ABSTRAKPelaksanaan program Pengurangan Emisi dari Deforestasi dan Degradasi Hutan
atau Reducing Emissions from Deforestasi and forest Degradation plus (REDD+)
mensyaratkan adanya efektivitas, efisiensi dan kesetaran (equitable) sebagai
perdekatan mitigasi perubahan iklim untuk menguji opsi-opsi usulan dan hasilhasil
atau mengevaluasi hasil aktual. Riset ini bertujuan memahami dan
menganalisis pengaruh kegiatan ujicoba REDD+ pada lingkungan dan sosialekonomi
masyarakat sekitar hutan, serta mengkaji persepsi warga masyarakat
setempat atas manfaatnya dari kegiatan ujicoba REDD+ dan penilaian masyarakat
dalam melihat keterkaitan antara program tersebut dengan perubahan iklim.
Populasi riset berada di tujuh desa di wilayah kerja kegiatan ujicoba REDD+
Kabupaten Kuala Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah, dengan lokasi sampel berada di
Desa Mantangai Hulu, Desa Katunjung dan Desa Petak Puti. Jumlah sampel 66
orang dengan unit analisis adalah keluarga. Hasil riset ini menunjukkan bahwa
dari kegiatan ujicoba REDD+ di lokasi sampel telah memberi pengaruh terutama
terhadap kondisi lingkungan (lahan hutan) dan tingkat pendapatan, serta pengaruh
terbatas terhadap aspek pendidikan, kesehatan dan kondisi tempat tinggal.
Berbagai pelatihan, kegiatan dan sosialisasi tentang REDD+ telah meningkatkan
manfaat tambahan berupa kapasitas personal, tata kelola lahan, pemahaman dan
persepsi masyarakat atas manfaat ujicoba REDD+, dan melihat hubungan
kegiatan ujicoba REDD+ dengan perubahan iklim.
ABSTRACTImplementation of the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation (REDD+) program requires the effectiveness, efficiency and equity
(equitable) as approach of mitigation on climate change to examine the options
proposed and outcomes or evaluate the their actual results. This research aims to
identify and analyze the impact of REDD + pilot activities on the environment
and socio-economics of forest communities, as well as assessing the perception of
local residents on their benefits of REDD + pilot activities and communities?
perception on its program relationship with climate change. Research population
is seven villages on the region of REDD + pilot activities Regency Kuala Kapuas,
Central Kalimantan, with the sample villages are Mantangai Hulu Village,
Katunjung and Petak Puti. Numbers of samples were 66 respondents with the unit
of analysis is the household. The research results show that the demonstration
activities of REDD+ have been delivered influence mainly on environment (forest
vegetation) and their income, limited influence on education aspect, health and
living conditions. The trainings availability, activities and socialization by
REDD+ project proponent have been obtained co-benefits for local communities
on their capacity building, forest and land use governance, their knowledge and
understanding on REDD+ benefits and their perception on REDD+ and climate
change relationship concept"