ABSTRAKSel tunam merupakan salah satu energi alternatif yang dipilih karena sangat efisien, ramah lingkungan, serta memiliki waktu pakai yang lama. Namun sel tunam memiliki harga yang cukup tinggi akibat material penyusun yang menyebabkan massanya menjadi berat dan proses manufaktur yang rumit. Pada PEMFC (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell), pelat bipolar merupakan komponen utama yang memenuhi sekitar 80% volume, 70% bobot, dan 60% biaya produksi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari alternatif bahan baku dan metode produksinya. Penelitian ini mengembangkan komposit pelat bipolar menggunakan matriks epoksi dengan penguat limbah grafit EAF (Electric Arc Furnace) dan carbon black. Partikel grafit dan carbon black berukuran kurang dari 44 μ. Pelat bipolar difabrikasi dengan melakukan variasi waktu mixing antara grafit dan carbon black selama 75, 90, 105, 120, dan 135 menit. Kemudian proses dilanjutkan dengan compression molding pada temperatur 100oC dengan tekanan sebesar 55 MPa selama 4 jam. Sifat mekanis dan listrik pelat bipolar diuji melalui pengujian densitas (ASTM D792), porositas (ASTM C20), fleksural (ASTM D790), dan konduktivitas (ASTM B193). Fokus penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu mixing terhadap homogenitas, sifat mekanis, dan konduktivitas listrik pelat bipolar yang dihasilkan. Performa terbaik didapat pada pelat bipolar yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan waktu mixing sebesar 135 menit dengan nilai densitas sebesar 1,75 gr/cm3, nilai porositas sebesar 0.24%, kekuatan fleksural sebesar 57.12 MPa, serta nilai konduktivitas listrik sebesar 1,02 S/cm.
ABSTRACTFuel cell is one of the chosen alternative energy because it is very efficient, environmentally friendly, and long-term usage. However, fuel cell has a fairly high price due to its constituent material which causes the mass to be heavy and complicated manufacturing process. In PEMFC (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell), bipolar plate is a major component that meets about 80% by volume, 70% weight, and 60% of production cost. Therefore, this research was conducted to find out the alternative raw materials and production methods. This research develops a composite bipolar plate using an epoxy as a matrix with Electric Arc Furnace waste (graphite EAF) and carbon black as a reinforcement. Graphite and carbon black particles were measuring less than 44 μ. Bipolar plates were fabricated by mixing time variation between graphite and carbon black for 75, 90, 105, 120, and 135 minutes. Afterwards, the process was followed by compression molding at a temperature of 110oC with a pressure of 55 MPa for 4 hours. Mechanical and electrical properties of bipolar plates were tested by density (ASTM D792), porosity (ASTM C20), flexural (ASTM D790), and conductivity (ASTM B193) testing. The focus of this research to determine the influence of mixing time on homogeneity, mechanical properties, and electrical conductivity of the bipolar plate produced. The best performance obtained on a bipolar plate generated using the mixing time of 135 minutes with a value of 1,75 gr/cm3 density, porosity value of 0.24%, flexural strength of 57.12 MPa, and electrical conductivity of 1,02 S/cm. "