Jumlah lansia selalu meningkat, begitu juga lansia terlantar, sehingga pemerintahan mendirikan panti sosial. Akibat penuaan, lansia mengalami perubahan yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidup. Metode penelitian deskriptif, pendekatan cross sectional, untuk melihat gambaran kualitas hidup lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha di Jakarta. Responden dipilih dengan simple random sampling (107). Analisis karakteristik responden menggunakan uji T-Independent dan anova. Penelitian menemukan responden panti werdha kebanyakan lansia muda, lansia lak-laki dan menikah dengan pendidikan rendah, dan tinggal di panti selama 2 tahun keatas. Kesimpulannya, kualitas hidup lansia panti rendah maka, lansia perlu diberikan dukungan sosial adekuat agar merasa diperhatikan, sehingga tercipta kualitas hidup tinggi.
The number of elderly people always increases, as well as abandoned elderly people, so the government has established social institutions. As a result of aging, the elderly experience changes that affect the quality of life. Descriptive research method, cross sectional approach, to describe the quality of life of the elderly at the Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha in Jakarta. Respondents were selected by simple random sampling (107). Analysis of respondent characteristics using independent t-test and anova. The study found that respondents of the panti werdha were mostly young elderly, elderly male and married, with low education, and lived in a nursing home for 2 years and above. In conclusion, the quality of life for the elderly is low, so the elderly need to be given adequate social support in order to feel cared, so that a high quality of life is created.