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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rachma Fitriati
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Kajian ini menyajikan ilustrasi daya saing UMKM Industri Kreatif pada sebuah kota di Indonesia. Berbeda dengan konstruksi daya saing yang sudah dilakukan dalam riset sebelumnya - misalnya market based view dan resource based view, maka daya saing direkonstruksi dengan basis kerangka kelembagaan bertingkat tiga, dengan meminjam model new institutionalism in economic sociology (NIES) ebagaimana diperkenalkan oleh Nee. Kajian ini termasuk dalam SSM-based action research dengan kategori theoretical research practice atau research interest. Menurut Flood and Jackson (1991) dengan pilihan ini, perubahan yang diinginkan dan mungkin dilakukan (feasible and desirable change) dengan mempertimbangkan systematically desirable, culturally feasible adalah pertimbangan di antara para peneliti dan reviewers, bukan pada pemilik masalah (problem owner). Berbeda dengan kajian Hardjosoekarto (2012), kajian ini senada dengan Kane dan Del Mistro (2003) yang memperlakukan P (small-and Medium-scale Creative Industry's) sebagai real world instance of A (Competitiveness Based on Three-tiered Institutional Frameworks), seperti yang disebutkan oleh McKay dan Marshall (2001). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa daya saing UMKM Industri Kreatif (institutional framework based competitiveness) ditentukan oleh tiga tingkat kerangka kelembagaan (three-tiered Institutional Frameworks), yaitu regulasi, struktur tata kelola dan institusi informal yang berisi norma, budaya, nilai dan keterlekatan. Sebagai hasil kajian riset tindakan, menurut Checkland & Scholes (1990), konstruksi dya saing ini merupakan experience based knowledge yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai promary thesis dari konstruksi daya saing berdasarkan tingkat tataran kelembagaan, yang dapat digunakan sebagai basis pengujian lebih lanjut dari suatu eksplorasi studi saintifik lainnya, sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh Barton et al (2009), dan Stephens et al (2009) yang kemudian dipertegas oleh Hardjosoekarto (2012).
ABSTRACT The research presents a reconstrction of creative industry small medium enterprises competitiveness in a city in Indonesia. Unlike the competitiveness reconstruction done in previous researches, such as the market-based view and the resource-based view, this research reconstructs competitiveness based on the three-tiered institutional frameworks, borrowed from Nee's New Institutionalism in Economic Sociology (NIES) (2003, 2005). The study applies SSM-basd action research with the category of theoretical research practice or research interest. According to Flood and Jackson (1991), through the choise, the feasible and desirable change, by considering the systematically desirable and culturally feasible factors, is the consideration among the researchers and reviewers, not on the problem owners. Different from Hardjosoekarto's study (2012), the study s more similar to the one by Kane and Del Mistro (2003) that treated P (SMEs on Creative Industry) as the real-world instance of A (Competitiveness Based on Three-tiered Institutional Frameworks) as stated by McKay and marshall (2001). The result of the research shows that the institutional framework-based competitiveness of SMEs is determines by the three tiered institutions consisting norms, culture, values, and embededness. As a resulth of Action Reserch study, according to Checkland &Scholes (1990), the competitiveness reconstruction is an experience-based knowledge that can be categorized as the primary thesis of the competitiveness reconstruction based on the more reliable institutional frameworks founded on the exploration of scientific study as stated by Barton et al. (2009), and Stephens et. al. (2009), later confirmed by Hardjosoekarto (2012).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Putu Bayu Widhi Antari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan inovasi Pemerintah Kota Denpasar dan faktor yang mendukung serta menghambatnya dalam mendukung sumber daya industri kreatif kain tenun ikat endek. Teori yang digunakan adalah inovasi di sektor publik, faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya, dukungan sumber daya dalam pembangunan ekonomi suatu wilayah, serta industri kreatif. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah positivist dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam, existing statictic, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah Kota Denpasar melakukan tujuh kegiatan/kebijakan inovatif antara lain himbauan menggunakan produk kain endek, pelaksanaan Denpasar Festival, Pemilihan Duta Endek, Denpasar Design Center, pelaksanaan Misi Dagang, pembangunan Imperium Kumbasari, dan pendirian Asosiasi Endek, Bordir, dan Songket Kota Denpasar. Faktor-faktor pendukung inovasi Pemerintah Kota Denpasar antara lain faktor internal, eksternal, dan politik, sedangkan faktor penghambatnya adalah internal dan eksternal.
This research aims to desrcibe the Denpasar Goverment innovation in enhancing the resources of endek woven cloth creative industry. Besides, It will describe the driver and barrier of it. This research use innovation in the public sector, the driver and barrier of it, enhancing the resources in regional economic development, and creative industry concept. The appoach is positivist that utilize in-depth interview, existing statictic, and literature study. The result are Denpasar Government has done suggestion for using endek products, holding Denpasar Festival and trade mission, promoting Endek Ambassador, building Imperium Kumbasari and Denpasar Design Center, and establishing Denpasar’s Endek, Bordir, and Songket Association; The driver of Government Innovation are internal, external, and political factors; The barrier of Government Innovation are internal and external factors.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bandung: Ais Pangampih, 2010
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
There is an interesting link between the conception of copyright protection and the multimedia industry. The Copyright Law direction in identifying who authors are as well as defining the Copyright ownership ang the process of creation, including the legal status of elements used in the process. In its normal practice, the basis of determining the status of a creator and copy right ownership of multimedia works in commonly based on the scheme of creation made on the basis of orders. From the copyright perspectives, advertising and other multimedia works will only be protected if they are original, which stem from the author. To multimedia works, the Copyright Law present the occurence of modification, distortion, ang mutilation; while to adaptation works, thw law demands authors, intellectual honesty as a basis of recognition ang protection of their right. Unfortunately, the Copyright Law has not so far played its role as an engine of creativity for multimediacommunity. Instead, the law is often regarded as an abstacle in creativity and the exploration of creation. For that reaso, the law needs to be disseminated in order to play more intensive role as a driving force of creativity and a buffer to pillars of the creative multimedia industry in line with efforts to boots economic growth and public welfare.
LRUPH 13:1 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas hubungan kelembagaan dalam upaya penguatan daya saing industri kreatif kerajinan Kota Bogor dengan menggunakan konsep New Institutionalism in Economi Sociology yang melihat industri kerajinan melalui tiga tataran kelembagaan yaitu makro yang direpresentasikan oleh pemerintah sebagai institutional environment, meso yang direpresentasikan dengan organisasi sebagai governance structure, dan mikro adalah komunitas/individu kreatif sebagai informal structure. Ketiganya berinteraksi dimana dalamnya terdapat elemen formal dan informal seperti norma, nilai, aturan, kebiasaaan yang diterjemahkan ke dalam suatu tindakan oleh aktor-aktor di setiap tataran tersebut melalui mekanisme sistemnya masing-masing.Situasi problematis pada industri kerajinan dilihat dengan sistem aktivitas manusia yang kemudian ditransformasikan ke dalam dalam bentuk root definition yang merupakan deskripsi terstruktur dari sistem aktivitas manusia yang relevan dengan situasi problematis yang kemudian dibuat model konseptualnya. Penelitian ini menghasilkan empat buah model konseptual, yang kemudian digunakan pada tahap perbandingan dan perumusan rekomendasi hasil penelitian. Sesuai dengan kaidah Soft Systems Methodology, pada tahap 6 determinasi kebutuhan dan perubahan yang memungkinkan, proses pembandingan dan debating untuk tujuan research interest melibatkan praktisioner SSM peneliti , academic advisor dan academic reviewer.
This research presents the institutional relation as an effort to strengthen the competitiveness of craft creative industry in Bogor City using New Institutionalism in Economic Sociology concept that viewed craft industry through three levels of institutional macro, meso, and micro . In macro level represented by the government as an institutional environment, in meso level represented by the organization as a governance structure, and in micro level represented by creatives community individual as an informal structure. These three level interact by connected formal and informal elements such as norms, values, rules, and customs which translated into actions by actors in three institutional level through the mechanism of the respective system.Problematic situation in craft industry is viewed using human activity systems HAS and transformed into root definitions which is a structured description of a HAS that relevant with the problematical situation and became basis to create conceptual models. This research results four conceptual models which is used for comparison stage and formulate recommendation for research result. Refer to norm of Soft Systems Methodology SSM , stage 6 changes systematically desirable, culturally feasible , comparison and debating process involve SSM rsquo s practitioner, academic advisor and academic reviewer.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library