"Dalam penelitian ini, green synthesis nanomaterial β-Ga2O3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, dan β-Ga2O3-W via ekstrak daun Cnidoscolus aconitifolius telah berhasil dilakukan. Nanomaterial β-Ga2O3 dianalisis dengan karakterisasi XRD (X-ray Diffraction), UV-Vis DRS (UV-Vis Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy), FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy), dan TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy). Hasil karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan bahwa sistem kristal β-Ga2O3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, dan β-Ga2O3-W adalah monoklinik dengan grup ruang C12/m1 fasa tunggal. Pengukuran FTIR mengonfirmasi struktur kristal β-Ga2O3 berupa serapan karakteristik di 662 cm-1 dan 431 cm-1. Spektroskopi UV-Vis DRS menunjukkan sifat optik β-Ga2O3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, dan β-Ga2O3-W berupa serapan foton di daerah sinar UV dengan bandgap sebesar 4,59 eV, 4,66 eV, dan 4,61 eV, secara berurutan. Karakterisasi SEM-EDS menunjukkan bahwa β-Ga2O3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, dan β-Ga2O3-W memiliki morfologi irregular shape, submicroblock, dan microspindle serta komposisi unsur penyusun yang sesuai secara stoikiometri. Karakterisasi TEM menunjukkan ukuran partikel rata-rata material β-Ga2O3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, dan β-Ga2O3-W sebesar 38,18 ± 6,58 nm, 865,85 ± 165,98 nm, dan 2926,01 ± 331,26 nm. Aktivitas fotokatalitik β-Ga2O3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, dan β-Ga2O3-W pada proses fotodegradasi metilen biru adalah sebesar 92,64 ± 0,45 %, 20,07 ± 0,97 %, dan 86,70 ± 0,04 %, secara berurutan. Kinetika reaksi fotokatalisis β-Ga2O3-M mengikuti model reaksi orde nol dengan tetapan laju sebesar 4,1 x 10-3 M.menit-1 serta β-Ga2O3-Hx dan β-Ga2O3-W mengikuti model reaksi orde satu semu dengan tetapan laju sebesar 1,6 x 10-3 menit-1 dan 1,64 x 10-2 menit-1, secara berurutan.
In this research, green synthesis of β-Ga2O3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, dan β-Ga2O3-W nanomaterials via Cnidoscolus aconitifolius leaf extract has been successfully carried out. β-Ga2O3 nanomaterials are characterized by XRD (X-ray Diffraction), UV-Vis DRS (UV-Vis Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy), FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy), dan TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy). XRD characterization results showed that β-Ga2O3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, and β-Ga2O3-W are single phased and adopted monoclinic crystal system with C12/m1 space group. FTIR measurement confirmed the β-Ga2O3 crystal structure, which showed characteristic absorption in 662 cm-1 and 431 cm-1. UV-Vis DRS spectroscopy showed optical properties of β-Ga2O3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, and β-Ga2O3-W which absorbs photon in UV region with bandgap value of 4,59 eV, 4,66 eV, dan 4,61 eV, respectively. SEM-EDS results showed that morphological shape of β-Ga2O3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, and β-Ga2O3-W are irregular shape, submicroblock, and microspindle, also elemental composition that corresponds stoichiometrically. TEM characterization results showed that β-Ga2O3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, and β-Ga2O3-W have average particle size of 38,18 ± 6,58 nm, 865,85 ± 165,98 nm, and 2926,01 ± 331,26 nm. Photocatalytic activity of β-Ga2O<3-M, β-Ga2O3-Hx, and β-Ga2O3-W in methylene blue photodegradation are 92,64 ± 0,45 %, 20,07 ± 0,97 %, dan 86,70 ± 0,04 %, respectively. Photocatalysis kinetics of β-Ga2O3-M followed the zeroth order reaction model with rate constant of 4,1 x 10-3M.min-1 while β-Ga2O3-Hx and β-Ga2O3-W followed the pseudo first order reaction model with rate constant value of 1,6 x 10-3 min-1 and 1,64 x 10-2 min-1, respectively."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022