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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Pardan Syafrudin
Abstrak :
Harta bersama adalah harta yang diperoleh suami isteri selama menjalani kehidupan rumah tangga, yang keduanya sepakat apabila setelah bersatu melalui ikatan pemikahan bahwa harta yang dihasilkan oleh salah satu atau oleh keduanya menjadi harta bersama. Hal ini menunjukan bila terjadi perjanjian antara suami isteri sebelum menikah untuk tidak menyatukan hartanya, maka harta yang dihasilkan keduanya tidak menjadi harta bersama. Dengan demikian bila suami atau isteri meninggal, atau pun cerai, maka harta yang dimiliki oleh keduanya dapat dibagikan sesuai dengan sahamnya masing¬masing. Lain halnya bila kedua pasangan tersebut tidak melakukan perjanjian, maka harta yang diperoleh selama ikatan pemikahan dapat dibagi menjadi jenis harta bersama. Dalam hukum Islam, jenis harta ini tidak terdapat dalam AI-Qur'an maupun Sunnah, begitupula dalam literatur fiqih Islam. Namun hukum Islam melegalkan keberadaan harta bersama selama berlaku dalam suatu masyarakat dan adanya kemaslahatan dalam pembagian harta tersebut. Berbeda dengan hukum positif, harta jenis ini telah diatur dan dijelaskan dalam Undang-¬undang Perkawinan, maupun Kompilasi Hukum Islam, yang menjadi sandaran hukum dalam urusan perkawinan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Dalam'penelitian ini, penulis mencoba mengkomparasikan keberadaan harta bersama menurut tinjauan hukum Islam dan hukum positif.
Community property is obtained by estae [is] spouse during experiencing domesticity, second of him agree if after coalescing to pass/through nuptials tying that estae yielded by one of [the] or by both becoming community property. This matter is happened agreement [among/between] spouse before marriage [in order] not to unite its estae, hence yielded estae both [do] not become community property. Thereby if/when wife or husband die, nor divorce, hence esrae had by both can be alloyed as according to its share each.. Other the things of if/When both the couple [do] not [do/conduct] agreement, hence obtained estae during divisible nuptials tying become community property type. In Islam law, this estae type [do] not there are in Al-Qur'An and also of Sunnah, and in literature of fiqih Islam.. But punish legal Islam [of] existence of community property during going into effect in a[n society and existence of good in division of estae. Differ from positive law, estae this type of have been arranged and explained in [Code/Law] Marriage, and also Kompilasi Hukum Islam, becoming arm rest punish in marriage business going into effect in Indonesia. In this research, writer try omparability existence of community property according to evaluation punish Islam and positive law.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raisha Kinanti
Abstrak :
Pembebanan Jaminan Hak Tanggungan Terhadap Harta Bersama Yang Belum Dibagi Waris Analisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 353 K/PDT/2015 Bank mempunyai fungsi untuk menghimpun dan menyalurkan dana kepada masyarakat. Dana yang disalurkan ke bank oleh masyarakat disimpan dalam bentuk tabungan atau deposito, sedangkan dana yang disalurkan bank kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan disalurkan dalam bentuk pinjaman/kredit. Kredit yang disalurkan oleh bank mengandung risiko, untuk itu perjanjian kredit selalu diiringi dengan perjanjian pembebanan jaminan. Hak Tanggungan adalah salah satu bentuk lembaga jaminan yang paling banyak diminati oleh bank. Akan tetapi penyerahan jaminan dapat menimbulkan masalah apabila penyerahan jaminan dilakukan tanpa persetujuan dari pihak yang turut atas objek jaminan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat normatif, yaitu dengan cara pengumpulan data yang bersumber dari bahan-bahan kepustakaan dan dengan menganalisis data secara kualitatif dengan melakukan sistematika terhadap penerapan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Atas dasar demikian, Penulis dapat membuat simpulan bahwa pembebanan Hak Tanggungan yang dilakukan oleh tanpa persetujuan pihak yang turut memiliki serta objek jaminan adalah tidak sah dan pihak yang merasa keberatan atas pembebanan jaminan dapat mengajukan pembatalan ke Pengadilan. Bank untuk memberikan fasilitas kredit kepada masyarakat harus menerapkan prinsip perkreditan dengan baik, yaitu dengan melakukan analisa mengenai calon nasabah sebelum menyetujui pemberian kredit. Selain itu, Notaris/PPAT sebagai pihak yang berwenang untuk membuat akta dalam menjalankan jabatannya pada saat membuat akta harus secara saksama dan teliti menganalisa para pihak yang membuat akta.Kata kunci: Hak Tanggungan, Harta Bersama, Waris.
Mortgage Guarantee Imposition of Community Property That Has Not Been Divided Inheritance Analysis of The Supreme Court Verdict Number 353 K Pdt 2015 Bank has a function to raise funds from communities and distribute it back to communities. Communities submit their funds to the bank as savings or deposits, then the funds that are collected from communities will be distributed to those in need as loans credits. Bank credit may pose risk, therefore every credit agreement is accompanied by the imposition of a guarantee agreement. Mortgage is the most in demand form of security by banks. However, the handover of collateral can cause problems when it held without the consent of the parties who also having the security object. The study was conduct by the research of normative literature, by collecting data from literature and analyzing data qualitatively by the systematic application of laws and regulations that applied. Based on these study, authors conclude that the imposition of mortgage without the consent of the parties who also having a security object is not valid and those parties can claim for the cancellation to the court. To provide a credit facilities to the public, bank must apply the principle of good credit by analyzing customers rsquo prospective before approving a loan. In addition, the Notary PPAT as the competent authority to make a deed while doing their job must be carefully and thoroughly analyze the parties to a deed.Keywords Mortgage, Heir, Community Property
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Faradhyta Dewi
Abstrak :
Persetujuan dari salah satu pihak dalam melakukan pengalihan harta bersama merupakan hal yang wajib dilakukan. Hal ini sudah diatur dalam Pasal 36 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan. Jika ditafsirkan secara a contrario Pasal 36 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Perkawinan, melarang pengalihan harta bersama tanpa persetujuan dari pasangan suami/istri. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 463 PK/Pdt/2017. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah keabsahan peralihan hak dan peran PPAT terhadap harta bersama perkawinan dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 463 PK/Pdt/2017 dan kedudukan para pihak dalam memberikan persetujuan pengalihan harta bersama dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 463 PK/Pdt/2017. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis-normatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah keabsahan peralihan hak milik terhadap harta bersama milik Tuan GOS dan Nyonya S yang dilakukan tanpa adanya persetujuan dari Nyonya S adalah tidak sah. Hal ini telah melanggar ketentuan dari Pasal 36 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Perkawinan serta melanggar pula syarat sah perjanjian yaitu sepakat dan sebab yang halal yang diatur dalam Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata. Akibatnya perjanjian tersebut dapat dibatalkan atau batal demi hukum. Peran PPAT terhadap harta bersama adalah membuat alas hak terkait harta yang dialihkan yaitu membuat akta jual beli. Kedudukan para pihak dalam memberikan persetujuan pengalihan harta bersama dalam putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 463 Pk/Pdt/2017 sangat penting sebagaimana telah diatur dalam pasal 36 Undang-Undang Perkawinan.
The consent of one party to the transfer of community property is obligatory. This has been regulated in Article 36 Paragraph 1 Law number 1 of 1974 on marriage. If interpreted in a contrario Article 36 Marriage Act, transfer community property without the consent of the husband wife are prohibits. This research takes a case study of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 463 PK Pdt 2017. The formulation of the problem of this study is the validity of the transfer of rights and the role of PPAT on the property of the marriage in the Supreme Court Decision No. 463 PK Pdt 2017 and the position of the parties in granting the transfer of community property in the Supreme Court Decision No. 463 PK Pdt 2017. Research method used in this research is juridical normative by using secondary data. The conclusions in this research is the validity of the transfer of property right against join property of Mr. GOS and Mrs. S is invalid. This has violated Article 36 Paragraph 1 of the Marriage Act and also violates the validity of an agreement which is the concent and lawful cause who has been regulated in Article 1320 of The Civil Code. As a result, the agreement can be canceled or void by law. The role of PPAT on community property is to make a right of ownership related to the transfer of the property. The position of the parties in giving the consent of the transfer against community property in the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 463 Pk Pdt 2017 is very important as has been regulated in Article 36 Paragraph 1 of The Marriage Act.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elva Monica Hubertina
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas pengalihan hak atas tanah yang merupakan harta bersama tanpa persetujuan dari pasangan. Pasal 36 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Perkawinan mewajibkan pasangan suami istri yang hendak bertindak atas harta bersama harus mendapatkan persetujuan dari kedua belah pihak. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat dalam tesis ini adalah pengalihan hak terhadap objek harta bersama yang dibuat oleh PPAT tanpa adanya persetujuan pasangan suami istri terhadap pihak ketiga. Permasalahan berikutnya adalah tanggung jawab PPAT atas jual beli tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yang berbentuk Yuridis normatif dengan melakukan studi dokumen atas data sekunder. Analisis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dalam pengalihan hak atas tanah yang merupakan harta bersama tanpa persetujuan pasangan melalui akta jual beli yang dibuat oleh PPAT tidaklah sah karena tidak memenuhi syarat sahnya akta jual beli. Dengan tetap dibuatkannya akta jual beli tersebut terjadilah perbuatan melawan hukum sehingga akta tersebut batal demi hukum. Pembeli yang beritikad baik dalam melakukan jual beli harus dilindungi oleh hukum, PPAT harus mempertanggungjawabkan secara perdata dan administratif guna memberikan efek jera bagi PPAT karena jabatan PPAT merupakan jabatan kepercayaan sebagai perpanjangan tangan dari Badan Pertanahan Nasional ...... This thesis discusses the transfer of rights to land which is joint property without the consent of the spouse. Article 36 paragraph (1) of the Marriage Law requires that a married couple wishing to act on joint assets must obtain the consent of both parties. The problem raised in this thesis is the transfer of rights to objects of joint property made by Land Deed Official without the husband and wife's consent to a third party. The next problem is Land Deed Official's responsibility for the sale and purchase. This research uses a normative juridical method by conducting document studies on secondary data. The analysis uses a qualitative approach. The result of this research is in the transfer of rights to land which is a joint property without the partner's consent through a sale and purchase deed made by illegitimate because it does not meet the valid requirements of the sale and purchase deed. With the sale and purchase deed still being made, there is an act against the law so that the deed is null and void. Buyers who have good intentions in buying and selling must be protected by law, Land Deed Official must be accountable civil and administratively to provide a deterrent effect for Land Deed Official because the position of Land Deed Official is a position of trust as an extension of the National Land Agency
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Yanto
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai Gugatan atas Harta Bersama Akibat Perceraian Menurut KUHPerdata dan UU No. 1 Th. 1974. Menurut KUHPerdata dengan perkawinan terjadi percampuran harta secara bulat, kecuali adanya perjanjian perkawinan. Harta bersama menurut KUHPerdata termasuk aktiva dan passiva. Apabila terjadi perceraian harta bersama dibagi dua antara suami-isteri. Isteri mempunyai hak eksklusif untuk melepaskan hak atas harta bersama. Menurut UU No. 1 Th. 1974 harta bersama adalah harta yang diperoleh selama dalam proses perkawinan. Apabila terjadi perceraian harta bersama dibagi menurut hukum masing-masing, yaitu hukum agama, hukum adat, dan hukum lainnya. UU No. 1 Th. 1974 tidak mengatur detil mengenai harta perkawinan dan mengenai mekanisme pelepasan hak atas harta bersama tidak diatur, ini berbeda dengan KUHPerdata. Skripsi ini juga menganalisis Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Bogor No. 73/Pdt/G/2003/PN.Bgr. ......This thesis discusses The Join Property lawsuit Due to Divorce According to The Book of the Civil Law and Act Number 1 of 1974 on Marriage. According to The Book of Law Civil Law by mixing marital property occurs as a whole, unless the marriage covenant. Matrimonial property according to The Book of Law Civil Law including assets and liabilities. In case of divorce joint property divided between husband and wife. Wife has the exclusive right to release the right to join property. According to Act Number. 1 of 1974 on Marriage join property is property acquired during the marriage process. In case of divorce join property is divided according to their respective laws, namely the religious law, customary law and other laws. Act Number 1 of 1974 did not set up details about the marital property and mechanism of waiver of join property is not set, this is different from The Book of Civil Law. This thesis also analyzes The Bogor District Court Decision No.73/Pdt/G/2003/PN.Bgr.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Jeremia Sintong Parsaulian
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang jual beli hak atas tanah bersama yang dilakukan setelah perceraian oleh salah satu pihak didasarkan pada hukum pertanahan.Oleh karena merupakan harta bersama, analisa dalam tesis ini juga menggunakan berbagai sumber hukum lain seperti hokum perkawinan dan hokum perdata untuk menganalisa keabsahan transaksi jual beli tanah hak atastanahbersamatersebut. Jual beli hak atas tanah bersama oleh salah satu pihak setelahperceraian dalam prakteknya merupakan hal yang umum dilakukan oleh masyarakat dan sangat mudah dijumpa dalam kehidupan sehari-sehari. Akan tetapi masyarakat tidak mengetahui aturan-aturanhukum yang mengaturhal tersebut, sehingga banyak terjadi penyimpangan hukum yang tidak disengaja akibat kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat awamakanhukum. Oleh karena itu kasus ini dapat memberikan penyuluhan hokum secara sederhana kepada masyarakat yang tidak mengerti atau tidak mengetahui adanya aturanhukum yang mengatur mengenai jual beli hak atas tanah bersama setelah perceraian tersebut.Tesis ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normative karena menitikberatkan pada penelitian kepustakaan yang meneliti asas-asas hukum, sistematika hokum dan sinkronisasi hukum dengan cara menganalisanya.Tipe penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah tipe penelitian preskriptif yang memberikan saran atau opini hukumdalammenyelesaikans uatupermasalahan hukum.Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam Tesis ini adalah mengenai akibat hokum terhadap hak atas tanah bersamasetelah perceraian menurut hukum yang berlaku dan keabsahan transaksi jualbeli tanah sebagai hartabersama yang dilakukan oleh salah satu pihak setelah perceraian diputuskan.
This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce., This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library