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Abstrak :
Sebagai negara dengan perekonomian yang berada di ranking keenam belas di dunia pada tahun 2018, kerjasama perdagangan internasional merupakan hal penting bagi Indonesia. Kerjasama perdagangan internasional pada awalnya hanya difokuskan pada negara-negara yang menjadi mitra dagang utama saja, baik dalam skala global maupun regional seperti ASEAN. Pada perkembangannya, Indonesia juga membuka diri dengan menjalin kerjasama perdagangan bebas atau Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) dengan negara lain di luar kawasan yaitu Chile yang terletak di kawasan Amerika Latin. Akan tetapi jika ditinjau dari perdagangan internasional, nilai perdagangan antara Indonesia dan Chile tidak signifikan dibanding dengan negara lainnya yang berada di kawasan tersebut seperti Brazil dan Argentina. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan, mengapa Indonesia justru menjalin kerjasama perdagangan bebas dengan Chile dalam skema Indonesia-Chile Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IC-CEPA)? Melalui pendekatan kualitatif (studi literatur dan wawancara) dengan menggunakan teori pemilihan Mitra FTA oleh Solis dan Katada (2008), penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis motif keterlibatan Indonesia dalam IC-CEPA. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki tiga motif atas keterlibatannya dalam IC-CEPA. Pertama, motif ekonomi, yakni untuk mendapatkan akses pasar bagi produk manufaktur khususnya produk unggulan alas kaki dan menghindari adanya trade diversion. Kedua, motif politik yaitu untuk meningkatkan status Indonesia melalui upaya menjadi trade hub bagi kawasan Amerika Latin di Asia Tengara. Ketiga, motif leverage yakni untuk meningkatkan kapasitas Indonesia di sektor pertanian mengingat Chile merupakan salah satu negara memiliki sistem pengelolaan sektor pertanian yang terbaik di dunia. ......As a country with sixteenth economic ranking in the world (2018), international trade is important for Indonesia. The cooperation is initially focused on countries which become the main trading partners, both on a global and regional scale such as ASEAN. On its development, Indonesia also opened up by establishing a Free Trade Cooperation (FTA) or Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with other countries outside the region such as Chile in which it's located in Latin America. However, in terms of international trade, the total value of trade between Indonesia and Chile is small and unlike the trading with other countries in the same region. This matter then raises question, why Indonesia establish free trade cooperation with Chile in the Indonesia-Chile Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IC-CEPA) scheme? Through a qualitative approach (literature study and interview) using the theory of FTA partner selection by Solis and Katada (2008), this study aims to analyze the Indonesian motives behind its involvement and its decision to sign the IC-CEPA cooperation with Chile. The results of this study find that Indonesia has three motives for its involvement in IC-CEPA. First, economic motives, those are the need to export its manufactured products, particularly footwear and to avoid trade diversion. Second, political motive, that is to improve Indonesia's status through its efforts by becoming a trade hub for the Latin America countries in Southeast Asian regions. Third, leverage motive, that is to build Indonesia's capacity in the agricultural sector, considering that Chile is one of the countries with the best agricultural sector management system in the world.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syamsul Bahri
Abstrak :
Dalam merespons krisis finansial Asia di tahun 1997-1999, pemerintah Indonesia dan Malaysia mengambil kebijakan-kebijakan ekonomi makro yang berbeda. Pemerintah Indonesia menaikkan suku bunga, mengurangi alokasi anggaran, melepaskan intervensi nilai tukar, dan meliberalisasi berbagai sektor ekonomi; sementara pemerintah Malaysia menurunkan suku bunga, melakukan ekspansi anggaran, mempertahankan intervensi nilai tukar, dan mengaplikasikan kontrol modal. Mengapa krisis yang sama direspons dengan kebijakan ekonomi makro berbeda? Mengapa krisis ekonomi tersebut diikuti dengan perubahan kebijakan ekonomi ke arah yang lebih liberal di Indonesia, sementara tidak di Malaysia? Dalam riset-riset sebelumnya, faktor paradigma ekonomi terkesan kurang diperhatikan sebagai penentu preferensi kebijakan pemerintah sewaktu krisis. Lewat penelitian ini, penulis berargumen bahwa perbedaan kebijakan ekonomi makro saat krisis disebabkan oleh perbedaan paradigma yang berkembang di masing-masing rezim pemerintahan sebelum krisis. Paradigma ekonomi membangun ekspektasi pemerintah terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan ekonomi yang diambil sebelum krisis. Kemunculan krisis finansial mendorong perubahan kebijakan ekonomi makro karena (i) krisis tersebut memfalsifikasi ekspektasi paradigma ekonomi yang dianut pemerintah dan (ii) pendukung paradigma alternatif berhasil masuk ke dalam proses perumusan kebijakan ekonomi makro untuk mendelegitimasi paradigma lama, kemudian melembagakan paradigma baru. Dua faktor ini hadir di Indonesia, namun tidak di Malaysia.
Depok: Departemen Ilmu Politik FISIP UI, 2017
320 JURPOL 2:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lusia Handayani
Abstrak :
Pangan merupakan hak mendasar setiap manusia. Masyarakat atau bangsa yang tidak terpenuhi kecukupan pangannya akan berpotensi menimbulkan tidakstabilan ekonomi bahkan dapat menjatuhkan sebuah pemerintah. Ketergantungan terhadap beras sebagai pangan pokok dapat mengancam stabilitas ekonomi dan politik manakala pangan tersebut tidak tercukupi dengan baik. Salah satu alternatif yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghindari ancaman tersebut adalah beralih ke berbagai pangan sumber karbohidrat lainnya yang banyak tumbuh di Indonesia, antara lain ubi jalar, singkong, garut, dan ganyong. Namun demikian, aneka pangan lokal tersebut masih dianggap pangan kelas dua, karena masih kuatnya budaya pangan berbasis nasi dari beras. Karena itu, perlu kampanye pangan lokal di media internet. Internet saat ini berkembang menjadi media yang mampu menjangkau seluruh kalangan secara cepat dan tepat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan sumber data sekunder berupa buku, dokumen, dan jurnal terkait bela negara dan ketahanan pangan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan belum maksimalnya pemanfaatan internet sebagai media kampanye pangan lokal ke masyarakat baik yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah maupun non-pemerintah. Sejalan dengan perkembangan pesat internet dan pentingnya melakukan bela negara di semua aspek, kampanye pangan lokal melalui media internet perlu dilakukan oleh semua pihak.
Bogor: Universitas Pertahanan, 2018
355 JDSD 8:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diva Muhammad Alfirman
Abstrak :
Infrastructure projects in developing countries are crucial to improve the interconnectivity and equality of national economic development. However, infrastructure projects may lead to social impacts. For example, land acquisition may cause involuntary resettlement that may impact the livelihoods of Project-Affected People (PAP).The land is a critical resource for infrastructure development and the government has established regulations to stipulate land acquisition mechanisms and mitigate the social impacts. However, in practice, social impacts onPAP are usually insufficiently mitigated. Based on applicable regulation, the cost for land acquisition must be calculated with fair compensation, considering both physical and economic losses. It is common that residualimpacts remain as some aspects are not fully counted such as: post-land acquisition life management and sustainability of life for squatters without legal ownership assets and are usually left behind. On the otherh and, investors have concern with this risk as it can affect investment value and project sustainability. Here,we propose thoughts of improvements for a better practice of land acquisition mechanism and Institutional arrangement with a case study in Indonesia. The proposed improvement is expected to achieve a win-win solution for Project Proponent and PAP by minimizing the economic losses and increasing the benefits shared between land users and the affected communities. This paper also highlights the importance of Stake holders’ engagement on effective management of the residual impact of land for infrastructure development in Indonesia. In this case, Stakeholders include Regulators, Project Proponent, Financiers, Local Government,NGOs, and other relevant stakeholders).
Jakarta: PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia, 2022
658 JIPM 5:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gabriela Rigoni
Abstrak :
Preventing economic distortions and providing for gender equality should be a main goal that could be achieved not only by promoting labor laws and ensuring welfare benefits, but also with the design of a tax-benefits system that could address those issues.A gender-sensitive tax-benefits system would become a permanent safeguard policy for gender issues, promoting gender inclusion.
Jakarta: PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia, 2022
658 JIPM 5:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahmi Alamil Huda
Abstrak :
This paper examines the relationship between the degree of economic openness and real disposable personal income on inflation in Indonesia for a twenty-one-year period (2000Q1–2021Q3). The Simultaneous Equation Model (SEM) technique and the TSLS–Two Stage Least Squares (TSNLS and ARMA) method and long-term dependence for quarterly data from March 2001 (2001Q1) to September 2021 (2021Q3) were used to analyse and test the data. The study shows that the variables degree of openness of the economy (lopen) and real disposable personal income (ldpi) had a significant effect on inflation (linf) with a significance level of 5%. Interestingly, the estimates tend to show an appropriate sign and magnitude of the economic coefficient significance. The study has some implications. It explains the openness of the Indonesian economy and the real disposable personal income of the Indonesian population to recent inflation. Additionally, choosing appropriate policy actions to increase the competitiveness of Indonesia's export products both competitively and comparatively are discussed. If the permanent disposable income of people in Indonesia increases, the consumption demand for certain goods and services will also increase. When the demand for an item is high, the raw materials to be used also become scarce and this can cause inflation. In the context of fiscal stabilization, the Government is expected to be able to provide permanent non-cash subsidies that can help people generate permanent income independently and sustainably so that it has an impact on smoothing their consumption path over time.
Depok: UIII Press, 2022
297 MUS 1:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Loh, Kah Seng
Abstrak :
The National Wages Council (NWC) was the orchestra of Singapore’s wage policy in the 1970s and 1980s. Our paper explores two key episodes in its history: its formation in February 1972 and its adoption of a high wage policy between 1979 and 1981 as part of Singapore’s economic restructuring. We were able to draw upon partially declassified government records held at the National Archives of Singapore. Yet these records are incomplete and lacking in certain aspects as archival sources. We complemented them with other archival and published sources, including the oral history and writings of the NWC’s longtime chairman, Lim Chong Yah. Our research urged us to conceptualize a pair of ideas, “semi-archives” and “interim archives,” acknowledging the partiality of both archival and published sources in Singapore. The history of the NWC suggests a rethinking of the centrality of the documentary archive in the Western academic tradition. In Asian contexts like Singapore, a multi-archival approach is necessary for the writing of recent history. Singapore historians can work both modestly and imaginatively with a wider range of available historical sources, including archival, oral, and published sources.
Kyoto : Nakanishi Printing Company, 2022
050 SEAS 11:3 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lusia Handayani
Abstrak :
Food is the fundamental right of every human being. Communities or nations that are not satisfied with food sufficiency will have the potential to cause economic instability and even to bring down a government. Dependence on rice as a staple food can threaten economic and political stability when food is not adequately covered. One alternative that can be done to avoid the threat is to switch to other food sources of other carbohydrates that grow in Indonesia, including sweet potato, cassava, arrowroot, and ganyong. However, the local food variety is still considered second class food, due to the still strong food culture based on rice from rice. Therefore, it needs a local food campaign in the internet media. The Internet is now growing into a medium that is able to reach all circles quickly and precisely. This descriptive study used secondary data such as books and journals related to state defense and food security. The results of the study showed that the use of the internet as a medium of local food campaign to the community has not been implemented maximally, both implemented by the government and non-government. In line with the rapid development of the internet and the importance of defending the country in all aspects, local food campaigns through internet media require the participation of all stakeholders.
Bogor: Universitas Pertahanan, 2018
355 JDSD 8:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kota Batam merupakan pusat perekonomian Kepulauan Riau dengan jumlah penduduk diprediksi mencapai 1,8 juta jiwa pada tahun 2025. Untuk mendukung proses pembangunan Kota Batam, diperlukan pasokan air baku yang dapat diandalkan. Waduk Mukakuning dan Duriangkang yang terhubung secara kaskade merupakan penyumbang air baku terbesar di Kota Batam saat ini. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kapasitas dari kedua waduk dalam memenuhi kebutuhan air baku saat ini dan kebutuhan di masa yang akan datang. Debit pada DAS dihitung menggunakan model HEC-HMS harian dengan kalibrasi terhadap elevasi muka air Waduk Duriangkang. Tampungan pada Waduk Mukakuning dan Duriangkang adalah 6,3 dan 106,1 juta m3. Tampungan tersebut setara dengan 39% dan 77% dari volume debit masing-masing DAS, mengklasifikasikan kedua waduk dalam kategori multi-year. Debit yang dapat dimanfaatkan dari kedua waduk adalah sebesar 3,24 m3/s dengan keandalan 100%, dibandingkan dengan kapasitas yang ada saat ini sebesar 3,1 m3/s. Luasnya area genangan mengakibatkan volume kehilangan air didominasi oleh evaporasi yang mencapai 32,6 juta m3/tahun sementara air yang limpas hanya 8,3 juta m3/tahun. Pada keandalan 95%, kedua waduk sudah mendekati kapasitas maksimum pada debit suplai 4,03 m3/s dengan debit air yang limpas hanya 0,4 juta m3/tahun. Upaya peningkatan kapasitas dengan menaikan muka air normal kurang efektif dan mengakibatkan bendungan overtopping dalam kondisi banjir maksimum boleh jadi. Peningkatan suplai air yang lebih efektif dapat diperoleh dengan perubahan pola operasi. Apabila waduk dalam kondisi kering, digambarkan dengan parameter SPI-12 di bawah nol, suplai air dibatasi agar debit dapat dimanfaatkan dalam jangka waktu lebih panjang.
Bandung : Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, 2020
551 JSDA 16:2 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Puspanantasari Putri
Abstrak :
East Java Province in Indonesia is the centre of the eastern Indonesia region and it has a fairly high economic significance, which has contributed 14.85% to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The role of Large and Medium Scale Manufacturing Industry (LMSMI) clusters in this province is very important and strategic as one of the main drivers for economic progress and it becomes a part of the efforts to improve the society's life. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of LMSMI clusters continuously. The purpose of this study is to investigate the productivity changes of LMSMI clusters in East Java Province, Indonesia, so that they will be able to survive, grow and compete in facing global competition. The method used in this study is the method of DEA-based Malmquist Productivity Index. The result of this study indicates that 50% of the LMSMI clusters in East Java Province are in the category of improved productivity, while the remaining clusters are in the category of declining productivity.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:7 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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