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Ditemukan 16 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sidik Noertjahjono
Abstrak :
Detektor yang baik merupakan divais yang mampu bekerja pada frekuensi yang lebar, peka terhadap foton yang datang dan tidak menimbulkan derau yang mengganggu dalam proses komunikasi maupun dalam bidang instrumentasi. Untuk maksud tersebut dipilih jenis fotodioda jenis p-i-n dengan bahan aktif semikonduktor GaInAsP sebagai campuran empat macam bahan semikonduktor dari komposisi III dan V pada tabel periodik kimiawi. Dalam tesis ini dibahas tentang perhitungan dan analisa karakteristik fotodioda p-i-n, dari analisa diketahui bahwa hal ini sangat dipengaruhi aleh ketebalan lapisan yang atas (p+), sedangkan lapisan i (intrinsik) pada ketebalan tertentu sampai maksimum tidak mengalami peningkatan effisiensi, disamping itu unjuk kerja fotodioda secara umum sangat dipengaruhi pula oleh nilai resistansi bebannya. A good device for detector should operate at. wide band range, and sensitive to incident photon and produce low noise in both fields of communication and instrumentation systems. For that purpose the device used a type of p-i-n photodiode which contains active layers as quaternary of 111 and V compound in periodic system. This thesis describes design and analysis of p-i-n photodiode to be used as a laser detector for )..= 1,.28 wiz . The Result show that the thickness of first (p+) and second (z) layer will limit the external efficiency of the detector, and also the load resistance will effect influence the performance of the detector.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
A material study for cathode tube of side window Geiger-Muller detector was carried out. Aim of the study is determine the counting correction factor to the absorpsion gamma radiation, so the type and thickness of materials tube can be sutled....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The design and construction of eight-bit tune delay autocorrelator is discussed, suitable for use in photon correlation experiments. The sampling time of the correlator can be varied from 1 usec to 100/usec, devide into a number ( typically 256 ) channels (time interval). The instruments records the number of pulses occuring in each sampling time and is stored in location memory in a RAM-BANK. The data is stored in binary form, the data can be converted to analog form by digital to analog converter and is displayed on an oscilloscope.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Suryana
Abstrak :
Dalam paper ini akan dipaparkan langkah-langkah desain dan realisasi tranceiver SFGPR pada frekwensi kerja 1- 2 GHz untuk aplikasi deteksi logam dalam tanah. Sebelum prototip SFGPR diuji, dilakukan proses kalibrasi hubungan langsung untuk kalibrasi fasa dan pulsa monocycle. Setelah proses kalibrasi selesai, prototip SFGPR (Stepped Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar) ini kemudian diuji untuk mendeteksi silinder logam yang ditanam pada kedalaman 5 cm dibawah tanah dalam suatu kotak tanah nonhomogen berukuran 25 cm x 75 cm x 10 cm. Dari hasil kalibrasi dan uji deteksi silinder logam diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa, prototip SFGPR dapat bekerja dengan baik sesuai spesifikasi yang telah ditetapkan.
Design and Implementation of 1-2 GHz Stepped Frequency GPR for Buried Metal Detection. In this paper, we describe the design and realization steps of 1 ? 2 GHz SFGPR (Stepped Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar) transceiver for metal detection under the ground. Before using prototyped GPR for detecting the metal under the ground, several of calibration processes must be performed, namely phase calibration and monocycle pulse waveform calibration. After completing the calibrations, this prototyped GPR would be ready for detecting a hidden object such as a metal plate 5 cm under the ground in our small test range size 25 cm x 75 cm x 10 cm. From the calibration and detection results, we concluded that the prototyped SFGPR passed the technical specifications of the design and could perform the metal detection under the ground with high SNR.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
A new microwave - based transesterification reactor for converting vegetable oils to biodiesel has been developed and tested. The reactor consists of a microwave generator, microwave, waveguide and reaction tube that are compacted in small space. The transesterification of biodiesel feedstocks is performed in the reaction tube that is spatially an extention of the microwave waveguide. Using this scheme, the microwave energy is accumulated in narrow space such that it can be efficiently absorbed by the biodiesel feedstocks. The prototype have been tested by performing the transesterification of biodisel feedstocks, consisting of 80 % cooking oil, 20% of methanol and 1% of potassium hydroxide (KOH). We found that the physical properties of biodiesel product satisfies the SNI standard. The preliminary estimation of the electrical energy consumption yields a value of 0.04 kw/liter of biodiesel feedstock, or correspondingly 40% lower than that consumed by conventional method. Due to compactness of the reactor and low electrical consumption, we believe that this scheme can be further developed and applied for supporting the biodiesel industry in Indonesia. We therefore suggest the development of the microwave - based biodiesel pilot plant at a small to medium entrepreneur or home industry level.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jeffry Ricardo
Abstrak :
Banyak sekali tindak kejahatan yang sulit untuk diungkap oleh aparat penegak hukum karena sulit menemukan bukti-bukti serta informasi yang minim di lapangan karena pelaku tindak kejahatan selalu berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk tidak meninggalkan jejak agar kasusnya tidak dapat terungkap sehingga penyidik membutuhkan instrumentasi untuk mendukung mengungkap tindak kejahatan. Instrumentasi tersebut salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan alat Lie Detector. Alat lie detector didesain untuk melihat perilaku tubuh manusia saat dalam kondisi tertekan. Alat ini tidak dapat secara spesifik mendeteksi apakah seseorang berbohong atau tidak. Lie detector hanya mengukur reaksi psikologis manusia sebagai indikasi seseorang berbohong atau tidak. Seorang pembohong ?kelas kakap? mungkin biasa bersikap sangat tenang sehingga reaksi psikologisnya tak terdeteksi. Dalam hal ini operator lie detector mesti benar-benar berpengalaman. Di negara maju, khususnya Eropa dan Amerika Serikat, lie detector sudah sering digunakan dan menjadi prosedur standart dalam memeriksa penjahat dan dalam mengungkapkan kasus kriminal. dengan kata lain, penjahat bila ingin perkaranya sampai di pengadilan, dia harus melalui test dengan alat ini dahulu. Pelaksanaannya dilakukan pihak independen (independent examiner), biasanya seorang psikolog, dan hasil akhir untuk menilai tingkat kebohongan itu juga di tangan psikolog. Polisi yang menangani kasus akan menerima hasil yang sudah matang dari psikolog tersebut. Ahli hukum di sana berpendapat, psikolog tentunya akan lebih memahami masalah kejiwaan, sehingga apabila pemeriksaan lie detector dilakukan oleh psikolog, maka hasilnya akan lebih akurat dan obyektif. Alat ini dikenal dengan nama Polygraph Test. ...... There are so many crime that are difficult to be revealed by law enforcement officials it because less of information and evidence that made by the criminals. Criminals always try not to make any trace of evidence so that the case can not be revealed, the investigator need an instrumentation to support revealing the crimes. One of the instrument is using the lie detector. Lie detector was designed to view the conduct of human body in the pressured condition. Lie detector can not specifically detect whether a person is lying or not. Lie detector only measuring a human reaction as an indication of a person's psychological. An expert liar usually can act very quiet so that the phsycological reaction is hard to be detected. In this case the examiner of lie detector must have an experienced. In the advance country, especially in Europe and USA, lie detector is often to used and already become standart procedure to examining the criminals and to revealing the criminal cases. The implementation do by the independent examiner, usually a psychologist and the assessment result also in the hands of psychologists. The police who handled the case will receive the results from the psychologist. The legal experts in there argued that the psychologists would be more understand of the psychological problems. so that if the lie detector examination do by a psychologist, then the result would be more accurate and objective. The lie detector examination is known as the Polygraph Test.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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