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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Martalia Isneini
PDAM merupakan salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Daerah yang dimiliki setiap kabupaten dan kota di Indonesia. Keberadaan PDAM selain sebagai perusahaan, juga dituntut sebagai operator pelayanan publik di sektor air minum. Sebagai perusahaan, PDAM dituntut untuk memperoleh laba. Sebagian laba PDAM akan masuk pula sebagai dividen yang menyumbang Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD). Namun kondisi di lapangan, tidak semua PDAM memperoleh laba. Pada tahun buku 2012, 52% PDAM mengalami kerugian sementara hanya 48% yang memperoleh laba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa mengenai faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan PDAM dilihat dari perolehan laba PDAM di Indonesia pada tahun buku 2012. Estimasi model penelitian menggunakan regresi liniear berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS).Jumlah data populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian sebanyak 350 PDAM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa variabel utama yang berpengaruh positif terhadap keuntungan PDAM, yaitu kapasitas produksi (KAPPROD) dengan koefisien sebesar 188,1217, sedangkan variabel utama yang berpengaruh negatif terhadap keuntungan PDAM yaitu tingkat kehilangan air (TKA) dengan koefisien -67713909. Faktor lain yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap laba PDAM, yaitu: pendapatan lain-lain, biaya kimia dan biaya lain-lain. Sedangkan variabel yang tidak signifikan berpengaruh terhadap keuntungan PDAM di Indonesia yaitu: tarif, biaya energi, biaya pegawai dan biaya pemeliharaan.;

Local Water Supply Company (PDAM) is one of local government
enterprises which is owned by each regency and city in Indonesia. Beside as a
company, PDAM is also demanded to be the operator of public services in water
supply sector. As a company, PDAM is demanded to generate profit. Some of the
profit earned will be included in Local Own-source Revenue (PAD). However, in
practical, not all PDAMs yield proft. From the accounting year of 2012, 52% of
the PDAMs had financial loss while only 48% generated profit. This research
aims to analyse the main factor affecting the financial performance of PDAM as
seen from the PDAM profit earnings in Indonesia in accounting year of 2012.
Total data utilized in this research is 350 PDAMs. The estimation of research
model is using double linear regression by Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method.
The result of the research showed that the main variable which has positive effect
on PDAM?s profit is production capacity (KAPPROD) with coefficient of
181,1217, while the main factor which has negative effect on PDAM?s profit is the
level of Non Revenue Water (TKA) with coefficient of -67713909. The other
factors which have significant effect to the profit of PDAM are miscellaneous
revenue, chemical cost and miscellaneous cost. Meanwhile the variables which
have insignificant effect to the profit of PDAM are as follows: tariff, energy cost,
labour cost, and maintenance cost., Local Water Supply Company (PDAM) is one of local government
enterprises which is owned by each regency and city in Indonesia. Beside as a
company, PDAM is also demanded to be the operator of public services in water
supply sector. As a company, PDAM is demanded to generate profit. Some of the
profit earned will be included in Local Own-source Revenue (PAD). However, in
practical, not all PDAMs yield proft. From the accounting year of 2012, 52% of
the PDAMs had financial loss while only 48% generated profit. This research
aims to analyse the main factor affecting the financial performance of PDAM as
seen from the PDAM profit earnings in Indonesia in accounting year of 2012.
Total data utilized in this research is 350 PDAMs. The estimation of research
model is using double linear regression by Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method.
The result of the research showed that the main variable which has positive effect
on PDAM’s profit is production capacity (KAPPROD) with coefficient of
181,1217, while the main factor which has negative effect on PDAM’s profit is the
level of Non Revenue Water (TKA) with coefficient of -67713909. The other
factors which have significant effect to the profit of PDAM are miscellaneous
revenue, chemical cost and miscellaneous cost. Meanwhile the variables which
have insignificant effect to the profit of PDAM are as follows: tariff, energy cost,
labour cost, and maintenance cost.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Rut Elok Kurniatin
"Tesis ini fokus pada model tata kelola pemenuhan kebutuhan air minum di Desa Pomah, Beteng dan Randulanang dan faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi tata kelola. Pasca berakhirnya program PAMSIMAS pada tahun 2021, Desa Pomah, Beteng dan Randulanang menghadapi tantangan untuk mencapai akses universal air minum dan mempertahankan pelayanan dasar air minum bagi masyarakat dalam keterbatasan keberlanjutan penganggaran, peran dan partisipasi dan konsistensi terhadap kualitas air. Melalui pendekatan post positivist dan metode kualitatif, peneliti melakukan penilaian terhadap model tata kelola pemenuhan kebutuhan air minum yaitu dengan melakukan analisis terhadap governance actors, governance style dan governance component. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan melalui wawancara informan dan data sekunder melalui studi dokumen, literatur dan sistem informasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ketiga desa memiliki model tata kelola yang berbeda meskipun berasal dari program yang sama yaitu PAMSIMAS. Model network yang diterapkan oleh Desa Randulanang menghasilkan ekosistem pengelolaan yang mandiri dan berkelanjutan dengan jejaring aktor yang terbentuk dengan berbagai aktor di luar desa. Sementara itu model hirarki yang diterapkan Desa Pomah dan Beteng mendorong pengelolaan yang terintegrasi dengan mekanisme tata kelola pemerintah desa. Unit sumber daya dan sistem tata kelola menjadi faktor yang berperan penting terhadap pelayanan dasar air minum di ketiga desa.

This thesis discusses the governance model for the fulfillment of drinking water needs in Pomah, Beteng, and Randulanang Village and the factors that influence governance. After the end of the Pamsimas (Community-Based Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation) program in 2021, Pomah, Beteng, and Randulanang Village faced the challenges of achieving universal access to drinking water and maintaining basic drinking water services for the community within the limitations of budgetary sustainability and roles, participation, and consistency regarding water quality. This research utilizes a post- positivist approach and qualitative data collection method. In order to assess the governance model for fulfilling drinking water needs, the researcher analyzed several variables, namely governance actors, governance style, and governance components. Primary data was collected through in depth interviews, while secondary data was collected through a study of documents, literatures, and the Pamsimas MIS. The network model observed in Randulanang Village generates an independent and sustainable management ecosystem, with a network of actors that was formed with various actors from outside the village. On the other hand, the hierarchical model observed in Pomah and Beteng Village encourages an integrated management with village government’s governance mechanisms. Finally, resource and governance system are the two factors that play an important role in basic drinking water services in the three villages."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Wardani Wijayanti
"Kota Cimahi memiliki dana idle yang cukup tinggi dan salah satu penyumbangnya adalah Dana Alokasi Khusus DAK. DAK bidang Infrastruktur Air Minum merupakan bidang dengan realisasi terendah di tiga tahun terakhir 2013-2015 , sedangkan pada tahun 2014 Kota Cimahi sudah diprediksi akan mengalami kekeringan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan penggunaan DAK bidang Infrastruktur Air Minum Kota Cimahi tahun 2015 menggunakan strategic framework for public sector project management dari David S. Kassel. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post-positivist dan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kurangnya manajemen proyek di Dinas Perumahan dan Kawasan Pemukiman Kota Cimahi serta selama pengerjaan proyek tersendat oleh kondisi alam yang tidak pasti. Selain itu, proyek yang gagal dilakukan tidak dianggarkan kembali di tahun anggaran berikutnya, sehingga terjadi penumpukan DAK di kas daerah Kota Cimahi.

Cimahi City has high idle fund and one of its contributor is Dana Alokasi Khusus DAK specific grant . DAK for drinking water infrastructure has the lowest realization in the last three years 2013 2015 , while in 2014 Cimahi City was predicted drought. Based on these problems, this research aims to describe the use of DAK of Cimahi City drinking water infrastructure using strategic framework for public sector project management from David S. Kassel. This research uses post positivist paradigm and data collection through in depth interview and literature study. The result shows the lack of project management in Dinas Perumahan dan Kawasan Pemukiman and during project work stalled by unpredictable natural conditions. In addition, the failed project is not budgeted back in the next fiscal year, resulting in the accumulation of DAK in Cimahi City.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indria Prasastia
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rimelda Ridwan
"Packaged Drinking Water (AMDK) is a type of industrial products that has been well-known in Indonesia and has even become a potential export commodity. Good market condition and good prospect for AMDK industry have invited many investors to take part in this business. This has made AMDK industry develop rapidly. In line with such development, in order to make the product competitive in the market and also to be able to protect consumers, the technical requirements of AMDK industry needs to be well observed so that the product is safe to be consumed. To support such things, it is urgent that AMDK industry implement the imposed quality standard. AMDK companies operating in West Sumatra also have to do the same thing. However, in practice, many problems and violations in the implementation of such requirements can be found.
This research is aimed at making clear of the implementation of the compulsory Indonesian National Standard (SNI) imposed on AMDK companies operating in West Sumatra, in order to lind out factors that can hinder the implementation of such SNI policies. The research method applied was qualitative descriptive which was based on explanations, that technically focusing attention on phenomena of the factual implementation of the compulsory SNI imposed on AMDK companies operating in West Sumatra.
The research found that the compulsory Indonesian National Standard (SNI) imposed on AMDK companies operating in West Sumatra has been implemented but not optimally, as indicated by some violations of the implementation of the compulsory Indonesian National Standard (SNI) imposed on AMDK companies operating in West Sumatra, i.e. there are still unregistered products sold in the market and the faking of products. Obedience and responsibility of the AMDK companies in West Sumatra is still low because optimal law enforcement and control have not been carried out by local officials who have authorization to follow up violations. While the aspect of context of policy shows that the compulsory SNI for AMDK is facing the fact of unlatch between the data of AMDK companies found in the tield and the data of AMDK companies registered at related regional offices that causes problems because the implementation of the compulsory SNI for AMDK, anyhow, involves regional level officials. The possible factors that can influence the implementation of the compulsory SNI on AMDK operating in West Sumatra, among others: coordination, obedience and responsibility of the AMDK companies, characteristics of institutions, roles and functions in implementing the policies of the compulsory SNI for AMDK.
The rules mentioned in the lndustry and Trade Ministers Decision Number 705/MPP/Kep/11/2003 on Technical Requirements for Packaged Drinking Water and its trade should be well implemented by the related regional and local officials because the decision of the minister can be used as a reference in giving guidance to AMDK companies. To realize this, socialization is needed to be carried out by national level related ofiices to regional and local ofhcials so that there will be no more misunderstandings on the contents, goals and purposes of such policies. For that, capability improvement of the oflicials in charge of guiding industrial and trading sectors needs to be done by carrying out technical and managerial courses and trainings as well as through completion of supporting means. To make the controlling tasks easy to carry out by related offices, SNI number for each industry needs different code, so that violation of the use of SNI can be traced quickly. Continuous campaign and socialization on product standardization is expected to be carried out by regional government in order to improve the perception of West Sumatra people on products that have SNI."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library