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Dedi Junaedi
Abstrak :
Hubungan pemustaka dengan perpustakaan dan pustakawan mengalami transformasi menjadi suatu ruang publik yang bersifat kompleks. Kompleksitas ruang publik ini tidak hanya untuk menampung interaksi antara pemustaka dan pustakawan dalam hubungannya dengan akses informasi dan pengetahuan, tetapi juga sebagai ruang pertemuan antar- generasi, antar-kepentingan, antar-komunitas, antar-profesi yang bersatu dan berinteraksi dengan pustakawan, teknologi, jejaring dan direkatkan oleh bahan perpustakaan dan dokumen koleksi perpustakaan. Pustakawan di era disrupsi harus mampu mengembangkan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai keberhasilan dengan melakukan berbagai terobosan. Perpustakaan harus berkreasi dan merespon perubahan yang muncul setelah disrupsi, antara lain dengan beradaptasi terhadap perubahan yang terjadi. Pustakawan harus mampu menunjukkan bahwa dirinya merupakan pilar pendidikan menuju masyarakat berperadaban tinggi melalui diseminasi informasi sehingga masyarakat mampu membedakan informasi mana yang hoax dan yang valid. Masalah penting kepustakawanan Indonesia adalah terjadinya ketidak-merataan jumlah dan kondisi perpustakaan. Saat ini Indonesia hanya mampu menyediakan 20% dari total kebutuhan masyarakat untuk mengakses perpustakaan. Saat ini 4 hal yang harus diperbaiki perpustakaan dalam menciptakan layanan prima di era disrupsi yaitu: Peningkatan akses informasi, perbaikan layanan perpustakaan, memetik manfaat pembelajaran dari pengalaman, perbaikan sumber daya manusia di perpustakaan.
The relationship between user and the library, librarians undergoes a transformation into a complex public space. The complexity of this public space is not only to accommodate the interaction between librarians and librarians in relation to access to information and knowledge, but also as a space for inter-generational, inter-community, inter-community, inter-professional meetings to unite and interact with librarians, technology, networking and glued together by library materials and library collection documents. Librarians in the era of disruption must be able to develop the competencies needed to achieve success by making various breakthroughs. Libraries must be creative and respond to changes that occur after disruption, among others by adapting to changes that occur. Librarians must be able to show that they are the pillars of education towards high civilized society through information dissemination so that people are able to distinguish which information is hoaxed and valid. An important problem of Indonesian librarianship is the unevenness in the number and condition of libraries. At present Indonesia is only able to provide 20% of the total community needs to access the library. At present 4 things that must be improved by the library in creating excellent services in the era of disruption are: Increasing access to information, improving library services, reaping the benefits of learning from experience, improving human resources in the library.
Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2019
020 PUS 26:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simatupang, Hendrik Halomoan
Abstrak :
Pembangunan infrastruktur di desa merupakan hal penting dalam memajukan kehidupan masyarakat desa. Pada penelitian ini penulis mengambil contoh Kecamatan Muncang Kabupaten Lebak, karena Kecamatan Muncang tersebut masih merupakan daerah tertinggal. Penulis mengkaitkan keadaan tersebut dengan masalah dana baik dari pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah setempat maupun tindakan dari pihakpihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab sehingga mengganggu pembangunan di desa tersebut. Studi kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan peran pemerintah daerah dalam pengelolaan dana yang mengakibatkan terganggunya ketahanan daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informan terdiri dari 9 orang dimana 3 orang memiliki kompetensi dalam bidang pembangunan, pemberdayaan dan ketahanan masyarakat desa dan sisanya adalah tokoh adat. Teori yang digunakan adalah pembangunan desa, teori karakteristik desa, teori kelembagaan otonomi desa, teori kewenangan daerah otonom dan teori ketahanan daerah. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa Masyarakat Kecamatan Muncang tidak diberdayakan oleh pemerintah pusat karena dianggap tidak memiliki kemampuan serta pengetahuan yang cukup. Selain itu, pengelolaan dana dilakukan secara terpusat sehingga banyaknya dana yang mengalir kedesa tidak berupa uang melainkan dalam bentuk barang atau program yang belum tentu dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan desa. Jadi Pembangunan desa di Kabupaten Lebak lebih tersentral/terpusat dimana belum nampak jelas kewenangan antara kabupaten dan desa.
The developments of infrastructure in the rural areas are the most important thing in improving the lives of its people. In this study, the writer took a sample in Muncang Subdistrict, Lebak District, since Muncang Subdistrict is still least developed. The writer relates such condition with the funding problem both in the central government and local government and also the irresponsible manners from the parties that can disrupt development in the rural areas.This qualitative study aims to find out and clarify the role of the local government in the funding management, which is impacted on the disruption of the area security. The methods used in this study were interview, observation, and documentation. The informants consisted of 9 (nine) persons where 3 (three) of them have competence in the field of development, empowerment and security of rural community and the rest were traditional leaders. Meanwhile, the theory used for this study were the theory of rural development, the theory of rural characteristic, the theory of institutional rural autonomy, the theory of autonomous regional authority and the theory of area security. The study shows that the people of Muncang Subdistrict are not empowered by the central government since they are reputed to have no ability and adequate knowledge. Moreover, the management of fund is done centralized,so the flowing fund is not in the shape of money but is in the form of program or goods which are not exactly needed for the rural development. Therefore, the rural development in Lebak District is more centralized wherein there is no clear authority between the district and the rural areas, The developments of infrastructure in the rural areas are the most important thing in improving the lives of its people. In this study, the writer took a sample in Muncang Subdistrict, Lebak District, since Muncang Subdistrict is still least developed. The writer relates such condition with the funding problem both in the central government and local government and also the irresponsible manners from the parties that can disrupt development in the rural areas.This qualitative study aims to find out and clarify the role of the local government in the funding management, which is impacted on the disruption of the area security. The methods used in this study were interview, observation, and documentation. The informants consisted of 9 (nine) persons where 3 (three) of them have competence in the field of development, empowerment and security of rural community and the rest were traditional leaders. Meanwhile, the theory used for this study were the theory of rural development, the theory of rural characteristic, the theory of institutional rural autonomy, the theory of autonomous regional authority and the theory of area security. The study shows that the people of Muncang Subdistrict are not empowered by the central government since they are reputed to have no ability and adequate knowledge. Moreover, the management of fund is done centralized,so the flowing fund is not in the shape of money but is in the form of program or goods which are not exactly needed for the rural development. Therefore, the rural development in Lebak District is more centralized wherein there is no clear authority between the district and the rural areas]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Wishnu Perdana
Abstrak :
Pemaknaan merupakan elemen mendasar yang hadir dalam setiap proses komunikasi yang terjadi pada manusia. Memaknai sebuah pesan selalu memberikan perspektif yang bermacam macam dilevel individu. Disrupsi merupakan fenomena sosial yang sekarang hadir dimasyarakat dan menyita perhatian banyak kalangan karena implikasinya yang merusak struktur sosial dan ekonomi dalam beberapa ruang lingkup hidup manusia. Pemaknaan individu mengenai disrupsi pun menunjukkan persepsi yang bermacam macam. Penelitian ini menggunakan model teori Encoding/Decoding Stuart Hall untuk menjelaskan pemaknaan mengenai disrupsi yang terjadi dilingkungan kerja pegawai perbankan. Industri perbankan dipilih sebagai subjek penelitian karena dianggap memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan penggunaan teknologi yang menjadi penyebab disrupsi dan juga memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan struktur sosial masyarakat karena merupakan lembaga penunjang aktifitas perekonomian masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karyawan perbankan memaknai fenomena disrupsi di lingkungan perbankan dengan posisi yang berbeda beda seperti yang didefinisikan dalam model teori Encoding/Decoding Stuart Hall dimana terdapat tiga posisi penerima pesan dalam memaknai disrupsi, yakni Dominant Hegemonic, Negotiated Position, dan Opposition Position. Namun ketiga posisi ini hanya ditunjukkan oleh pegawai perbankan dalam memaknai disrupsi dalam konteks mikro, artinya disrupsi yang terjadi hanya pada ruang lingkup kerja masing-masing pegawai. Bila melihat disrupsi dalam konteks makro masing masing pegawai dalam ruang lingkup kerja yang berbeda beda justru memaknai disrupsi dengan posisi dominant karena dianggap fenomena disrupsi yang hadir diperbankan dalam konteks makro justru mempermudah pelayanan dan meringankan pekerjaan pegawai yang mana meningkatkan kemampuan pelayanan yang di tawarkan oleh perbankan.
Meaning is a fundamental element that is present in every communication process that occurs in humans. Meaning a message always provides a variety of perspectives at the individual level. Disruption is a social phenomenon that is now present in society and seizes the attention of many because of its implications that undermine social and economic structures in some spheres of human life. Individual meaning of disruption also shows various perception. This study uses Stuart Hall's Encoding / Decoding theory model to explain the meaning of disruption occurring in the working environment of banking employees. The banking industry is chosen as the subject of research because it is considered to have a strong relationship with the use of technology that causes disruption and also has a strong relationship with the social structure of society because it is an institution supporting the economic activities of the community. The results showed that banking employees interpreted the disruption phenomenon in the banking environment with different positions as defined in the Stuart Hall Encoding / Decoding theory model where there are three message receiving positions in the meaning of disruption, Dominant Hegemonic, Negotiated Position, and Opposition Position. However, these three positions are only shown by banking officers in interpreting disruption in the micro context, meaning disruption that occurs only in the scope of work of each employee. When looking at disrupsi in the macro context of each employee in a different scope of work, it just means disruption with dominant position because it is considered disruption phenomenon that is present in the banking in the macro context actually simplify the service and ease the employment of employees which increase the service capabilities offered by the banking.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ektada Bennabi Mohamad
Abstrak :
Salah satu tema yang paling menonjol dalam The Book of Salt, novel perdana oleh Monique Truong, adalah unsur makanan, kuliner, dan urusan dapur. Novel tersebut menyajikan suatu cerita seorang koki gay dari Vietnam bernama Binh, yang terkucilkan dan terpaksa mengangkat kaki dari tanah airnya menuju tanah air penjajahnya akibat hubungannya dengan atasannya yang tidak direstui, baik oleh keluarganya maupun masyarakatnya. Cerita yang penuh tragedi ini diceritakan dengan latar belakang kuliner yang kental, karena kehidupan Binh sebagai buangan Vietnam di kota Paris—pusat kuasa kolonial Prancis pada abad ke-20 awal—tidak lepas dari pekerjaannya sebagai koki pribadi bagi Gertrude Stein dan Alice B. Toklas, pasangan lesbian yang merupakan tokoh bersejarah dalam susastra pada zaman itu. Unsur dapur dan makanan bersama dengan perjuangan Binh untuk hidup di dalam masyarakat yang tidak bersahabat berpadu untuk melukiskan gambaran hasrat atau nafsu seorang pria gay. Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk menerangkan gambaran nafsu tersebut, yang disajikan oleh media dapur serta ketertarikan Binh pada makanan dan dunia kuliner. Di saat yang sama, riset ini berusaha untuk menyoroti tema disrupsi terhadap kekangan masyarakat Barat pada masa hidup Binh dan bagaimana ia menantang heteronormativitas dengan kemenangan dan pencapaian yang personal melalui dunia kuliner. ......Chief among the myriad themes found in Monique Truong’s inaugural novel The Book of Salt (2003) are food and the kitchen. It proposes the narrative of Binh, a Vietnamese gay man exiled from his homeland by way of an interracial relationship made public. This tragic narrative carries with it a culinary backdrop, for Binh’s life in Parisian exile is deeply tied to his employment as chef for historic American couple Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas. Shades of the kitchen and the culinary come together in Truong’s novel to construct an image of a gay man’s desire. The objective of this research is to bring to light this image of desire, as presented through the medium of the kitchen and Binh’s affinity for food. At the same time, this research seeks to highlight themes of disruption against the constraints of Western society in Binh’s time and how he challenges the heteronorm through small and personal victories, again through his culinary affinity.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tire importance of the role of electricity in economic activities is undeniable. In fact, all economic sectors are directly or indirectly associated with electricity. Electricity is required to sustain human needs and economic growth. Electricity disruption will impact on both of economic or non economic aspect. Tire strategy on electricity supply curtailment to minimaze economic or non economic losses is needed One of the approach able to be applied to analysis the macroeconomic effects incured by deficiency of electricity supply is input-output model. Parameter applied in strategy of electrical curtailment is output multiplier. Result of simulation indicates that electricity curtailment by considering output multiplier hence will be able to minimizes the macroeconomics impact.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library