dibandingkan pulau Jawa/Bali. Sektor pertanian dan perkebunan memiliki probabilitas menggunakan swa-listrik lebih tinggi jika dibanding kelompok lain. Efek dari periode tahun yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2009. Industri mengurangi penggunaan swa-listrik.
ABSTRACTThis study analyzes the factors that determine firms' decisions on electricity self-generation in Indonesia. Specifically, I explore the difference in firms' decisions making across Indonesian five major islands in the past ten years. The empirical investigation utilizes Indonesian's Large and Medium Firm dataset of the years 2004, 2009, and 2014. The empirical results show that industry with higher output, higher income, and less labor is positively associated with the probability of electricity self-generation. Moreover, for firms in Kalimantan and Papua/Nusa Tenggara/Maluku island, they have a higher probability (24.7% and 19.8%, in comparison with Jawa/Bali island) of the electricity self-generation. The agriculture sector is also more likely to self-generate electricity. The year effect on the study indicates that in 2009 the firms reduce the usage of self-generated electricity. All of these findings are robust across different model specifications."
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UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Alya Nurul Shafira
"Penyediaan akses listrik bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di desa terisolir yang tergolong dalam kategori daerah 3T mengalami hambatan karena tantangan infrastruktur. Padahal, akses energi menjadi salah satu penggerak utama untuk mengembangkan peluang ekonomi dan meningkatkan produktivitas masyarakat. Salah satu desa yang berada di daerah 3T adalah Desa Mahaleta di Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya. Hanya 9,4% masyarakatnya dapat menikmati fasilitas listrik yang terbatas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh sistem energi terbarukan hybrid terintegrasi (IHRES) berbasis energi surya dan angin yang layak secara ekonomi serta dapat memenuhi kebutuhan listrik sektor residensial, komersial, dan pengembangan sektor produktif berupa penyimpanan dingin dan pengeringan untuk hasil laut. Metode analisis menggunakan pendekatan tekno-ekonomi. Perancangan sistem energi hybrid terbarukan dengan optimisasi menggunakan perangkat lunak HOMER Pro dan perhitungan desain sistem kegiatan produktif menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Analisis keekonomian dilakukan dengan metode cash flow. Didapatkan hasil desain sistem energi berupa 271,62 kW panel surya, 80 kW turbin angin, dan 132 baterai. Skema pendanaan sistem energi hybrid layak jika mendapatkan hibah yang signifikan dan insentif fiskal dengan tarif listrik Rp 1.172/kWh. Skema pendanaan kegiatan produktif seluruhnya layak secara ekonomi dengan tarif penyimpanan dingin Rp 507/kg dan tarif pengeringan Rp 1.182/kg. Integrasi sistem energi dengan sistem kegiatan produktif dapat meningkatkan kelayakan ekonomi sistem.
The provision of electricity access for citizens living in isolated villages in 3T regions is experiencing obstacles due to infrastructure challenges. In fact, access to energy is one of the main drivers for developing economic opportunities and increasing community productivity. One of the villages located in the 3T region is Mahaleta Village in Southwest Maluku Regency. Only 9.4% of the people have access to limited electricity. The purpose of this research is to obtain an integrated hybrid renewable energy system (IHRES) based on solar and wind energy that is economically feasible and able to meet the electricity demand of the residential, commercial and productive sectors in the form of cold storage and drying for marine commodities. The analysis uses a techno-economic approach method. The renewable hybrid energy system is designed by optimization using HOMER Pro software, and productive activity system design calculations are done in Microsoft Excel. The cash flow method is used for economic analysis. System energy design results in 271.62 kW solar PV, 80 kW wind turbines, and 132 batteries. Financing schemes for hybrid energy system are feasible when given a significant grant and fiscal incentives with electricity tariff of Rp 1,172/kWh. Schemes for productive activities are all economically feasible with Rp 507/kg cold storage cost and Rp 1,182/kg drying cost. Integrating the energy system with productive activity systems may improve the economic feasibility of the system."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"This microbiology monograph provides an overview of methods for studying microbial stress tolerance for biofuels applications using a systems biology approach.
Topics covered range from mechanisms to methodology for yeast and bacteria, including the genomics of yeast tolerance and detoxification, genetics and regulation of glycogen and trehalose metabolism, programmed cell death, high gravity fermentations, ethanol tolerance, improving biomass sugar utilization by engineered Saccharomyces, the genomics on tolerance of zymomonas mobilis, microbial solvent tolerance, control of stress tolerance in bacterial host organisms, metabolomics for ethanologenic yeast, automated proteomics work cell systems for strain improvement, and unification of gene expression data for comparable analyses under stress conditions."
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Heidelberg : Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Adam Doni Mauladi
"Kebutuhan akan energi listrik terus berkembang seiring berkembangnya teknologi baik di dari bidang riset, bisnis hingga kebutuhan sehari-hari. Pembangkit energi fossil pun akan kehabisan sumber energi dalam beberapa dekade yang akan datang. Maka pengembangan EBT (energi baru dan terbarukan) dari berbagai sektor harus digencarkan. Salah satu bidang yang harus segera mengadopsi energi baru terbarukan adalah bisnis. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai aplikasi pengembangan model bisnis berbasis listrik mandiri dengan studi kasus peternakan terintegrasi dengan BSF (Black Soldier Fly) yang beroperasi di Gondang, Watumalang, Wonosobo (Koordinat Geografis: -07.354525,109.886423). Sesuai dengan semangat peternakan terintegrasi ini untuk melakukan kampanye melawan climate change, pengembangan solar photovoltaic untuk sumber energi di peternakan ini dapat menjadi sistem modular peternakan mandiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Tekno Ekonomi untuk menghitung potensi solar photovoltaic di lokasi dengan lahan ±400 m2 dan beban rata-rata 1,160805 kW dan potensi beban puncak pada 3,5 kW dengan random variability day-to-day 10% dan timestep 20%. Topologi yang dibangun adalah on grid ke PLN dengan dan tanpa baterai. Hasil perhitungan teknikal menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas Solar PV yang diperlukan untuk sistem ini 5,4 kWp dengan 18 modul. Hasil perhitungan parameter keekonomian menunjukkan sistem Solar Photovoltaic mampu menghasilkan ROI sebesar 65,83% (On-grid) dan 34,57% (Off-grid), menghasilkan IRR 5,53% (On- grid) dan 2,97% (Off-grid), dan menghasilkan LCoE USD 0,05193/kWh (On-grid) dan USD 0,06687/kWh (Off-grid).
The need for electrical energy continues to grow along with the development of technology both in the fields of research, business to daily needs. Fossil energy plants will run out of energy sources in the next few decades. Therefore, the development of NRE (new and renewable energy) from various sectors must be intensified. One of the areas that must immediately adopt new and renewable energy is business. This study discusses the application of developing an independent electricity-based business model with a case study of integrated farms with BSF (Black Soldier Fly) operating in Gondang, Watumalang, Wonosobo (Geographical Coordinates: -07.354525,109.886423). In accordance with the spirit of integrated animal husbandry to campaign against climate change, the development of solar photovoltaic for energy sources in this farm can be a modular system of independent poultry. This study uses Technoeconomic analysis to calculate the potential of solar photovoltaic in a location with a land area of ±400 m2 and an average load of 1.160805 kW and a peak load potential of 3.5 kW with random variability day-to-day 10% and timestep 20%. . The built topology is on grid to PLN with and without batteries. The results of technical calculations show that the required capacity of Solar PV for this system is 5.4 kWp with 18 modules. The results of the calculation of economic parameters show that the Solar Photovoltaic system is able to produce an ROI of 65.83% (On-grid) and 34.57% (Off-grid), resulting in an IRR of 5.53% (On-grid) and 2.97% (Off-grid). -grid), and resulted in LCoE of USD 0.05193/kWh (On-grid) and USD 0.06687/kWh (Off- grid)."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Takahiro Nakano
"To solve current environmental problems such as global warming and declination of fossil fuels, use of less energy is essential, particularly in the fields of refrigeration and air conditioning. Thus, simulations using complex mathematical models become vital. Simulation technology faces a major challenge because the language of simulation codes varies depending on the programmer. Thereafter, others cannot duplicate the same simulation technology used by their predecessors. To address this, a modular analysis method that generalizes simulation code has been developed. With this method, the general-purpose software analyzing energy system called “ENERGY FLOW +M,” a software enabling analyses that can be conducted without having to specify the model or the method of analysis used, has also been created. The focus of this study was on the solar collector. As the solar collector uses energy from the sun, it is friendly to the global environment. In order to understand the performance of the solar collector, the construction of a simulation model was carried out. Moreover, models of the solar collector and solar radiation were loaded into “ENERGY FLOW +M” to verify their performance. Thus, this simulator allows us to execute simulations of the solar collector from anywhere via the Internet."
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Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI-IJTECH 2:3 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Andre Laksono Putro
"Elektrifikasi 1723 desa 3T yang belum teraliri listrik menggunakan energi terbarukan sejalan dengan program Pemerintah Indonesia untuk menurunkan emisi GRK sebesar 29% pada tahun 2030 dan mencapai SDG’s point 7. Tantangan elektrifikasi desa 3T adalah letak desa yang tersebar, potensi energi terbarukan bervariasi dan nilai keekonomian yang rendah. Untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tarif microgrid desa 3T berdasarkan insentif yang tepat dan desain teknis yang optimal. Metodologi penelitian adalah klasterisai menggunakan Clara dan pemodelan optimasi untuk mendapatkan kapasitas microgrid. Ada 4 pusat cluster: Sari Tani (Gorontalo), Kubang Kondang (Banten), Tuno Jaya (Maluku), dan Sungai Pisau (Kalimantan Barat). Dari optimasi pemodelan diperoleh konfigurasi microgrid PLTS kapasitas 173 – 607 kWp, PLTB kapasitas 12 kW, dan BESS kapasitas 254 – 946 kWh. Untuk semua desa pusat klaster, tarif dasar untuk model bisnis EPC PLN adalah 3066 – 4115 Rp/kWh, model bisnis PPP adalah 3362 – 4525 Rp/kWh, dan model bisnis Wilus Resco adalah 4051 – 5478 Rp/kWh. Skenario insentif yang paling efektif adalah kombinasi tax allowance, pengurangan emisi karbon, dan subsidi bunga minimal 3% atau hibah capex 25% yang dapat menurunkan tarif dasar sebesar 51–59% sehingga menjadi dibawah 85% biaya pokok penyediaan pembangkit setempat.
Electrification of 1723 underdeveloped, frontier, and outermost villages (3T villages) using renewable energy-based microgrid is vital role in improving electricity access and socio-economic activities in the regions. This development strategy in line with the government of Indonesia's program to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by 29% in 2030 and to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) point 7. The challenges of 3T villages electrification are the location of villages that are spread out, varied renewable energy potential and low economic value. To answer those challenges, this study aims to cluster the villages based on renewable energy resource and electricity demand and to assess techno-economic viability of microgrid. The clustering the villages using Clara method and design the microgrid system by optimization model of Homer Pro, and also financial analysis is carried out using several incentive scenarios. The result shows that there are 4 cluster centers: Sari Tani (Gorontalo), Kubang Kondang (Banten), Tuno Jaya (Maluku), and Sungai Pisau (Kalimantan Barat) with microgrid configurations PV capacity 173 – 607 kWp, WTG capacity 12 kW, and BESS capacity 254 – 946 kWh kWh. For 4 cluster villages, the base-case tariff of EPC business model is 3066 - 4115 Rp/kWh, Public Private Patnership (PPP) business model is 3362 – 4525 Rp/kWh, and Resco business model is 4051 – 5478 Rp/kWh. The most effective incentive scenario is the combination of tax allowances, carbon emissions reduction, and interest subsidy minimum 3% or grant 25% capex which can reduce base-case tariffs by 51–59 %. Hence it becomes below 85% regional cost of generation."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Reyhan Fachrezi Adrianno
"Saat ini, pembangkit listrik di Indonesia masih didominasi oleh Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap yang menghasilkan banyak emisi CO2. Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) merupakan salah satu pembangkit listrik yang dapat menghasilkan energi listrik menggunakan energi terbarukan yaitu energi matahari dan tidak menghasilkan emisi CO2 dalam pembangkitan energi listriknya. Universitas Indonesia sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi terkemuka di Indonesia harus turut hadir dalam menggunakan pembangkit energi terbarukan yang lebih bersih. Sebagai institusi pendidikan dengan beban yang lebih tinggi pada siang hari untuk aktivitas akademis, PLTS tergolong salah satu alternatif energi terbarukan yang cocok untuk diimplementasikan di Universitas Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah studi pemanfaatan potensi matahari di lingkungan Universitas Indonesia menggunakan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya yang optimal berdasarkan lahan yang tersedia. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak PVsyst, DIgSILENT, dan HOMER. Kapasitas PLTS yang dirancang sebesar 2842 kWp dengan pengurangan LCOE sebesar Rp 40,30/kWh dan mengurangi emisi karbon sebesar 2.912.969 Kg/tahun. Implementasi PLTS pada jaringan listrik Universitas Indonesia yang sudah ada juga tidak menganggu aliran daya karena kondisi tegangan bus sistem masih berada pada batas Grid Code.
Currently, power plants in Indonesia are still dominated by Steam Power Plants which produce a lot of CO2 emissions. Solar Power Plant (PV) is one of the power plants that can produce electrical energy using renewable energy, namely solar energy and does not produce CO2 emissions. The University of Indonesia as one of the leading universities in Indonesia must also be the one to use cleaner renewable energy plants. As an educational institution with a higher load during the day for academic activities, Solar Power Plant is classified as one of the alternative renewable energy that is suitable to be implemented at the University of Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to study the utilization of solar potential at the University of Indonesia using an optimal solar power plant based on available area. The research was conducted using PVsyst, DIgSILENT, and HOMER software. The designed Solar Power Plant capacity is 2842 kWp with a reduction in LCOE of Rp 40.30/kWh and reduces carbon emissions by 2,912,969 Kg/year. The implementation of Solar Power Plant on the existing University of Indonesia electricity network does not interfere the flow of power because the system bus voltage is still following the Grid Code."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book is a comprehensive economic and legal study of the theoretical and practical aspects of the problems of increasing energy efficiency; self-motivation of energy saving by business entities within the framework of their corporate responsibility; regulatory mechanisms to stimulate energy conservation in the economy; civil-law regulation of foreign trade turnover of energy resources between economic entities of the Russian Federation and companies of member states of international integration associations – the CIS, EEMP, the EU and BRICS. It argues that technological energy saving plays a key role in reducing the energy intensity and increasing the energy efficiency of the economy, and substantiates the need for institutional support – including legal support for the participation of the Russian Federation – in various forms of international cooperation. Lastly, based on an analysis of current legislation, programs and recommendations, judicial and contractual practices, customs and trade procedures, it offers proposals for the developing, improving and unifying civil law regulation of obligations in the sphere of international trade in energy resources, as well as methodological recommendations for drafting foreign trade contracts in the energy sector."
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Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 2019
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Naurah Kamilah
ABSTRAKKabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu adalah salah satu kawasan prioritas pembangunan pariwisata di Indonesia (Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional). Adanya peningkatan dalam sektor pariwisata ini memicu terjadinya peningkatan kebutuhan energi listrik sebagai salah satu kebutuhan primer kegiatan berwisata. Sementara itu, potensi energi terbarukan dapat menjadi sumber energi yang dimanfaatkan di Kepulauan Seribu. Penelitian ini membuat proyeksi kebutuhan energi untuk sektor wisata di setiap pulau yang dibandingkan dengan rencana pemerintah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan energinya. Pulau yang memiliki proyeksi konsumsi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan rencana pemenuhannya diangap sebagai wilayah defisit energi yang kemudian dikaji wilayah kesesuaian sistem energi terbarukan menggunakan Spatial Multicriteria Analysis. Hasil menunjukan wilayah defisit energi untuk kebutuhan sektor pariwisata terdiri dari Pulau Tidung, Pulau Harapan, Pulau Ayer, dan Pulau Putri. Berdasarkan hasil analisis spasial multicriteria untuk menentukan wilayah kesesuaian Turbin Angin dan Sistem Photovoltaic, sistem energi terbarukan yang berpotensi dikembangkan di wilayah defisit tersebut adalah Sistem PV, sementara sistem turbin angin tidak sesuai untuk dikembangkan di wilayah defisit tersebut. Hasil pemetaan wilayah menunjukan besar potensi energi yang dapat dihasilkan oleh sistem photovoltaic berdasarkan luasan wilayah yang sangat sesuai untuk sistem PV mampu memenuhi kurangnya supply energi yang dibutuhkan di wilayah defisit energi pada tahun 2022.
ABSTRACTKepulauan Seribu Regency is one of the priority tourism development areas in Indonesia (National Tourism Strategic Area). An increase in tourism sector will increase energy needs as one of the primary needs of tourism activities. Meanwhile, the potential of renewable energy can be an energy source used to be utilized in Kepulauan Seribu. The purpose of this study is to know the projection of energy demand for the tourism sector on each island that will be compared with the government's plan of the energy supply for each tourist destination island. Those islands that have a higher consumption projection compared to their planned fulfillment are considered as energy deficit areas which are then assessed for the suitability of renewable energy systems using Spatial Multicriteria Analysis method. The results show that the energy deficit region for the needs of the tourism sector consists of Pulau Tidung, Pulau Harapan, Pulau Ayer and Pulau Putri. Based on the results of the spatial multicriteria analysis to determine the suitability of Wind Turbines and Photovoltaic Systems, Photovoltaic system has the potential to be developed in the deficit area, while the wind turbine system is not suitable to be developed in those deficit region. The results of regional mapping show that the potential of energy that can be generated by photovoltaic systems based on the area that is very suitable are able to fulfill the insufficiency of energy supply needed in 2022."Lengkap +
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library