ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor internal dan eksternal bank
terhadap presentase penyaluran kredit UMKM Bank Umum Konvensional di Indonesia
periode 2009-2013. Dalam penelitian ini, faktor internal bank dilihat dari aspek Capital
Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Size, Loan Loss Provision to Total Loans (PROV) dan Net
Interest Margin (NIM) serta faktor eksternal bank yang dilihat dari BI Rate dan GDP.
Pengujian dengan metode Fixed Effect Model (FEM) Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwaa CAR, Loan Loss Provision to Total Loans, NIM dan GDP memiliki pengaruh
terhadap presentase penyaluran kredit UMKM.
ABSTRACT This research is aimed to analyze the effect of internal and external commercial bank
factors toward presentation of small and medium enterprise lending distribution in
Indonesia, in period 2009-2013. This research use internal bank factors (Capital
Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Size, Loan Loss Provision to Total Loans (PROV) and Net
Interest Margin (NIM), and external bank factors (BI Rate and GDP) as dependent
variables and use fixed effect method. The result is CAR, Loan Loss Provision to Total
Loans, NIM and GDP have significant effect toward Presentation of Small and
Medium Enterprise Lending Distribution in Indonesia."