ABSTRAK Praktek Kerja Profesi (PKP) di rumah sakit dilaksanakan di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Umum
Pusat Fatmawati. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama 6 minggu dari tanggal 1 Juli sampai dengan
tanggal 20 Agustus 2015. PKP di rumah sakit bertujuan agar mahasiswa program studi profesi
apoteker memahami peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker di RSUP Fatmawati sesuai
dengan ketentuan dan etika pelayanan farmasi dan pelayanan kesehatan umumnya, memiliki
gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan praktik kefarmasian serta mempelajari strategi dan
kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan praktik kefarmasian di
rumah sakit. Berdasarkan kegiatan PKP yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Apoteker
RSUP Fatmawati telah melakukannya tugasnya dalam pelayanan kefarmasian dengan baik.
Apoteker berperan dalam mengelola aspek-aspek pengelolaan manajerial dan pelayanan
kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit melalui fungsinya sebagai manajer dan drug informer. Selain itu,
apoteker juga berperan dalam Panitia Farmasi dan Terapi (PFT), satu diantara perannya yaitu
mengkaji dan menyusun formularium Rumah Sakit.. Mahasiswa apoteker telah berhasil
memperoleh gambaran umum dari pelaksanaan pekerjaan kefarmasian di RSUP Fatmawati yang
meliputi pelayanan farmasi klinik dan non klinik. Fungsi pelayanan farmasi klinik berupa
pemberian informasi obat (PIO) dan konseling kepada pasien. Fungsi pelayanan non klinik
meliputi perencanaan, pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, distribusi, produksi, dan
pengawasan perbekalan farmasi. Untuk memaksimalkan fungsi Bagian Farmasi baik dalam hal
pelayanan farmasi klinik maupun pelayanan farmasi non klinik maka perlu dilakukan penambahan
jumlah sumber daya manusia, seperti apoteker dan tenaga teknis kefarmasian. Selain itu,
peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan sarana prasarana penunjang perlu diperhatikan agar
pekerjaan kefarmasian dapat dilaksanakan dengan sebaik-baiknya.
ABSTRACT Profession Internship in hospital was held at Hospital Pharmacy Department of General HospitalFatmawati. This activity lasted for 6 weeks from July 1st until August 20th 2015. ProfessionInternship in the hospital aims to be apothecary student understand the role, duties and responsibilities of pharmacist of Fatmawati hospital in accordance with the rules and ethics of thepharmaceutical and health care services generally, have a real picture of the issues pharmaceuticalpractice and learn the strategies and activities that can be done in the framework of thedevelopment of pharmacy practice in hospitals. Based on Profession Internship activitiesundertaken, it can be concluded that the Pharmacist of Fatmawati Hospital has been doing its jobproperly in pharmacy services. Pharmacists play a role in managing the managerial aspects ofmanagement and pharmacy services in hospitals through its function as a manager and druginformer. In addition, the pharmacist also plays a role in the Pharmacy and TherapeuticsCommittee (PFT), one among his role is to review and prepare hospital formulary. Apothecarystudent have managed to obtain a general overview of the implementation work in Fatmawatihospital which includes pharmaceutical care clinic and non clinic. The function of clinicalpharmacy services for the provision of drug information service (PIO) and counseling to patients.Non-clinical service functions including planning, procurement, receipt, storage, distribution,production, and control of pharmaceuticals. To maximize the function Pharmacist both in terms ofclinical pharmacy services as well as non-clinical pharmacy services it is necessary to increase theamount of human resources, such as pharmacists and pharmacy technical personnel. In addition,improving the quality of human resources and supporting facilities need to be considered in orderpharmacy work can be carried out with the best.;Profession Internship in hospital was held at Hospital Pharmacy Department of General HospitalFatmawati. This activity lasted for 6 weeks from July 1st until August 20th 2015. ProfessionInternship in the hospital aims to be apothecary student understand the role, duties and responsibilities of pharmacist of Fatmawati hospital in accordance with the rules and ethics of thepharmaceutical and health care services generally, have a real picture of the issues pharmaceuticalpractice and learn the strategies and activities that can be done in the framework of thedevelopment of pharmacy practice in hospitals. Based on Profession Internship activitiesundertaken, it can be concluded that the Pharmacist of Fatmawati Hospital has been doing its jobproperly in pharmacy services. Pharmacists play a role in managing the managerial aspects ofmanagement and pharmacy services in hospitals through its function as a manager and druginformer. In addition, the pharmacist also plays a role in the Pharmacy and TherapeuticsCommittee (PFT), one among his role is to review and prepare hospital formulary. Apothecarystudent have managed to obtain a general overview of the implementation work in Fatmawatihospital which includes pharmaceutical care clinic and non clinic. The function of clinicalpharmacy services for the provision of drug information service (PIO) and counseling to patients.Non-clinical service functions including planning, procurement, receipt, storage, distribution,production, and control of pharmaceuticals. To maximize the function Pharmacist both in terms ofclinical pharmacy services as well as non-clinical pharmacy services it is necessary to increase theamount of human resources, such as pharmacists and pharmacy technical personnel. In addition,improving the quality of human resources and supporting facilities need to be considered in orderpharmacy work can be carried out with the best."