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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Reza Fathurahman
Abstrak :
Tesis ini meneliti tentang strategi elektrifikasi desa terpencil, dengan demografi penduduk yang tersebar, dan kondisi infrastruktur tertinggal dipedalaman pulau Siberut. Serta dilakukan analisa teknik dan finansial terhadap sistem pembangkit listrik yang direncanakan tersebut. Pembangunan listrik pedesaan harus melibatkan masyarakat lokal pada setiap tahapannya, memperhatikan adat istiadat setempat, profesi mayoritas masyarakat, dan potensi energi terbarukan yang terdapat dilokasi, serta kondisi geografis. Hal ini supaya sistem pembangkit energi listrik yang dibangun dapat berjalan dengan baik dan berkelanjutan, serta dapat menjangkau warga sebanyak mungkin. Pembangkit listrik sistem gasifikasi biomassa dengan tabung listrik sebagai media distribusi energi listrik kepada masyarakat desa dipilih untuk diterapkan didesa Bojakan. Jenis biomassa adalah kaliandra merah (calliandra calothyrsus) yang mudah tumbuh disegala jenis tanah dan iklim. Hasil proyeksi permintaan energi listrik desa Bojakan tahun 2031 adalah sebesar 134.37 kWh/hari, jumlah rumah tangga sebanyak 428 unit dan fasilitas desa sebanyak 25 unit. Jumlah tabung listrik dibutuhkan sebanyak 906 unit, yang terdiri dari 453 unit utama, dan 453 unit cadangan. Hasil simulasi optimisasi menunjukkan jumlah energi listrik yang diproduksi sebesar 61.164 kWh/tahun, jumlah biomassa yang dibutuhkan adalah sebanyak 64,1 ton/tahun, dan emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan adalah 103 kg/tahun. Analisa finansial dilakukan dengan parameter seperti LCOE, NPV, IRR dan payback period. LCOE yang didapatkan adalah sebesar Rp 2,234.58/kWh atau USD 0.16/kWh, NPV pada posisi positif dengan nilai Rp 99,324,358.-, IRR sebesar 13%, dan payback period selama 7 tahun. Skema usaha yang dikembangkan adalah dengan memberikan kesempatan seluas-luasnya kepada masyarakat sesuai dengan keinginan dan keahlian yang mereka miliki mulai dari sektor hulu hingga hilir, sehingga tidak ada pihak yang merasa termarjinalkan dengan hadirnya investasi pembangkit listrik. ......This thesis researches the electrification strategy of a rural village with scattered demographics of the population, and bad infrastructure in the Siberut island. As well as conducted technical and financial analysis of the power generation system that was proposed. Rural electricity development must involve the local community at every stage, paying attention to local culture and wisdom, the majority professions of the community, and the potential for renewable energy in the location, as well as geographical conditions. This is so that the electrical energy generation system that is built can run properly and sustainably, and can reach as many residents as possible. A power plant with a biomass gasification system with a portable battery as a media for distributing electrical energy to rural communities was selected to be implemented in the Bojakan village. The type of biomass is calliandra (calliandra calothyrsus) which is easy to grow in all types of soil and climate. The result of the demand projection for electricity in Bojakan village in 2031 is 134.37 kWh/day, the number of households is 428 units and village facilities are 25 units. The number of electric tubes required is 906 units, consisting of 453 main units and 453 backup units. The optimization simulation results show the amount of electrical energy produced is 61.164 kWh/year, the amount of biomass needed is 64.1 tons/year, and the CO2 emissions produced are 103 kg/year. Financial analysis is carried out with parameters such as LCOE, NPV, IRR, and payback period. The LCOE obtained is Rp. 2,234.58/kWh or USD 0.16/kWh, NPV is in a positive position with a value of Rp 99,324,358.-, IRR is 13%, and the payback period is 7 years. The business scheme developed is to provide the widest possible opportunity for the community according to their wishes and expertise from the upstream to downstream sectors, so that no party feels marginalized by the presence of power plant investment.
2022: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bimo Aryo Rahmatullah
Abstrak :
Pemerintah Indonesia berkomitmen untuk menekan emisi gas rumah kaca dan menargetkan konsumsi energi baru terbarukan (EBT) sebesar 23% dari bauran energi nasional. Salah satunya dengan pembangunan PLTP di Indonesia Bagian Timur. Dalam proses studi interkoneksi ini ditemukan kondisi tidak stabil pada sistem yang dapat menyebabkan blackout. Berdasarkan kondisi ini, sistem membutuhkan adanya tindakan mitigasi untuk meningkatkan ketahanan sistem terhadap gangguan. Penambahan Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) dalam sistem dapat dilakukan sebagai tindakan mitigasi gangguan serta untuk meningkatkan keandalan sistem sendiri. Pada penelitian ini, ketahanan sistem terhadap gangguan akan diuji. Sistem akan diuji dalam 2 kondisi yaitu kondisi sebelum penambahan BESS pada sistem, dan setelah penambahan BESS pada sistem. Simulasi kestabilan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak DIgSILENT PowerFactory menghasilkan kondisi sistem yang lebih stabil setelah penambahan BESS. Saat sistem mengalami islanding, penambahan BESS membuat sistem dapat kembali stabil setelah gangguan dengan nilai frekuensi dalam rentang 49,5 Hz – 50,5 Hz dan tegangan 0,90 p.u. – 1,10 p.u sesuai dengan grid code. ......The Indonesian government is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and targets the consumption of new and renewable energy (EBT) at 23% of the national energy mix. One of them is the construction of PLTP in Eastern Indonesia. In the process of this interconnection study found unstable conditions in the system that can cause blackouts. Based on these conditions, the system requires mitigation measures to increase the system's resistance to disturbances. The addition of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in the system is carried out as a disturbance mitigation measure and to increase the reliability of the system itself. In this study, the resistance of the system to disturbance will be tested. The system will be tested in 2 conditions, namely the condition when there is no BESS in the system, and after BESS is in the system. Stability simulation using DIgSILENT PowerFactory software resulted in a more stable system condition after the addition of BESS. After the addition of BESS, the system can return to stability after disturbances with a safe frequency limit of 49.5 Hz – 50.5 Hz and a voltage of 0.90 p.u. – 1.10 p.u. according to the grid code.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Surjosatyo
Abstrak :
Dengan menipisnya cadangan minyak dunia dan masalah lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh pembakaran bahan bakar fossil, maka diperlukan energi alternatif dalam mengatasi hal tersebut. Bahan bakar gas dari proses gasifikasi biomassa (producer gas) adalah salah satu energi alternatif yang dapat menggantikan bahan bakar fosil. Pemanfaatan producer gas untuk aplikasi pengeringan dan pemanasan boiler memerlukan suatu sistem gas burner yang dapat menghasilkan panas tinggi dan polusi rendah. Pada penelitian ini sebuah model gas burner berbahan bakar producer gas dilakukan pemodelan simulasi secara 3D menggunakan CFD. Simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan swirl gas burner dengan menggunakan conical flame stabilizer dan tanpa menggunakan conical flame stabilizer pada variasi kecepatan udara masuk tangensial 3 m/s, 6 m/s dan 9 m/s. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan penambahan conical flame stabilizer menghasilkan api yang lebih pendek dan stabil. Penambahan kecepatan udara memendekkan panjang api dan menurunkan temperatur api. Validasi eksperimental dilakukan pada gas swirl burner yang menggunakan conical flame stabilizer. Simulasi dan eksperiment menunjukkan hasil yang tidak jauh berbeda. ...... The depletion of worlwide energy reservation and environmental issue caused by fossil fuel pollution urge mankind to find a suitable alternative energy to overcome this problem. Producer gas from biomass gasification is an example of an alternative energy that could substitute fossil fuel in a certain combustion operation. Using producer gas to generate heat needs gas burner system that can produce an effective gas flame with low emission gas. This study is using modeling and simulation of gas flame using 3D-CFD method. The gas burner model has two condition, namely, using conical flame stabilizer and without conical flame stabilizer, and the velocity tangential air supply is varied into three speed of 3 m/s, 6 m/s and 9 m/s, respectively. The result of this simulation shows the additional of conical flame stabilizer produces a shorter flame, increases flames stability and reduces CO emission. The experimental result shows a similar pattern compared with that of the simulation result.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Irfan Raharjo
Abstrak :
Pemerintah menargetkan peningkatkan pemanfaatan energi terbarukan dari tahun ke tahun, di mana hal ini akan mengurangi penggunaan energi fosil sebagai bahan bakar pembangkit listrik konvensional. Agar ketergantungan terhadap energi fosil berkurang, biomassa dapat digunakan sebagai sumber energi alternatif, salah satunya dengan menggunakan biomassa sebagai bahan bakar pembangkit listrik. Metode analisis ekonomi NPV, IRR, PI, Payback Period dan analisis risiko analisis sensitivitas dan simulasi Monte Carlo digunakan terhadap tiga skenario yang berbeda untuk menentukan kelayakan berdirinya PLTBm. Di dalam penelitian ini, digunakan tiga skenario dalam analisis keekonomian PLTBm. Skenario pertama dengan penyesuaian perjanjian jual beli listrik di Indonesia, skenario kedua berupa perbandingan jenis limbah sawit sebagai bahan baku, dan skenario ketiga berupa perbandingan teknologi pembangkitan listrik dari biomassa. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, untuk skenario pertama diperoleh NPV sebesar 1.142.273,75, IRR sebesar 12,05, payback period sebesar 8,09, dan profitability index sebesar 1,09. Untuk skenario kedua, diperoleh hasil hanya pembangkit listrik yang berbahan bakar cangkang yang feasible, sedangkan bahan bakar yang lain tandan kosong kelapa sawit dan fiber sawit memiliki nilai parameter keekonomian yang berada di bawah nilai layak. Untuk skenario ketiga, teknologi gasifikasi tidak layak karena diperoleh nilai NPV sebesar 144,223,27, IRR sebesar 11,14, payback period sebesar 9,528,53 tahun, dan profitability index sebesar 0,99. Berdasarkan hasil analisis risiko, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar cangkang kelapa sawit layak untuk didirikan karena memiliki nilai certainty kemungkinan yang bernilai lebih dari 95 secara rata-rata, sedangkan berdasarkan hasil analisis sensitivitas, biaya converter system memiliki pengaruh yang paling besar dalam keekonomian pembangkit listrik.
The government of Indonesia is planning to increase the utilization of renewable energy every year, where it will reduce the use of fossil energy as a fuel for conventional power generation. In order to reduce the dependence on fossil energy, biomass can be used as an alternative energy source, one of which is by using biomass as fuel for power plant. The methods of economic analysis NPV, IRR, PI, Payback Period and risk analysis Monte Carlo simulation and sensitivity analysis were used for three different scenarios to determine the feasibility for the establishment of power plant. In this research, three scenarios are used in the economic analysis of biomass power plant. The first scenario is the adjustment of power purchase agreement in Indonesia, the second scenario is the comparison of palm wastes as raw material, and the third scenario is the comparison of electricity generation technology from biomass. Based on the calculation, the results for the first scenario are NPV of 1.142.273,75, IRR of 12,05, payback period of 8,09, and profitability index of 1,09. For the second scenario, palm shell is the only feasible fuel for biomass power plant, while the other fuels empty fruit bunch of palm and palm fiber have economical parameters that are below feasible value. For the third scenario, the gasification technology is not feasible because it has NPV of 144,223,27, IRR of 9,36 11,14, payback period of 8,53 year, and profitability index of 0,99. Based on the results of risk analysis, it can be concluded that the palm shell based power plant is feasible to be established because it has certainty value which is more than 95 on average, while based on the sensitivity analysis results, the cost of converter system has the greatest effect in the economic value of power plants.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Concerns over dwindling fossil fuel reserves and impending climate changes have focused attention worldwide on the need to discover alternative, sustainable energy sources and fuels. Biofuels, already produced on a massive industrial scale, are seen as one answer to these problems. However, very real concerns over the effects of biofuel production on food supplies, with some of the recent increases in worldwide food costs attributable to biofuel production, have lead to the realization that new, non-food substrates for biofuel production must be bought online. This book is an authoritative, comprehensive, up-to-date review of the various options under development for the production of advanced biofuels as alternative energy carriers.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The book features innovative scientific research by scientists, academicians and students, presented at the International Conference on Energy, Materials and Information Technology, 2017 at Amity University Jharkhand, India. Covering all the promising renewable energies and their related technologies, such as wind, solar and biomass energy, it compiles current important scientific research in this field and addresses how it can be applied in an interdisciplinary manner. The selected conference papers provide important data and parameters for utilizing the main potential renewable energies, and allowing an economic and environmental assessment. The book is a valuable resource for all those who are interested in the physical and technical principles of promising ways to utilize various renewable energies.
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library