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Panjaitan, Jesly Yuriaty
Abstrak :
Starbucks juga terkenal dengan strategi pemasaran pengalamannya. Karena kendala akses ke manajemen Starbucks, ruang lingkup studi juga terbatas pada perspektif pelanggan, bukan perspektif karyawan yang secara eksplisit menyatakan keengganan mereka untuk membantu penelitian ini. Starbucks mengharapkan pengalaman pelanggan yang sangat baik kepada pelanggan. Pengalaman pelanggannya terkait dengan kualitas layanan dari barista. Jika pengalaman pelanggan dan kualitas layanan sudah cukup baik, loyalitas merek dapat ditingkatkan. Namun demikian, Starbucks Indonesia gagal menerapkan experiential marketing. Di antara pesaingnya, Starbucks Indonesia berada di posisi ke-5. (Taufik Hidayat, 2007). Dengan demikian, penelitian ini telah dilakukan survei, namun cakupannya diperluas ke Customer Experience, Service Quality dan Brand Loyalty. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa Starbucks Coffee Indonesia tidak dapat menjadikan kedai kopi sebagai tempat ketiga setelah rumah dan tempat kerja seperti yang diharapkan Starbucks. (Schultz dan Dori Jones Yang, 2002)......Starbucks is also famous on its experiential marketing strategy. Due to the access constraint to Starbucks management, the scope of study is also limited to customer perspective instead of employee perspective who explicitly stated their reluctance to assist this study. Starbucks expects excellent customer experience to customer. Its customer experience is related with service quality from barista. If the customer experience and service quality has been good enough, the brand loyalty could be enhanced. Nevertheless, Starbucks Indonesia has been failed to implement the experiential marketing. Among its competitor, Starbucks Indonesia has been in 5th place. (Taufik Hidayat, 2007). Thus, this study has been performed survey, however, the scope has been enlarged to Customer Experience, Service Quality and Brand Loyalty. The study concludes that Starbucks Coffee Indonesia could not provide coffee shop to be the third place after home and work as Starbucks has been expected. (Schultz and Dori Jones Yang, 2002).
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Evi Andriani
Abstrak :
Menjadi perusahaan yang sukses adalah dambaan setiap perusahaan, namun faktanya persaingan lebih tinggi dari sebelumnya dan cara menangani secara langsung terkait dengan keberhasilan atau kegagalan suatu perusahaan. Charles dan Riches (1985) mengatakan Jaguar dan Mark dan Spencer menjadi perusahaan yang SllCMSSful dengan memasukkan kepuasan pelanggan untuk rencana strategis mereka. Charm dan Richardson (1985) menyatakan bahwa memenangkan organisasi dengan membuat penawaran yang berkualitas dan memiliki interaksi yang berkualitas dengan pelanggan. Penawaran kualitas dibuat dengan menetapkan apa yang diinginkan dan diharapkan pelanggan dari organisasi dan dengan menerapkan sistem kendali mutu. Sebuah interaksi yang berkualitas dengan pelanggan dicapai dengan menyediakan pelanggan dengan informasi yang relevan, mengadopsi pendekatan yang adil dan liberal kepada pelanggan dan membangun cara yang efisien untuk menangani keluhan pelanggan. Karena pengendalian kualitas membutuhkan dukungan dari manajemen puncak, penulis hanya berfokus pada menemukan interaksi yang berkualitas dengan pelanggan. Interaksi yang berkualitas dengan pelanggan dalam tesis ini pada awalnya dijelaskan oleh keadilan, birokrasi, informasi dan penanganan pelayanan. Penulis menambahkan hipotesis tambahan “loyalitas” selain keadilan, birokrasi, informasi dan penanganan pelayanan. Karena menurut Zeithaml (2009) kepuasan pelanggan mendorong loyalitas dan loyalitas mendorong profitabilitas dan pertumbuhan, maka penulis memasukkan loyalitas untuk mengetahui persentase kepuasan pelanggan terhadap loyalitas. Meningkatnya persaingan dalam industri asuransi membuat penulis tertarik untuk menerapkan teori Charles dan Richardson (1985) dalam sebuah perusahaan asuransi. Perusahaan asuransi yang dipilih pada tugas akhir ini adalah PT XYZ yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan besar di Indonesia berdasarkan pangsa pasar tahun 2008. Dari hasil penelitian, penulis menemukan bahwa keadilan, birokrasi, informasi dan penanganan pelayanan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Keadilan, informasi dan penanganan pelayanan memberikan pengaruh positif, namun birokrasi memberikan pengaruh negatif terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Dan ada korelasi antara kepuasan pelanggan dan loyalitas. Hubungan antara kepuasan pelanggan dan loyalitas adalah positif. ......Becoming a successful company is the dream of every company, but the fact is that competition is higher than ever and the way you handle * < *°tl M is directly related to the success or failure of a company. Charles and Riches (1985) said Jaguar and Mark and Spencer became SlCMSSful companies by incorporating customer satisfaction into their strategic plans. Charm and Richardson (1985) claim that organizations win by making quality offers and having quality interactions with customers. Quality offerings are created by defining what customers want and expect from the organization and by implementing a quality control system. A quality interaction with customers is achieved by providing customers with relevant information, adopting a fair and liberal approach to customers and establishing efficient ways to handle customer complaints. Since quality control requires support from top management, the authors focus solely on finding quality interactions with customers. Quality interaction with customers in this thesis is initially explained by justice, bureaucracy, information and service handling. The author adds an additional hypothesis of “loyalty” in addition to justice, bureaucracy, information and service handling. Because according to Zeithaml (2009) customer satisfaction drives loyalty and loyalty drives profitability and growth, the authors include loyalty to determine the percentage of customer satisfaction on loyalty. The increasing competition in the insurance industry makes the authors interested in applying the theory of Charles and Richardson (1985) in an insurance company. The insurance company selected in this final project is PT XYZ which is one of the largest companies in Indonesia based on market share in 2008. From the results of the study, the authors found that justice, bureaucracy, information and service handling affect customer satisfaction. Justice, information and service handling have a positive effect, but bureaucracy has a negative influence on customer satisfaction. And there is a correlation between customer satisfaction and loyalty. The relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty is positive.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melbourne: Department of Economics and Finance Faculty of Business RMIT, 1996
330 DEP w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Pt Pusat Riset Enfinomics, 2024
330 TAR e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
in this study, the impact of capital structure on firms' ownership structure is examined. Therefore, manufacturing firms whose stocks are quoted on the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) over the period 1998 and 2009 are covered using pooled data. On the developed model, it was investigated how ownership structure is affected by the capital structure. According to the reesults of the regression model, it has been found that firms which have less shareholders choose higher-risk capital structures because of increasing firms value. Furthermore, provided that capital intensity becomes higher, firms must hire professional managers. In the instance, professional manager prefer equity financing for preventing financial distressess. In summary, this study concludes that firms' ownership structure affects capital structure.
Istanbul: Istanbul Stock Excahange,
330 ISE
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Bank Indonesia,
332 KSK
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The latest global financial crisis was not merely provoked by the fate of the United States (US) financial and economic system. At a wider perspective, it is indeed a result of crisis in global governance which was caused by the exclusivity of state members playing role as decision makers in world economic and financial sector, and the weakness of surveillance as well as regulation concerning the dynamics of financial sector at the global stage. G20, therefore, has been a significant forum to respond to the global financial crisis and as an effort to establish a new world economic order that can cope with the dynamics of international changes. This writing is aimed to highlights: (i) The focus of Indonesian economic diplomacy within the G20 forum during the 2008-2009 global financial crisis; (ii) The opportunities and challenges that Indonesia faces in G20 during the crisis; and (iii) The implementation of global governance concept in international relations in the framework of G20.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufik Satria
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan indikator makro ekonomi seperti pertumbuhan ekonomi, nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap Dollar Amerika, tingkat bunga, inflasi dan pergerakan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) diprediksi kondisi ckonomi nasional akan scmakin baik. Seiring dengan prediksi tersebut, kondisi industri penerbangan nasional juga diprediksi akan semakin baik dan tetap tumbuh. Berlakunya Undang-Undang No.1 Tahun 2009 tentang Penerbangan akan membuat industri penerbangan nasional semakin tcrtata dengan baik. PT Garuda Indonesia bemsaha menangkap pcluang yang ada baik di industri nasional maupun intemasional. Rencana ekspansi didukung oleh pendanaan mclalui IPO di tahun 2010. Sehubungan dengan rencana IPO tersebut maka dilakukan valuasi terhadap nilai saham Garuda dengan menggunakan 2 metode yaitu fi-ee cash flow to equity dan abnormal earning. Valuasi kedua metode terscbut memberikan hasil yang berbeda. Bagi Garuda hasil valuasi menjadi harga minimum saham yang akan ditawarkan melaui IPO, sedangkan bagi investor hasil Valuasi menjadi harga maksimum yang akan dibeli pada saat IPO. Disarankan kepada Garuda dan investor untuk memilih hasil valuasi di antara keduanya scsuai dengan metode dan asumsi yang paling relevan bagi masing-masing pihak.
Using Free Cash Flow to Equity and Abnormal Eaming Methods Based on macro economy indicators such as Growth Domestic Product (GDP), exchange rate, interest rate, inflation, IHSG, it is predicted that Indonesian economy will be better in few years. In line with Indonesian economy, domestic airline industry also predicted better and continues to grow. Implementation of Undang-Undang No.1 Tahun 2009 about Penerbangan hoped that domestic airlines industry will be govemed in a better way. PT Garuda Indonesia will catch on all opportunities in domestic and intemational market. Planning to expand will be funded by IPO which planned in 2010. Due to this IPO plan, it is interesting to calculate the value of Garuda?s equity. This valuation uses 2 methods, free cash flow to equity and abnormal eaming. These 2 methods give diiTerent results. For Garuda, the result of valuation treated as the minimum price ofthe shares to be offered in IPO and for thc investors this result will be the maximum price of shares to be purchased. It is suggested that Garuda and investor should choose one of two methods based on the method and assumptions which more relevant to each parties.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eric Guides Wijaya
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menunjukkan determinan dari net interest margin (NIM) dan non interest income (NII) yang bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan antara NIM dan NII di Indonesia. Hanya sedikit penelitian dengan tujuan ini dan penelitian tersebut menghasilkan hasil yang berbeda untuk setiap sampel dan periode. Karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk fokus pada bank-bank di Indonesia. System GMM digunakan untuk mengontrol hubungan yang simultan pada NIM dan NII bank umum nasional devisa di Indonesia selama 2004-2011. Penelitian ini menemukan adanya beberapa determinan NIM dan NII yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan secara statistik di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang negatif dan signifikan secara statistik antara NIM dan NII. Akan tetapi, risiko aktivitas tradisional yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap aktivitas non tradisional secara statistik memberikan kesimpulan yang berbeda dengan penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya yaitu bank meningkatkan aktivitas non tradisional bukan untuk menutupi penurunan dari pendapatan margin. ......This study examines the determinants of bank net interest margin (NIM) and non interest income (NII) in order to analize the relationship between NIM and NII in Indonesia. System GMM is employed to control for the simultaneity between NIM and NII for foreign exvhange bank in Indonesia during the period of 2004-2011. This paper find some the determinants of NIM and NII statistically insignificant in Indonesia. This study's result also shows a statistically significant negative relationship between NIM and NII. However, risk of the traditional activities statistically insignificant correlated with non traditional activities provides a different conclusions with earlier studies that is banks increase their non traditional activities not to offset the decline in margin income.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silaen, Christina Natalia
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perlakuan manajemen laba ketika perusahaan mengalami financial distress, perbedaan manajemen laba antara periode krisis dengan non krisis dan menganalisis perbedaan pengaruh financial distress terhadap manajemen laba antara periode krisis dan periode non krisis. Manajemen laba akrual diukur dengan menggunakan model Kothari et al. (2005) dan manajemen laba melalui aktivitas riil diukur dengan menggunakan model Roychowdhury (2006). Penelitian dilakukan pada 154 perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2007-2010. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa financial distress hanya berpengaruh pada manajemen laba akrual dan produksi berlebihan dan tidak berpengaruh pada manipulasi penjualan dan pengurangan biaya-biaya diskresioner. Periode krisis hanya berpengaruh terhadap praktik manajemen laba riil melalui produksi abnormal dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap manajemen laba akrual dan kedua manajemen laba riil lainnya. Diduga pada saat periode krisis perusahaan tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan manajemen laba riil melalui produksi abnormal. Variabel krisis tidak tidak terbukti membuat hubungan financial distress dengan manajemen laba riil melalui produksi abnormal menjadi semakin negatif. Latar belakang dari motivasi tersebut yaitu membuat pasar yakin bahwa perusahaan masih tetap mampu bertahan melakukan aktivitas riil dalam kondisi politik-ekonomi yang sedang buruk sehingga akan meningkatkan respon yang baik dari pasar. ......The purpose of this study are to determine the treatment of earnings management when the company experienced financial distress, earnings management differences between crisis and non crisis period, and analyze the differences in the effect of financial distress on earnings management between the crisis and noncrisis periods. Accrual earnings management is measured by using a model of Kothari et al. (2005) and earnings management through real activities is measured using the model Roychowdhury (2006) which divided by three proxies: sales manipulation, overproduction, and reduction of discretionary expenses. The sample of this research are 154 manufacture companies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2007-2010. The results show that financial distress only impact on accruals earnings management and real management through overproduction and has no impact on real management through sales manipulation and reduction of discretionary expenses. Crisis only impact on real management through overproduction and has no impact on accrual-based earnings management and for both earnings management through real activities. Variable crisis does not proven make the relationship between financial distress with real earnings management through abnormal production became increasingly negative. It is suspected to make sure the market that the company is still able to survive through real activity in bad political-economic conditions that will improve good responses from the market.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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