Abstrak :
Kasus harian COVID-19 Kota Depok termasuk yang tertinggi di Jawa Barat, akibatnya Puskesmas di Kota Depok mengalami beban ganda pada saat krisis pandemi COVID-19 yang menyebabkan gangguan pada pelayanan kesehatan. Kapasitas kesiapsiagaan dalam menghadapi ancaman Penyakit Infeksi Emerging (PIE) diperlukan demi terwujudnya ketangguhan Puskesmas. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam dan FGD. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pembahasan ketangguhan Puskesmas yang dinilai dari unsur kesiapan pada konteks yaitu kecukupan dan keahlian SDMK, pembiayaan terhadap wabah, layanan kesehatan di Puskesmas, pemenuhan kebutuhan obat dan alat kesehatan, penerapan regulasi yang bersifat promotif terhadap penanganan wabah, ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana pendukung kegiatan pencegahan dan deteksi dini, serta informasi kesehatan yang disebarkan. Mekanisme dibutuhkan untuk mendukung kinerja konteks berupa koordinasi multisektoral yang melibatkan kolaborasi pentahelix dan juga rekomendasi
One Health sebagai bentuk upaya identifikasi, deteksi, pencegahan dan respon. Adapun pendekatan 5S1T dan kegiatan peran serta masyarakat dinilai mampu mengoptimalkan mekanisme untuk mempercepat upaya penanganan wabah. Pada akhirnya kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik mengenai kesiapan mencapai ketangguhan Puskesmas menghadapi PIE di Kota Depok belum sepenuhnya namun dapat dibangun dengan memperkuat unsur sistem kesehatan yang ditinjau pada aspek konteks berkaitan dengan mekanisme pendukung sehingga dapat mencapai ketangguhan Puskesmas.
......The daily cases of COVID-19 Depok City are among the highest in West Java. The Puskesmas in Depok City experienced a double burden during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis which caused disruption to health services. Preparedness capacity in dealing with the threat of Emerging Infectious Diseases (PIE) is needed for the realization of the resilience of the Puskesmas. This research is qualitative in nature with in-depth interviews and FGDs. The results of this study are a discussion of the resilience of the Puskesmas which is assessed from the elements of preparedness in the context, namely the adequacy and expertise of health care workforce, financing for outbreaks, health services at the Puskesmas, meeting the needs of medicines and medical devices, implementing promotive regulations for handling outbreaks, availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure prevention and early detection activities, as well as health information dissemination. Mechanisms are needed to support contextual performance in the form of multisectoral coordination involving pentahelix collaboration and also One Health recommendations as a form of identification, detection, prevention and response. The 5S1T approach and community participation activities are considered capable of optimizing mechanisms to accelerate efforts to deal with outbreaks. In the end, the conclusion that can be drawn regarding the readiness to achieve resilience of the Puskesmas in facing EID in Depok City is not yet complete, but it can be built by strengthening the elements of the health system which is reviewed in terms of context related to supporting mechanisms so that the resilience of the Puskesmas can be achieved.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023