Khusnul Hanifati
Abstrak :
Tesis ini berfokus pada representasi rumah kolonial sebagai sarana penciptaan identitas kolonial Belanda di bekas jajahan Belanda di Indonesia (Hindia Belanda) di awal abad ke-20. Tesis ini menganalisis tatanan atau struktur sosial masyarakat kolonial Belanda yang terkait dengan ruang domestik, gambaran ideal rumah, serta domestisitas kolonial dalam rumah tangga untuk menganalisis kinerja Eropa dalam praktik pemmbuatan ruang domestik. Dapur dipilih menjadi fokus utama pembahasan karena ruang ini merupakan titik temu anatara masyarakat kolonial dan pribumi, merepresentasikan pertemuan budaya sekaligus menggambarkan hirarki dalam pola tatanan ruang dalam rumah tangga. Sumber analisis subjek penelitian berasal dari manual rumah tangga, gambar arsitektur, memoir dan foto. Tesis ini berpendapat bahwa penataan spasial pada rumah tangga kolonial berhubungan dengan relasi dinamis praktek budaya antara kolonial dan pribumi. Menariknya pemisahan spasial yang dilakukan dalam ruang domestik, yakni dapur, menciptakan kontradiksi dimana percampuran budaya seperti penggunaan alat-alat dapur tradisional, kebutuhan masyarakat kolonial akan kehadiran pekerja domestik pribumi dan budaya rijstaffel justru hadir di dalamnya.
......This thesis focuses on the representation of the colonial house as a means of creating a Dutch colonial identity in the former Dutch colony in Indonesia (the Dutch East Indies) in the early 20th century. This thesis analyzes the social order or structure of the Dutch colonial society concerning the domestic space, the ideal picture of the house, and the colonial domesticity in the household to analyze the European performance in the practice of making domestic space. The kitchen was chosen to be the main focus of the discussion because this space was the meeting point between colonial and pribumi societies, representing cultural encounters as well as depicting hierarchy in the spatial arrangement in the household. Sources of analysis for research subjects came from household manuals, architectural drawings, memoirs, and photographs. This thesis argues that the spatial arrangement of colonial households is related to the dynamic relations of cultural practices between colonials and natives. Interestingly, the spatial separation carried out in the domestic space, namely the kitchen, created a contradiction in which a mixture of cultures such as the use of traditional kitchen utensils, the colonial community's need for the presence of native domestic workers, and the rijstaffel culture were present in it.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library