ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang analisa implementasi kebijakan pengembangan
pariwisata di wilayah pesisir Wabula Kabupaten Buton yang dilakukan oleh
Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Buton. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan
kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan
bahwa tidak berkembanganya Kepariwisataan di Wabula disebabkan oleh
implementasi kebijakan kepariwisataan yang dilakukan oleh aparatur Pemerintah
Daerah tidak berjalan optimal serta lemahnya manajemen pengelolaan pariwisata
yang diterapkan oleh Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata. Terdapat beberapa faktor
yang membuat pariwisata menjadi tidak berkembang, seperti kurangnya
kunjungan wisatawan, kurangnya fasilitas dan pelayanan, aksesbilitas yang
kurang memadai, dan tata kelola pariwisata yang dilakukan oleh pihak pemerintah
belum memberikan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir Wabula.
ABSTRACTThis thesis raised the analysis of tourism development policy implementation at
Wabula coastal district, Buton which are made by the Regional Government of
Buton . The results of this research showed that the reasons why Wabula tourism
did not developed are firstly, because of the local government apparatus did not
implementing tourism policies optimally and lack of tourism management
implemented by the Department of Culture and Tourism. There are several factors
that make tourism does not develop, such as the lack of tourist traffic, lack of
facilities and services, inadequate accessibility and tourism management
conducted by the government. All of that factors has not been able to improve the
welfare of the people in Wabula coast.;This thesis raised the analysis of tourism development policy implementation at
Wabula coastal district, Buton which are made by the Regional Government of
Buton . The results of this research showed that the reasons why Wabula tourism
did not developed are firstly, because of the local government apparatus did not
implementing tourism policies optimally and lack of tourism management
implemented by the Department of Culture and Tourism. There are several factors
that make tourism does not develop, such as the lack of tourist traffic, lack of
facilities and services, inadequate accessibility and tourism management
conducted by the government. All of that factors has not been able to improve the
welfare of the people in Wabula coast, This thesis raised the analysis of tourism development policy implementation at
Wabula coastal district, Buton which are made by the Regional Government of
Buton . The results of this research showed that the reasons why Wabula tourism
did not developed are firstly, because of the local government apparatus did not
implementing tourism policies optimally and lack of tourism management
implemented by the Department of Culture and Tourism. There are several factors
that make tourism does not develop, such as the lack of tourist traffic, lack of
facilities and services, inadequate accessibility and tourism management
conducted by the government. All of that factors has not been able to improve the
welfare of the people in Wabula coast]"